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On November 9, 1989, the Berlin Wall fell. Built in 1961, it was internationally recognized as a symbol of mental intransigence, “the tyranny of dogma and ideology.” In January of the same year the wall—and the East German state—collapsed, Erich Honecker, leader of the East German Democratic Republic (GDR) had proclaimed that the 96-mile wall, with its 55,000 land mines and 302 watchtowers, “would stand for another 50 or 100 years.”
It was brought down, not by a treaty, or a war, but by a nation and people who, when the historical opportunity presented itself, “walked through the wall” of the axioms of the state. It is sometimes possible in history for new, right, just and needed ideas to change the course of what otherwise seemed, only weeks earlier, inevitable. Has the historical opportunity now arisen, through the worldwide emergence of the BRICS-Plus nations, and the now-obvious failure of the NATO war against Ukraine, for a revolutionary idea for a new security and economic cooperation and development architecture to take root—including in the present war in Southwest Asia—and wrest control from the trans-Atlantic War Party?
Ray McGovern is a former op Senior Analyst for the U.S. Central intelligence Agency (CIA), a Founding Member of the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS), and a member of the International Peace Coalition as well as Jewish Voice for Peace. He recently spoke at a Schiller Institute conference on the topic “JFK and Russia, Making a Shift Towards Sanity on the Brink of Annihilation.”