Jan. 7—The showdown is set. South Africa’s stance—that the last three months of mass killings, the assertion of a “collective guilt” doctrine, and, really, the ugly and unlawful “blood and soil” ethnic cleansing actions of Israel must come to an end—comes to the International Court of Justice on Jan. 11. Not one expert on international law who has read the 84-page ICJ filing has found a fault with South Africa’s detailed work. From every corner of the globe, experts have weighed in on the facts of genocide and the 10 pages of quotations from Israeli officials, clearly demonstrating preceding genocidal intent.
Key is The LaRouche Organization’s call, laying out the battleground for turning the world from hell to sanity.
The International Coalition To Stop Genocide in Palestine, just formed and already endorsed by over 600 groups around the world, is organizing for countries to join South Africa: “Declarations of Intervention in support of South Africa’s invocation of the Genocide Convention against Israel will increase the likelihood that a positive finding of the crime of genocide will be enforced by the United Nations such that actions will be taken to end all acts of genocide and those who are responsible for the acts will be held accountable.”
Israel has not been able to find one international legal expert to undermine the well-documented South African case. Rather, three Israeli officials have provided to Axios a copy of an urgent cable from Israel’s Foreign Ministry to its embassies, instructing them to pressure their host countries for an “immediate and unequivocal public statement.” The Foreign Ministry goes so far as to provide how their statement must read. It is to “publicly and clearly state that YOUR COUNTRY rejects the outragest [sic], absurd and baseless allegations made against Israel.” The level of panic is very evident. Further, the embassies are instructed to rush, as the statements are needed before the ICJ’s Jan. 11 hearing. The ministry adds that Netanyahu will send letters to world leaders along the same lines. But after the exposure of the Foreign Ministry by three properly outraged Israeli officials, what nation will submit to such tactics, as they have so often in the past?
Meanwhile, a coalition of Americans delegated themselves as “grassroots diplomats” and visited dozens and dozens of consulates, embassies and UN delegations in the last week, calling upon them to join with South Africa’s courageous lead, including by filing a “Declaration of Intervention” against the ongoing genocide.
As Lyndon LaRouche used to say, it is a matter of taking that 800-pound manhole cover off your head, so you can use that noggin properly.
As the poet Percy Bysshe Shelley put it: “Ye are many, they are few.”