Swiss Weekly Editorializes, ‘Are We Actually Governed by Lunatics?’ Forcing World to Nuclear Doom
By Mike BillingtonSept. 24—For once, a European mainstream publication
has written the truth! Weltwoche, the Swiss website with news and
interviews, published an editorial under the above title. Pointing to
Joe Biden, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock and Swiss
President Ignazio Cassis, the publisher and editor-in-chief of
Weltwoche, Roger Köppel wrote: “The more the Americans and the
Europeans get caught up in their feverish spiral of aggression, the
longer and more globally and more dangerous this war will
become.” To get out of the quagmire, he writes, Europe would have
to “restrain the Biden administration, set limits to the Ukrainians
with their camera-toting charisma President Zelenskyy, who could
yet fall ill with the Messiah syndrome. Risking a world war against
Russia is madness. Peace negotiations are called for....
Geopolitically, they have let it come to a nuclear war against Russia,
not because Putin is crazy, but because they do not take the Russians
seriously, probably also under deep-seated racist prejudices, treating
them disparagingly, whistle at their interests, while one puts one’s
own interest—power-hungry and self-intoxicated—above
Meanwhile, with the Doomsday Clock now only seconds before
midnight, the military, the media, and the U.S. and British political
leadership rant that it is all Russia’s fault. It is obvious to the entire
world that President Putin means exactly what he says, when he
states that once the referendums are completed, Moscow will
quickly accept all four oblasts into the Russian Federation. With
that, any military assault on one or more of the new states of Russia
will be viewed as a foreign invasion of the motherland, and the
Russian military will respond. As is the clearly articulated nuclear
posture of the Russian Federation, if the existence of the motherland
is threatened, the use of nuclear weapons may be used.
Do the lunatics believe that Putin is bluffing? Do they truly believe
that the referendums are a “sham,” as they claim? Will they drag the
world into nuclear holocaust in a desperate effort to save their
crumbling dollar-based financial system?
It can not be doubted. Matthew Kroenig, the acting director of the
Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security at the Atlantic Council
(one of London’s primary assets in the U.S.), who wrote in a
Sept. 16 “Memo to the President,” was quoted by the Washington
Post on Sept. 22 as saying: “If it’s Russian forces in Ukraine that
launched the nuclear attack, the United States could strike directly
against those forces. It would be calibrated to send a message that
this is not a major war coming, this is a limited strike.”
This is insane on many counts. First, Russia has made it abundantly
clear that there are no targets warranting a nuclear strike in Ukraine.
Russia has not even used conventional weapons on civilian targets
in Ukraine, and would never launch a nuclear war there. Second, the
idea that there could be a “limited war” is a utopian fantasy. The
moment one nuclear weapon is used, all or nearly all would be
launched immediately, on both sides.
However, in about ten days, four oblasts which are now part of
Ukraine will become part of Russia. Any shelling or troop
movement within those regions will be considered an invasion.
Russia saw two fascist armies mass on their border and then invade
—that of Napoleon (the first fascist), and that of Hitler. They will
not allow it to happen again.
Adm. Charles Richard, the commander of the U.S. Strategic
Command, who last year said that a nuclear war was now “likely”
due to the rise of China, told a panel at the Air Force Association
conference this past week: “All of us in this room are back in the
business of contemplating competition through crisis and potential
direct armed conflict with a nuclear-capable peer. The implications
of that are profound.... And this is no longer theoretical.”
The Russians, meanwhile, held a conference commemorating the
60th Anniversary of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Sergei Ryabkov, the
Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation, noted that
“ballistic missiles have been equipped aboard Trident submarines,
which have warheads of reduced power.... The Americans are
deliberately lowering the nuclear threshold.”
The Russian Ambassador to the U.S. Anatoly Antonov told the same
conference: “While the Cuban missile crisis resulted in the
recognition of the possibility of peaceful coexistence of the two
great powers, nowadays Washington pursues the goal of defeating
Russia and bringing it to its knees. Even better option seems to be to
divide of our country and subsequently establish several separate
‘principalities’ within our territory, depriving it of nuclear weapons
and a legitimate permanent member seat in the UN Security
The Schiller Institute and the Foundation to Battle Injustice have
issued an open letter to the United Nations, under the title: “UNGA
Must Remove the Causes for the War Danger!” calling for the UN
to convoke an emergency conference to reach an agreement to stop
the rush to nuclear war. Please sign the letter and join this critical