“The true nature of man is to become a beautiful soul, as Friedrich Schiller discusses this, and the only person who can fulfill that condition is the genius.” So says Helga Zepp-LaRouche in her Ten Principles for a New Strategic and Development Architecture.
As the doomed trans-Atlantic elites self-destruct at an ever-accelerating rate, nations around the world are rejecting their “rule of lawlessness.” Though they have the power to wage war, ultimately, destruction and force can never win the hearts of people to any regime, for any length of time. From Vietnam to Afghanistan, and now with Ukraine, we are seeing, not the global consolidation of empire, but the self-immolation of a once-great civilization, like that depicted in painter Thomas Cole’s The Course of Empire.
Happily, as Martin Luther King said, “Man’s hankering for the demonic, is always disturbed by his longing for the divine.” A great vision can create a great solution, with which no tyranny of force can compete. Can the world respond to the call initiated by Pope Francis and supported by Zepp-LaRouche and others, for a higher process of dialogue and resolution of war, without preconditions? Collaborations among nations, like that of the Belt and Road Initiative, show us that economic development is truly the new name for peace.
Whether we will have an Age of Reason or the Annihilation of Humanity, is up to us, and to what we dare to achieve. Today’s Manhattan Project meeting is devoted to discussing that question, in preparation for the Schiller Institute conference this Feb 4.