Feb. 15—First, bit by bit, and now, chunk by chunk, the cocoon of the clueless is being dismantled. The scales are beginning to fall from the eyes, and the minds, of the people of the trans-Atlantic world. Now, dimly, they can begin to see the real picture of “King Dorian Gray”—Charles of England, and the other, equally decadent “principalities and powers”—with all of their vices, depravity and sin written in the lines of their faces, as well as in the speeches, vetoes and bills placed before congresses and parliaments, designed and deployed to continue their ritual mass murder of the innocent, in Gaza and worldwide, in the name of the rule of law. Ireland and Spain, Türkiye and Egypt, virtually the entirety of Africa, even Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are calling for no siege/assault in Rafah.