July 29—It may be hot and sultry outdoors, but the pace of strategically decisive events is only quickening on all fronts, so don’t look for there to be any dog days of Summer—or Fall, for that matter.
On August 6, the Schiller Institute-inspired “Humanity for Peace” coalition will hold a rally in front of the UN in New York City, to demand not only a negotiated end to the war in Ukraine and the attendant danger of nuclear escalation, but also to “establish a new security architecture for all nations, ending the division of the world into warring blocs.” Sister rallies across the U.S. and in numerous countries around the world will echo those same demands, joining voices with those emanating from the Global South calling for an end to the era of colonialist poverty and wars.
On August 22-24, the BRICS Summit will be held in Johannesburg, South Africa, and despite ongoing blackmail and pressure tactics coming from London and Washington, the heads of state or government of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa will take up their agenda of: 1) the expansion of the BRICS into “BRICS-Plus,” establishing the mechanism for inclusion of the 40 nations that have already stated that they intend to apply for membership; and 2) new, non-dollar payment mechanisms among these countries, to get off the West’s sinking financial Titanic with its deadly sanctions and debt-collection policies. Widespread discussion is underway on how best to establish a new, non-speculative currency to foster trade and development in the Global South, a discussion in which the ideas of Lyndon LaRouche are in wide circulation.
London and Washington were hoping that Russian President Vladimir Putin’s decision to not attend the BRICS Summit in person would sabotage that summit’s ability to act decisively, but that is not happening. Nor is Russia isolated from the momentous changes underway in the global security and development architecture.
On Sept. 9-10, Putin will attend the G20 summit in New Delhi at the invitation of Prime Minister Narendra Modi; and in October Putin will travel to China for the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, at the invitation of President Xi Jinping.
At the just-concluded Russia-Africa Forum in St. Petersburg, the President of Burundi Evariste Ndayishimiye stated: “I would never call Africa poor; this is a common delusion. On the contrary, it is a very rich continent.” President Ndayishimiye added that African states should also “contribute to the development of all humanity.”
That is the new spirit of the age that lies within reach of all nations.