Swords into Plowshares? Mobilize the Optimism for Life, to Defeat Depravity and Doom
By Anastasia BattleFireside Chat December 28, 2023
Listen at 9pm EST on Rumble or dial-in:
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The MIFC--Military Industrial Financial Complex--has a long reach throughout Western society. Just look at the AFFC--the Agro Food Financial Complex, against which German farmers are demonstrating in the streets right now, in mass numbers. There is also Big Pharma, and Corporatized Doctoring--the same thing in the medical domain: the Medical Financial Complex. And on and on.
The powers-that-be in government, which may not be in office that long, are using their offices and power to serve these complexes, committing genocide in Gaza, while imposing misery at home and abroad.
Take stock of the situation at year-end, and what we must do, in discussion tonight with Dennis Speed and Marcia Merry Baker, Co-Editor of the Executive Intelligence Review. Plan for a world change to serve humanity in 2024!