Aug. 26—When Napoleon arrived in Moscow on September 14, 1812, he presumed that on that day, or the next, he would be greeted by an official delegation presenting to him Russia’s conditions for surrender. When, instead, the next day, he was greeted by multiple fires that nearly burned down the entire city of Moscow, he, nevertheless, clung to the assumption that Alexander I was merely delaying the inevitable. It was only when, in mid-October, the first snowflakes began to fall, and no terms of surrender had yet arrived, that Napoleon dimly sensed what he still did not wish to apprehend. His 600,000 army would be annihilated, not by the opposing Russian (and Prussian) military force, not even by “General Winter,” but by himself. Today’s NATO triumphalists should take note, but they will not.
We must consider: The world’s survival, in this, the most dangerous moment in history, may be up, not to “the elites,” but to us. But what power do we have, besides truth? If it is true, that “the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice,” is it possible for us, as the world slides toward thermonuclear war, to discover the curvature of that arc?
Did, for example, the founder of the science of physical economy, Gottfried Leibniz, in his invention of the calculus, and specifically in his work on the infinitesimal calculus, discover a “law of continuity,” an hypothesis proposing that “the rules of the finite are found to succeed in the infinite”? Does his hypothesis provide a basis for our understanding why the rigorous, truthful actions of single individuals, even when unacknowledged, can change and even improve the entire universe? If so, that would be a universe governed by a higher, discernible Good. Leibniz’s famous observation, that “this is the best of all possible worlds” would then be a kind of statement of the curvature of the arc of the moral universe. Our individual “experiments with truth,” informed by this Leibnizian ideal, would then allow us to define the magnitude of change that, on our part, is both possible and necessary.
Blacklists, “kill lists,” slander campaigns, illegal searches and seizures, drone attacks and surveillance, cannot defeat those who refuse to be diverted from carrying out what Gandhi called “my experiments with truth.” Several media outlets, including Sputnik News, and the video programs of Max Blumenthal, Jimmy Dore and others, yesterday further covered the blacklist censorship matter, including the letter to the Congress now being circulated by participants in the Schiller Institute conferences who appeared on the blacklist. The independent electoral campaigns now underway in New York and Texas, of candidates Diane Sare and Joel Dejean, through actions being taken this weekend, are clearly speaking a truth whose time has come.
In the United States, a recent New York Times questionnaire found that when people were asked, “What do you think the most important issue is today?” 0% said “China,” and only 1% said “climate change.” 64% said “inflation” or “the economy.” The harsh reality of the impending “Winter of Misery” which, thanks to the “financial nuclear war” against Russia is about to be visited upon Europe, and upon the world, has begun to penetrate, not yet in the hard core, but in the “suburban outskirts” of the minds of those that serve the world’s “upper 5%,” especially the academic/administrative servants and lackeys of the Anglosphere. From the Southern Hemisphere, dissatisfaction is evident in the recent less-than-enthusiastic responses from South Africa, Nigeria, and other nations to the “hate Russia, back democracy in Ukraine” campaign—especially if you bring up the racist dedication of Ukraine’s Nazi vanguard, a personality type that was encountered in the Belgian and other mercenaries against which southern Africans fought in the 1960s, ’70s, and even later.
With respect to developing nations, those that have aspired to true independence were often re-subjugated through the financial blackmail of the IMF and World Bank, and will not turn away from China and Russia for a democracy that is actually a form of re-colonization. In contrast, consider the third of the LaRouche Four Laws, as stated by Helga Zepp-LaRouche in February 2020, in her “Urgent Appeal to President Trump, President Xi, President Putin, Prime Minister Modi and Leaders of Other Countries for the Emergency Implementation of the Four Laws of Lyndon LaRouche,” Zepp-LaRouche says: “Among the participating countries, a system of fixed parities must be established, and cooperation treaties must be established among sovereign states for the purpose of well-defined infrastructure and development projects. These treaties together represent factually a New Bretton Woods system as it was intended by Roosevelt, with the explicit intention to provide credit for the industrial development of the developing sector.”
It is now our job to in the next weeks, liberate Lyndon LaRouche’s ideas, to be studied and mastered in this time of upheaval. The “LaRouche Four Economic Laws,” it should be said, are a single conceptual solution, expressed by four statements that, only when taken as a whole, provide a singular, unique pathway forward. If, for example, the Belt and Road Initiative, instead of being viewed as adverse to the interests of the trans-Atlantic world, were approached from the conceptual and policy standpoint of implementing the LaRouche Four Laws, the economic arrangements necessary to constructing the proposed new energy-intensive world platform, including a system of development corridors that supersede mere trade corridors, would require the manufacturing, not merely of products, but of whole cities. This was already proposed by Lyndon LaRouche in 1978, during his second campaign for the Presidency of the United States.
Normally, such “big ideas” might not be embraced by most people. Portions, however, of the world’s population, particularly youth, as they are confronted by the abdication, both of leadership and of sanity, by “the elites,” will be convulsed into thought. There is already, as seen whenever the “over-ruled” are able to express what they think, a widespread and increasing surliness, a grumbling, a “not really going along with the program” of perpetual war and increasing poverty. What happens once people, especially youth who have never experienced hardship, are plunged into a Winter—or maybe even a Fall—of Discontent? Working-class and “middle class” sections of America and Europe, who “don’t really go for all this identity politics stuff,” have been called “deplorables” and attacked by intelligence agencies posing as political parties for years. Now, with the closing of some of Europe’s largest fertilizer plants, hyperinflationary electricity prices that have increased seven- to tenfold in one year (see below), evaporating water supplies in Arizona, and American Southwest as a whole, threatening to devastate the nation’s food supply, and once-eradicated diseases like polio, clear markers of deprivation and poverty of the worst sort, suddenly reappearing in the heart of New York City, even those normally so difficult to prod into action will respond.
In defense of the right to deliberate, and in celebration of the capacity to change the world through ideas, the Schiller Institute will hold a conference two weeks from now, September 10-11, dedicated to the person and ideas of Lyndon LaRouche. All are invited, from all over the world, to deliberate together as to what new “experiments with truth” must now be conducted, despite threats, to build the new security and development architecture that brings humanity together. We need to be as the tranquil eye within the hurricane of self-destruction that will soon blow away all the false leaders and technotronic triumphalists who will doom only themselves and those nations and factions in the Anglo-American camp lacking the courage to change their axioms.