April 7—Someone once said, "the philosophers have merely interpreted the world. The point is to change it." Where, however, does the power to change the world come from? The principle of Agape, as expressed in the words "Greater love than this, no man hath, that a man lay down his life for his friends," is the power that drives change. But how is that power to be conveyed to an entire society, such that it becomes the fabric of the constitution of the state?
In this Easter season, convergent with Passover and Ramadan, Pope Francis has once again called for a ceasefire. In Saudi Arabia, Iran, Yemen, Oman and other Southwest Asian countries, not only a mood, but a practice of reconciliation is occurring, for example toward the suffering and illegally occupied state of Syria. The eight-year Yemen war may be about to end, perhaps as a result of the China-brokered negotiations between Iran and Saudi Arabia that "blind-sided" the U.S. This is the diplomacy of Agape, diplomacy that can only be carried out by those with the courage to change their axioms, as the soon-to-be assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin had insisted only months before he gave his life in 1995 in the cause of peace.
"Republican statecraft since Dante Alighieri has viewed the purpose of language to be the empowering of a people to impart and receive, in the words of P. B. Shelley's 'In Defense of Poetry,' profound and impassioned conceptions respecting man and nature. A democratic republic can not long survive unless most members of the nation's electorate, as well as its statesmen and other policy-influentials, share a common use of a literate language developed to communicate profound and scientifically rigorous thought respecting the consequences of choices of public policy. Until such a condition of the general electorate is achieved, every republic continues to be threatened from within by the danger that the irrational passions of an underdeveloped popular majority might wreck those institutions of government and policy on which the progress and survival of that nation depends."—Lyndon LaRouche, "Religion, Science and Statecraft: New Directions in Indo-European Philology"
The advanced deliberations and resultant policy recommendations required to wrest control from the grip of the doomed semi-literates of the trans-Atlantic "zombie dollar" sector, before they bring about—including accidentally—a thermonuclear obliteration they might not even suspect, must be put on a fast track. The world cannot wait. A system of conferences and public discourse that can override the antics of Foggy Bottom and Vauxhall Cross, headquarters of the State Department and MI6 respectively, must be employed by free-thinking citizens and representatives of institutions. Deliberations, informed by the "profound and scientifically rigorous thought" of which LaRouche speaks, must not be secret, but available to each and every citizen anywhere in the world who recognizes not only how directly he or she is affected by world events, but also, how those events may be altered by even one individual fortified with "the whole armor of truth."
If hundreds, or even scores of such discussions, both going into and coming out of the April 15-16 conference are now provoked by our movement, whether in the form of interventions, street discussions, or blog posts and virtual programs, that can become the process by means of which the democratic republic might yet still be saved. That agapic principle of bringing the democratic republic back to life through creative nonviolent direct action, must first be reintroduced into an Anglosphere now dominated by thought-control and proto-dictatorship, like in the 1930s, in almost every "Western" nation. That can only be done by the vigorous calling to public account of the "masters of the universe" that have failed, and by providing the solutions that they refused to devise or adopt.
A "world town hall" discussion will take place Saturday- Sunday, April 15-16, sponsored by the Schiller Institute. "Without the Development of All Nations, There Can Be No Lasting Peace for the Planet" will convene more than a thousand participants from many nations. Their united voices and actions can incite a shift from the march of folly toward a Malthusian dead end in economics, science and culture, to a narrow path out of the "dark wood" of self-inflicted poverty, violence and despair now epidemic in the once-prosperous "developed world."
To aid in the organizing for this conference, please pre-register today at the Schiller Institute site. Also, before next week, and in the spirit of the Passover/Easter/Ramadan season, here is a spiritual exercise proposed for all. Pick a nation not your own, and with which you have little familiarity. Then ask, and try to answer: how would a new security and development architecture change this country for the better? Then you are thinking and working in the complex domain that will indeed ensure not only others, but your own durable survival as well.