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Many nations have loudly proclaimed that the ongoing ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in Gaza must not be interrupted with a cease-fire, because “Israel has the right to defend itself.” They have avoided asking the question: “since Israel has the right to defend itself, why didn’t it do so on October 7?”
Israel, a nuclear power, with multiple formidable intelligence services, a comprehensive and intricate “state of the art” surveillance capability, full control of the borders and airspace of Gaza, a fully militarily trained and armed population, deep connections to British and American intelligence agencies, collaborators and spies among the Palestinian population, and tens of billions of dollars of aid from the United States spent on military hardware over the past 50 years, was apparently, nonetheless, “defenseless” on October 7.
One of two things is therefore true. Either what we have been told happened on October 7, did not happen; or, the warfare and counter-insurgency methods embraced by the Israeli and other governments that use them, are inherently incapable of bringing about the security they claim to seek. In either case, the present campaign under way in Gaza cannot, by its very nature, bring about the result that it purportedly intends. Israel’s moral and military failure, in fact, is a microcosm of the broader collapse of NATO’s imperial design .
U.S. Senate candidate Diane Sare has said:”For today's world at large, this inevitable collapse of the Anglo-American empire poses a challenge we dare not evade. We must choose, whether we will go virtually to a living Hell throughout this planet, in the fall of this imperial world-system, or whether we shall call forth the legacy of the 1776-1789 American Revolution, to bring forth on this planet the kind of community among respectively sovereign nation-states which our John Quincy Adams affirmed, and which the present circumstance urgently requires. That latter task defines the pivotal, crucial historical mission confronting the next President of the U.S.A.” An American faction, defending true American interests, must emerge, for a new security and development architecture, supplanting the present, murderous State Department approach.