Join Diane Sare and Jose Vega tonight!
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On Sunday, March 17, at the conclusion of the Russian Presidential elections, Vladimir Putin, in responding to a reporter’s question regarding French President Macron’s FEB. 26 comments that the deployment of NATO ground troops in Ukraine could not be ruled out, said: “It is clear to everyone that this will be one step away from a full-scale World War III. I think hardly anyone is interested in this.” But hardly anyone, is not no one.
If we wait, in our present march toward thermonuclear war, to “see what happens,” we will be too late to stop it. We need action, and action now, by independent, cognitively tough citizens that will act, now to give the world the sort of alternative indicated in the LaRouche Oasis Plan, and the actions, including candidacies, designed to bring this about. Speakers: Diane Sare, Jose Vega