Join Dennis Speed tonight!
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“The unspeakable is regularly said in Gaza. From teenage girls hoping they are killed; to being told a child is the last survivor from their entire family. Such horror is no longer unique here…As we heard yesterday: the (United Nations Security Council) ceasefire must be substantive, not symbolic. The hostages must go home. The people of Gaza must be allowed to live…”This was the partial testimony of James Elders, spokesman of UNICEF, at a March 26 press conference in Rafah.
As Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder of the Schiller Institute, said yesterday: “The UN Security Council vote is mandatory, but that is then the question —if Israel will regard that as obligatory to follow. And if not, the question is what other measures must be taken? In any case, we can only suggest to change the entire outlook: That is why the Oasis Plan conference must be a really powerful intervention, and I think what you can do is to help us to build the conference.” Tonight‘s discussion is devoted to accomplishing that objective. It occurs on the day called by some Christians Holy Thursday, and Maunday Thursday by others. It could also be called the Day of Gethsemane. On that Thursday night, 2000 years ago, the “prophet without honor in his own country,” Jesus, in an agonizing moment of decision, became one with his mission to mankind.”O my Father, if this cup cannot pass from me, but that I must need drink thereof, Thy will be fulfilled.” The “imitation of Christ” means to accept the cup, in our time, as Martin Luther King did in his lonely opposition to the unjust war in Vietnam. Today, Gaza is the world’s Gethsemane.
Tonight’s presentation will be given by Dennis Speed