Nov. 4—Today, Executive Intelligence Review hosts the press availability, “A Nuclear War Cannot Be Won and Must Never Be Fought.” Speakers will include Diane Sare, LaRouche independent candidate for U.S. Senate, New York; Ray McGovern, former Senior Analyst, U.S. Central Intelligence Agency; Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder and head, international Schiller Institute; Scott Ritter, former UN weapons inspector, USMC intelligence officer, and military analyst; Jacques Cheminade, president/founder Solidarité et Progrès, France; Col. Richard H. Black (ret.), former head of the U.S. Army’s Criminal Law Division at the Pentagon, former Virginia State Senator, and others. Zepp-LaRouche and Sare, from the vantage point of their multiple interchanges with international media and institutions over the past ten days, determined that the pace at which the world continues to careen toward thermonuclear war has not lessened. With the recent “naming of the names” of some of the British operatives alleged to have supervised the attacks on Russia, despite Britain’s denials, the world has become even more dangerous.