Aug. 25—It appears that the massive outcry against the effort to create a “Ministry of Truth” within the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has finally forced them to shut down the stillborn “Disinformation Governance Board,” first established in April 2022. The initial appointment as Director of the Board the psychotic Nina Jankowicz, a disinformation “expert” who made her name describing any truthful statement countering the narrative of “Ukraine good, Russia bad” as disinformation, while describing the exposure of Hunter Biden’s laptops as “Russian disinformation,” caused an uproar across the country, forcing her to resign and the institution to be put on pause. Nonetheless, they tried to keep it afloat with new leaders until now.
The decision on Wednesday to close it permanently is almost certainly a result of the wide exposure by this news service and others of the Ukrainian Center for Countering Disinformation targeting of leading individuals around the world as “Russian propagandists,” “information terrorists,” and “war criminals,” simply because they spoke out against the threat of global war. Many Americans are now demanding the U.S. Congress investigate this U.S.-funded threat to Americans and others.
Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas “has terminated the Disinformation Governance Board and rescinded its charter effective today, August 24, 2022,” DHS spokesperson Marsha Espinosa said in a statement.
Earlier Wednesday, a Homeland Security Advisory Council subcommittee issued a set of recommendations to the secretary, including its assessment that there is “no need for a separate Disinformation Governance Board.”
Of course, the work of the DHS as part of the “censorship state,” as Col. (ret) Richard Black called the nation in an interview posted on the Schiller Institute website, will continue under other names. In fact, the council which recommended it be shut down also recommended that the “underlying work of Department components on this issue is critical. DHS must be able to address the disinformation threat streams that can undermine the security of our homeland.”