March 18—What’s really going on, today, in the global strategic situation? What is important, and what isn’t? The world is threatened by intentional or accidental thermonuclear war; whole regions of the globe are in upheaval; resolving the complex problems in Ukraine, or in Gaza requires international solutions. But how do you determine what to do about these situations, if you don’t know what’s actually going on beneath the surface, or why? How do you propose and then implement correct policy in a constantly shifting world-process?
Helga Zepp-LaRouche provoked a discussion among colleagues yesterday, who were convened to discuss changes in the global battle-map that require “peeling the onion of perception” to discover what’s really going on. The battle-map is not that of the battles in Ukraine, or Gaza, nor even the battle to avoid thermonuclear extinction. Those are all “current history” footprints, projections, of a deeper, actually millennia-long conflict. The dynamic that underlies what we are seeing worldwide, perhaps more easily discovered in theaters of conflict such as the “Mideast” or “Ukraine,” but actually characteristic of all nations and all conflicts, is between the idea of empire, and the idea of the republic.
Classical conductor John Sigerson, one of the participants in that discussion, reflecting on the role played by Renée Sigerson in the organizing of the LaRouche “American political intelligence” function. He stated that “whenever you are working on anything having to do with intelligence, what you are looking for is not continuity. History is discontinuous. That is the reason for optimism. There are cracks between seeming continuity and what is really going on. What’s really going on is what is indicated by discontinuous things. The idea is to point out discontinuities.” Lyndon LaRouche, the economist, statesman and founder in 1974 of the magazine Executive Intelligence Review, talked about the same idea, in a more advanced way. He called it “the incommensurable,” a knowable, but yet-to-be-discovered process, that cannot be measured by a previously known process, because it exists outside of it. Moreover, the laws that apply to the known process, don’t apply to the unknown process. The “known” process often cannot acknowledge—cannot “see”—the unknown.
Take Vladimir Putin’s re-election in Russia. Contrary to most of what was written in trans-Atlantic nations, it was not only fair, and an accurate reflection of what Western pollsters have themselves consistently recorded about Putin’s popularity. It was also a referendum on the war against Russia, which Russians knew, or came to realize, was being run by NATO, and not by Ukraine. Further, that “Ukraine” war, is a war into which Ukraine itself was seduced, even if largely willingly, not by Russia, but by NATO. (Britain’s Boris Johnson’s notorious role in destroying the 2022 peace negotiations is well-known.) The war was intended as a violent intervention into the Russian electoral process, was provoked two years earlier than that election, and included a “financial nuclear war” in the form of sanctions, and the de facto expropriation of $300 billion in Russian holdings. There were unsuccessful attempts to provoke a violent coup in the streets. There were even drone-attack military assaults on Russia, and the Kremlin itself, possibly involving NATO capabilities, reminiscent of the attacks on the Pentagon on September 11, 2001.
And what was the result? The result was “incommensurable” with what NATO intended, in every way. The Russian economy is stronger than before; sectors of Ukraine have voted to join the nation of Russia; and Vladimir Putin will be President of that nation for six more years, if not longer, with a degree of support not enjoyed by any politician anywhere in the trans-Atlantic “NATO” sector for decades. Russia also now enjoys immense popularity among the nations of the Global Majority, particularly the African nations, because it has not only survived, but advanced. When NATO forces attempted to recruit nations from the Global South/Global Majority to denounce the Russian electoral results, they were able to convince, essentially, no one.
What should this teach intelligent people in “NATO world?” Some have asked, does the Wall Street/London axis have a Plan B? Is there another faction that may come to power that realizes that their “Project Democracy” show has closed? Are there any signs of intelligent life among the governments and governing factions of the failed states of the NATO alliance? Can anyone any longer think outside of the boundary conditions of their intellectual “Flatland?” The “Ten Principles” of Helga Zepp-LaRouche, and the LaRouche Oasis Plan, a policy-application of the Ten Principles, are the essential “intelligence test” of the moment, for those in the trans-Atlantic would that want how to grow the “mind power” that might yet allow them to survive the hereditary stupidity of their failed, and failing axioms. We provide below LaRouche’s own remarks on the matter of “the incommensurable” below, in “LaRouche: ‘Intelligence Is Creative Work.’”