Dec. 31—“There are sayings around the Kennedy Center, carved above the marble above the colonnades when you walk in. And on the back side toward the Potomac, there’s one; it’s a quote from President Kennedy that says: ‘I look forward to the day when America is no longer afraid of grace and beauty.’ And I thought immediately when he was shot, that that’s why he was shot. We are afraid of grace and beauty.”—Ramsey Clark, former U.S. Attorney General, quoted in the documentary “Citizen Clark”
At year’s end, how can we find the means by which we must inspire people in the Anglosphere to defend principles of statecraft which they have forgotten, never learned, or never even heard? Forcing the revealing of the truth of the Kennedy assassination, and the destruction of the American Presidency by Anglo-American institutions, not lone assassins, would be a ready- made lesson in statecraft, and a fierce weapon against those that would today lead us into thermonuclear war with Russia, as they also sought to do in 1962. Such truth is terrible, but also beautiful. It is liberating. That is also the quality of truth implicitly contained in the Ten Principles for a New Security and Development Architecture. Those Principles say that we, and the world, need not be tragic. We can be more than mere characters in a play we did not write, did not cast, and are not directing.
The Kennedy murder was the assassination of the Presidency, not merely the President. Later, Presidential candidate Robert Kennedy, and “the man most qualified to be President,” the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. would be additional victims of the bloody secret crime. Sixty years later, it has almost killed the American Republic. It has killed other nations. It is the crime at the root of the murder of Libya and its leader, the murder of Iraq and its leader, the 42-year-long (1979) violation of Afghanistan, the ongoing murder of Syria, and the murder of American citizens in the unacknowledged but true events of September 11, 2001. (Vladimir Putin and other leading world figures know the intimate details of much of this.) Now, finally, the criminal enterprise must be dismantled, in Wall Street, Washington, D.C. and London, because that assassin apparatus is speaking about “decapitation of Moscow,” and other things that would have been considered mad at the height of the Cold War in the 1950s and 1960s.
To reveal this crime, people, especially Americans, must think internationally. They must think of implementing the Zepp-LaRouche Ten Principles, because the opposition to them comes from this international and internal “secret government” and its assassination bureau. That is why Helga Zepp-LaRouche still heads the Ukrainian kill list. These are the same people that oppose the Vatican’s initiative for seeking a peaceful resolution to the “world war in pieces” already begun. There is always a higher power than tyranny, including tyranny by assassination. That authority is the truth, wherever and by whomever it is stated. ( )
The Ten Principles for a New Security and Development Architecture are, in one sense, a current re-statement of the original mission of the Schiller institute. Forty years ago, when the idea of the Institute was first proposed by founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche, it was hoped that such an institute might be welcomed by American governmental and institutional figures. Premised upon the idea of Friedrich Schiller that “it is through Beauty that one can proceed to true Freedom,” it could become the catalyst of a cultural and strategic dialogue, and a transformation of the United States, through which the cultural preconditions and determinants for a new Western Alliance might have been formed in the aftermath of President Ronald Reagan’s March 23,1983 adoption of the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). That “Nicholas of Cusa” proposal, incomprehensible to the United States State Department and others, was rejected, and the Schiller Institute became an independent venture based on correcting the precise problem which Ramsey Clark indicated as the “higher reason” the 35th President of the United States, John F. Kennedy was murdered.
The Schiller Institute under the leadership of its founder then pursued a series of economic, cultural and scientific policies through that four-decade span, intersecting many governments and advancing that work in ways that today give it a “mountaintop” vantage point. We know that now, as this year ends, time has also run out; the citizens of the United States are now faced with a choice. What is that choice?
The Dec. 29 end-of-the-year videoconference “mini-summit” between Presidents Xi Jinping of China and Vladimir Putin of Russia was anything but mini in its implications. Amid mutual references by the two Presidents to each other as “my good friend,” it became clear that at least as much of importance went unsaid, as was publicly expressed. One thing, however, that was not missed by several of the commentators, friendly or hostile, was that President Putin referenced that there would be increased military cooperation between the two nations. There is, in other words, no division that will come between China and Russia on strategic matters. While CNN, the Bezos Washington Post, and British news sources impotently painted a picture of “two cornered leaders with big problems at home,” others were more perceptive. Alexander Mercouris and Alex Christoforou of The Duran said:
Mercouris: "This was a very, very long call. They talked about a great many things…. Putin mentioned that there is now very intense military cooperation between the two…. Xi Jinping talked about the fact that their partnership is now going to have a global impact … on all parts of the world…. And I think that anybody that looks at the way that these two leaders talk, the interactions between the two countries, I can’t myself see this as anything other than a de facto alliance….
Christoforou: "This entire conflict in my opinion, has … actually given China more leverage with the situation in Taiwan as well, which is something that the United States did not want, but it’s happened…. The U.S. was thinking the opposite was going to happen. They were thinking Russia would get weakened, and it would then force China to give up more, for some sort of settlement with Taiwan, or something. The reverse has happened. The West has become weaker, Russia has gotten stronger, and this has helped China.
Mercouris: “Absolutely. I agree with that.”
Ten years ago this coming September, a then-new President Xi Jinping announced China’s Belt and Road Initiative, and requested that the United States as well as other nations join that new pathway forward. Lyndon LaRouche and Helga Zepp-LaRouche had engaged China from 1993 through 2013, twenty years prior to the announcement of the BRI, in a mutually-creative and fruitful dialogue regarding the creation of a new platform for human progress through “development corridors.” This was a way to develop the interiors of the planet’s continents, rather than the mere coastlines and rivers, for the first time in human history. One aspect of these development corridors was reenvisioning the integrated process of production, as expressed for example by the factory assembly line, as an ever-increasing set of “along the way” transformations in production, including the production line itself. Smaller machine tool and related parts assembly industries along the development corridor would be an integral part of the process of producing whatever was required. You could start with component parts at the point of origin, and end with finished goods at arrival. In this way, transportation costs would shrink to less than zero. The corridor not only pays for itself, but also for its own maintenance and retooling. High-speed rail and magnetically levitated train freight, seen from this standpoint, are therefore not, as physical economist Lyndon LaRouche emphasized, just railroads, or silk roads. Communication lines and pipelines along these routes, advanced manufacturing and agricultural hubs branching off the trunk-lines, and the scores or even hundreds of cities that will be spawned by them, would be powered first by fourth and fifth generation nuclear fission plants, and slightly later, by the first fission-fusion hybrid plants. That is the “win-win” perspective for Earth’s next fifty years.
Remember that shortly before the Feb. 24 launching of the special military operation in Ukraine, Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping met in Beijing and issued the Feb. 4 “Joint Statement of the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China on the International Relations Entering a New Era and the Global Sustainable Development.” In that document, the two leaders stated:
“The sides are seeking to advance their work to link the development plans for the Eurasian Economic Union and the Belt and Road Initiative with a view to intensifying practical cooperation between the EAEU and China in various areas and promoting greater interconnectedness between the Asia Pacific and Eurasian regions. The sides reaffirm their focus on building the Greater Eurasian Partnership in parallel and in coordination with the Belt and Road construction to foster the development of regional associations as well as bilateral and multilateral integration processes for the benefit of the peoples on the Eurasian continent.”
Some in the Anglosphere, such as journalist Patrick Lawrence, recognized the real significance of what was here being stated. "It is always difficult to understand the present as history for the simple reason we are living it and cannot see it historically without great effort. But we are living through a passage of the 21st century whose long-term significance is hard to overstate. The future is arriving, to put the point another way…. This is immensely positive.
“We read the Joint Statement on International Relations Entering a New Era, to abridge its lengthy title, as a document of historic magnitude. Two nations signed it, and it is too early to predict its reception among others, notably influential non-Western nations such as India and Iran. The text of the statement, as translated by the Kremlin, is here and greatly worth reading. By way of its sentiments, the principles it espouses, and its potential significance, we rank it with the declaration that came out of the Bandung Conference of nonaligned nations that Sukarno hosted at an Indonesian mountain resort in the spring of 1955.
“This should make clear what we mean by historic.”
Xi Jinping’s international proposals—the March 16, 2020 “Health Silk Road” for global cooperation in the fight against emerging pandemics; the Global Development Initiative of September 2021; and his post-Special Military Operation Global Security Initiative of April 21, 2022, Global Development Initiative (September 2021) all orbit the cooperative intention that the Feb. 4 Joint Statement on International Relations promotes. How do the Schiller Institute and The LaRouche Organization get the trans-Atlantic sector “on board?”
The Ten Principles are the “Cusan” machine tool that can be employed for this purpose. Crudely put: to discuss Xi’s Health Silk Road with those that call themselves “anti-China,” use the Third Principle—“The life expectancy of all people living must be prolonged to the fullest potential by creating modern health systems in every country on the planet. This is also the only way how the present and future potential pandemics can be overcome or be prevented.”
To discuss the Global Security Initiative, go to the Seventh: “The new global security architecture must eliminate the concept of geopolitics by ending the division of the world into blocs. The security concerns of every sovereign nation must be taken into account. Nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction must be immediately banned. Through international cooperation, the means must be developed to make nuclear weapons technologically obsolete, as it was originally intended by the proposal which became known as the SDI, suggested by LaRouche and made as an offer to the Soviet Union by President Reagan.”
To discuss the Global Development Initiative, deploy the Fifth Principle: “Fifth: The international financial system must be reorganized, so that it can provide productive credits to accomplish these aims. A reference point can be the original Bretton Woods system, as Franklin D. Roosevelt intended it, but was never implemented due to his untimely death, and the Four Laws proposed by Lyndon LaRouche. The primary aim of such a new credit system must be to increase dramatically the living standard of especially the nations of the Global South and of the poor in the Global North.”
No matter what frankly xenophobic—or worse—ideas people wish to express about China, Russia, or any other nations, we must make something fiercely clear to them. Wherever the practice of statecraft as the art of physical economy, of the ennoblement of mankind, is practiced, and evidenced in the increase in the living standard, life expectancy, literacy and skill level of a growing population, that practice becomes the relative standard to be advocated for all humanity, transcending whatever its apparent ideological, religious, or practical form. Once upon a time, this was a proud distinction of the American mentality at its best.
That optimistic American outlook was what informed JFK’s 1963 American University and United Nations speeches, in which he strove to forge a community of principle with what appeared to be the United States’ worst enemy, rather than a cabal for military advantage in an unwinnable perpetual war that would one day annihilate the planet. His was a beautiful idea, but there were those that were afraid of him and murdered him.
You cannot, however, murder an idea, so long as there is someone courageous enough to think it. The condition—“fear of Grace and Beauty”—described by the late United States Attorney General Ramsey Clark (who was first the lawyer and later a friend of Lyndon LaRouche), need not, in fact, must no longer be, the ongoing condition of the United States. The Ten Principles, wielded as a weapon against the masters of war, are the key to unlock the better angels of the American people, not for their sake, but the sake of the world. The old evil dreams of empire should be buried with the end of this year. In the next, as we speak of the murder of the American Republic at the hands of the international institutional assassins of the President, the trust required from other nations to navigate the most dangerous waters ever navigated by the human race, can be earned. We have the authority of the truth, and the “fierce beauty” of the Ten Principles for a New Architecture, and need nothing more. It is in our hands.