Helga Zepp-LaRouche gave the following interview today to the “World Today” broadcast of ChinaPlus, the English website of China Radio International. ChinaPlus: Chinese President Xi Jinping is calling on China and European countries to expand consensus and cooperation to jointly cope with global challenges. He made the remarks at a virtual summit with French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. The Chinese leader says what the world needs is mutual respect and a sincere cooperation among nations. Xi Jinping: At present, the global pandemic situation remains severe, with frequent resurges. The prospects for economic recovery are uncertain and there is still a long way to go. The world more than ever needs mutual respect and close collaboration, rather than suspicion and technism or zero-sum game. ChinaPlus: During the meeting, the German and French leaders expressed their support for the conclusion of the EU-China investment agreement, and adding that they hoped the 23rd EU-China summit would take place as soon as possible. For more on this, we are joined by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder of the Schiller Institute, a global political and economic think tank headquartered in Germany. Thanks for joining us, Helga. Helga Zepp-LaRouche: Yes, hello; good day. ChinaPlus: So, what’s your main takeaway from this virtual summit, and what’s your assessment of the overall tone of the meeting? Zepp-LaRouche: I think, from everything one can say, is that it was very constructive, and also much needed, because there were some recent difficulties after the European Parliament blocked the EU-China investment agreement. So, I think that they discussed the possibility of reviving it is very positive. Mrs. Merkel said that she wants to have this revived as soon as possible. And President Macron said that he supports the conclusion of the China-EU investment agreement. So, I think it was very useful and productive.ChinaPlus: The summit is coming at an increasingly tense moment for EU and China ties, given that the EU’s recent sanctions against China and its interference in the country’s internal affairs. So, will this call lead to a shift in the EU’s approach to relations with China? And possibly, easing confrontations between the two sides? Zepp-LaRouche: Yes, I think it will. And I think it’s also important that this comes only four days after the very hysterical statement coming from the Lithuanian Foreign Minister Landsbergis, who had on Friday last week called for an end of the French-German dominance of the EU. He wanted to have a unified EU policy on China, which in his terms means against China. He even said that he wants to set up offices in Taiwan. So, I think this was a clear rebuttal of this position of Landsbergis. So I think that that was very useful. ChinaPlus: What’s your assessment of the current EU policy on China in general? Do you think that the tough stance recently taken by the EU side against China needs to change? As we know, China became the world’s largest EU trading partner last year, overtaking the U.S. European business leaders have expressed their hope that the EU will strengthen cooperation with China, rather than shut it out and decouple. Zepp-LaRouche: Yes, I think such a change is really very urgent, because, as it was mentioned by President Xi Jinping, the world is still confronted with a very serious pandemic. We have a world famine of biblical dimension, as the head of the World Food Program, Beasley, is calling it. We have a hyperinflation danger in the Western countries. As you can see with the situation in Afghanistan, there needs to be an urgent cooperation for economic development in the entire region of Southwest Asia, because otherwise, there is a danger of a new explosion of terrorism, and also the drug problem is very big. So, I think there are so many common aims of mankind in a world which is very fragile, and therefore, I think that these three important countries—China, France, and Germany—make steps to really mend fences and work together more closely, can only be welcomed in the interest of humanity as a whole. ChinaPlus: We see many European politicians have emphasized the differences between China and the EU, but President Xi is calling on China and the EU to adhere to the norms of mutual respect, and to handle differences appropriately. So, were the differences between the two sides addressed during the talks? And how can the two sides resolve their differences? Zepp-LaRouche: Yes, I think some of the differences were clearly addressed. For example, China is always emphasizing the need to stick to the UN Charter and international law, while some Western politicians always talk about a “rules-based order,” which, if you look at it more closely, has turned out to be a rather arbitrary definition of pursuing the interests of some groups. So, I think that was addressed—at least from the read-out, one can say that. And also, it was stressed by China that the intention of China is not to replace anybody else, but to focus on its own development. But I think there was one aspect in the discussions which I thought was particularly promising: Namely, that they seem to have focussed on a joint mission, which helps countries and people to always overcome their bilateral or trilateral difficulties. In this case, the focus was on Africa, that China and Germany and France would work together. That Germany, for example, said they were considering to join the initiative on partnership for African development. I think President Xi not only pointed to the severe situation of Africa, because of the pandemic and economic hardships resulting out of that, but he also said that Africa has the greatest development potential. He has stressed that in the past, in summits with African leaders, and I think this is absolutely true. The African continent has a very young average population, which means that if you provide them with jobs and economic opportunities, they can become really an economic engine in the next generations. That positive look on Africa is generally lacking in Europe, and I think therefore the populations of Germany and France and other European countries can only profit from the optimistic perspective that China has towards Africa. I think this can only have a positive effect. ChinaPlus: Another key factor crucial for China-EU relations nowadays is the U.S. factor. We’ve noticed increasingly frequent interactions between the U.S. and the EU, with Washington trying to rally its European allies against China. Do you think the call emanating from the summit is sending a signal from France and Germany that they are refusing to align themselves with the U.S. bipolar confrontation? Zepp-LaRouche: I would think so, because as you know, there was just the G7 summit, where Biden had travelled to England, and this was an effort to unite the allies in this stance against Russia and China. But Chancellor Merkel had always stressed in the recent period that she does not like to be pulled in one or the other direction, and forced to choose sides, and that she supports a multilateral world order. So, I think this is definitely a positive signal. One would hope that the Europeans really understand that it’s in their self-interest to have such a balanced view, to say the least. ChinaPlus: But some observers believe the U.S. has more power over the EU than that of Germany and France combined, so the change of attitudes from Germany and France won’t make much of a difference in the EU’s China policy. How do you look at this? Zepp-LaRouche: The EU right now is very disunited You had the Dutch leader, Rutte, who wants to kick out Orban from Hungary, and Hungary out of the EU. Then, Slovenia just took over the EU Presidency for the next six months, and he clearly is supporting Hungary, and backs the Hungarian view that they don’t like cultural interventions, interference with their value set, whereby Western European countries try to impose their liberal views, while the East European countries are more traditional. I think if they keep doing these kinds of things—and von der Leyen then attacked Slovenia, and then you have the disunited Baltic states and Poland. I think the EU right now is not in a strong position at all. I think the thing which will, I’m pretty sure, dominate in the future will be the self-interest of these countries. For Germany, for France, and also the other European countries, the economic interest in a world which is in a turmoil, the relation with China is clearly a factor of stability. This is what the German industry wants for the most part. I think also the United States may change. The United States has pursued policies in the last 20 years which were not really in the interests of the United States itself, as you can see by what happened in Afghanistan, where a war was fought for 20 years, and absolutely nothing came out, other than misery, death, and a lot of cost. So, maybe the United States can also start to change, and see that cooperation is more in their interest than confrontation. I know this is not the dominant policy right now, but things are changing very, very rapidly. I would really hope that the new paradigm of international relations gets into the minds of political leaders, because confrontation can only lead to a disaster. Anyway, I think we are in a flux. We are in an historic moment of dramatic change, and a lot depends on good initiatives which people have to influence the situation for the better. ChinaPlus: OK, thank you very much, Helga. That was Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder of the Schiller Institute, a global political and economic think tank headquartered in Germany.
China Plus World Today Interview with Helga Zepp-LaRouche (China Plus is the official English website of China Radio International.) Monday, May 31, 2021 WORLD TODAY: You’re listening to World Today. Denmark’s secret service helped the U.S. to spy on European politicians, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel from 2012-2014, Danish media report. According to a report by Denmark’s radio, the Defense Intelligence Service collaborated with the U.S. National Security Agency to gather information, and intelligence was collected on other officials from Germany, France, Sweden and Norway. Similar allegations emerged in 2013. Then secrets leaked by U.S. whistleblower Edward Snowden alleged tapping of the German Chancellor’s phone by the NSA. For more, we’re now joined on the line by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder of the Schiller Institute, a Germany-based political and economic think tank. Thanks for joining us, Dr. LaRouche. HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Yes, hello.WORLD TODAY: Could you first tell us more about what the Danish media have found? ZEPP-LAROUCHE: It’s really a funny story, because all of this information essentially was known in 2015, namely that the NSA used the fact that in Denmark, you have transatlantic cables with which one can spy on everything going on in the East bloc, but also internationally. This all came out in 2015, but nothing really happened. Merkel, at the time, said “Oh, spying on allies—that doesn’t go at all,” but then absolutely nothing happened! Again, last year, the same story was leaked, and nothing happened. So there is apparently one or more whistleblowers in the Danish secret service, who say, this is just too much. This is putting in question the sovereignty of Denmark, the interest of the Danish people. So they kept leaking the same information, and now, this was picked up by a whole network of European media circles—Le Monde and German TV, Norwegian and Swedish TV—and they have been given access to the internal documents of the Danish secret service, and that is what broke. WORLD TODAY: Do you think Angela Merkel will perhaps respond differently this time? And what’s been the reaction to this report so far in Germany, and perhaps other parts of Europe? ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Well, I think the intention of this whistleblower is, because he sees that there is no reaction, and therefore he keeps leaking in order to build up the pressure. So, now, [Peer] Steinbrück, who is a former [SPD] chancellor candidate, said this is a scandal. The Norwegian and Swedish ministers said that now they demand an investigation. We have to see what happens, because this all happened already last year, and I think it totally depends, if the population says that if these governments allow that everybody is being spied on then these governments are obviously not defending the interests of their respective populations. So I think we have to see how this unfolds. WORLD TODAY: And following the news of the report on Sunday, Edward Snowden accused U.S. President Joe Biden of being deeply involved in this scandal, the first time around. Why would he say that? ZEPP-LAROUCHE: [laughs] Well, because it’s true! It’s fairly well known for everybody who has listened to Edward Snowden, and there is a whole group of American whistleblowers, who have said similar things, that the NSA is spying on everything—everything going on in the world. They’re spying on emails, laptops, telephone calls, and they collect all of this in gigantic storage facilities. And they’re not looking for a person or a subject, they’re collecting everything. And then, once they have it, later on they can go, and go with search words and call up specific things they want. In reality, this NSA operation has become a world surveillance state. You know, they’re making a lot of noise about surveillance in China and Russia, and so forth, but the reality is, the British GCHQ, that’s the equivalent of the NSA, and the NSA, they’re just collecting everything. And I think that obviously Biden, both in his capacity as Vice President and now as President, is completely on top of that. WORLD TODAY: OK, but why would the U.S. spy on its allies? ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Because they think they are the guardian of an unipolar world, and it is, for them, they don’t have any sense that there may be something wrong with that. It’s for them, quite normal and self-evident that they can do that. I mean, you know, the United States, unfortunately—and I think some officials in China have been aware of it—that the United States has turned away from their original values of the American Revolution, where they were created as a republic, and in the recent years—actually decades, one can say—they have turned into an ally of the British Empire, running the world on the basis of the “special relationship,” whereby they think that if they behave like the muscle of the British Empire, then that’s the way how they run the unipolar world. WORLD TODAY: But do you think this is going to have an impact on America’s relations with its key allies, because Joe Biden is seeking to rebuild alliances? ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Well, the question I’m asking myself, and many other people are asking themselves, is: Why is it that there was no reaction after these stories came out in 2015, in 2020? I mean, the Danish clearly knew what they were doing, but they didn’t want to make any fuss about it. They didn’t want to rock the boat. It’s almost like they would prefer to be the slave of the great master, than being kicked out of the club! You know, it’s a complete scandal: It puts into question, all this question about “Western values,” the great Western democracies, human rights, all of these things. Where are the human rights of the European citizens being protected by their governments? I hope that some very clear questions will be asked of President Biden when he attends the G7 meeting. I mean, I doubt it, because these leaders have not shown—they’d rather be part of the “Five Eyes” and “Seven Eyes,” and whatnot rather than defending their own citizens. WORLD TODAY: Thank you, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder of the Schiller Institute, a Germany-based political and economic think-tank. You’re listening to World Today.
Feb. 26—Helga Zepp LaRouche was interviewed on CGTN’s The Hub broadcast this morning by host Wang Guan. WANG GUAN: And now we’re joined also by Helga Zepp-LaRouche in Wiesbaden, Germany, founder and President of the Schiller Institute. Madame LaRouche welcome back to CGTN. I’m glad to have you with us again. First of all, I want to get your sense of the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict: Do you think it could have been avoided? HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE: President Putin had made very clear that red lines had been crossed. He said at one point, there is no place for me to retreat to, and the West did not listen to that. Then, on Dec. 17, he asked from NATO and the United States legally binding security guarantees, that NATO would not expand further to the east, that no offensive weapons would be put on the Russian border, and that Ukraine would never become a member of NATO. And he did not get an answer. He didn’t get an answer to the core question, only to secondary aspects.So, I think that the West made a big mistake by not listening to legitimate, expressed security concerns of Russia, and now we are on the verge of something which could go completely out of control. WANG: Madame LaRouche, the U.S. and NATO announced the latest rounds of sanctions against Russia, that target President Putin and Foreign Minister Lavrov and others. Do you think that will deter Russia from its current plans, its operations in Ukraine? ZEPP-LAROUCHE: I don’t think so, because I think President Putin has discounted this. He has said, some years ago already, that if the West would not have found Ukraine to contain, and to use to dismantle Russia, they would have found another issue. Recently, he said the real aim of all of this is to prevent the economic development of Russia. On Jan. 25 there were two unnamed White House officials who said that the sanctions have the aim to prevent Russia from diversifying from oil and gas, meaning they deny Russia the right to development! This is an act of war. Sanctions are an act of war, and I think that Putin has discounted it. It will be painful for Russia, but I think the West is inflicting much more damage on themselves. And it has to be condemned completely. WANG: And also, let’s talk about the United Nations, the role of the UN resolutions failed to pass earlier. Does that surprise you at all? That once again, we saw a divided Security Council at the United Nations, when the stakes are all too high? ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Well, the UN Security Council has been made practically obsolete by NATO already in 2011, when they lied, in the case of Libya. They got the agreement of Russia and China for a limited action in Libya, which then turned out to be a full-fledged military attack. From that time, the role that lies play has been a big factor, and it does not surprise me at all that now the aim of all of this is to keep the unipolar world. And obviously, Russia and China cannot agree to that, so it’s not a surprise at all. WANG: Madame LaRouche, for years and decades, you’ve been calling for a new security architecture, and now you’re calling for a new security architecture in Europe. What does that new security architecture entail? ZEPP-LAROUCHE: No, I’m calling for an international security architecture, which involves the security interests of all nations on this planet, including Russia and China. I think the historical precedent is the Peace of Westphalia, because, after 150 years of religious warfare in Europe, and the tremendous destruction, all the participating powers came to the conclusion that a continuation of the war would not be to the benefit of anybody, because nobody would live to enjoy it. And we are in a similar situation: If you really look hard at the situation, the danger is the nuclear annihilation of the entire human species. And I think it is that which has to sink into the consciousness of everybody, and then there has to be a process like the Peace of Westphalia, where the principle is that a solution has to take into account the interest of the other, the interest of every other. And that means the security interest of Russia, the security interest of China, of the United States, of the Europeans and all other nations. The second principle of the Peace of Westphalia was that, for the sake of peace, all crimes which were committed by one or the other side have to be forgotten; and thirdly, that the role of the state is important in the economic reconstruction after the war. Now, the equivalent of that today, means that all powers have to address the real, crucial issue that the reason why we have the conflict in the first place, is the fact that the neoliberal system of the West is collapsing, and therefore, the first act of such a new architecture has to be a global Glass-Steagall banking separation, where the casino economy, which has been the reason why the West is getting so desperate, has to be put to and end. Then, we have to have a national banking system for every single country, and a new credit system in the tradition of the Bretton Woods system, which provides cheap credit for the development of the developing countries. If these measures would be agreed upon, a durable peace would be possible. WANG: Madame LaRouche, [name 6:23] a renowned political scientist in Asia earlier today said that Russia’s end-game could be to create a “mini-Soviet Union of sorts.” Do you look at it that way, too? ZEPP-LAROUCHE: No, I don’t think so. I think the only people who are pushing geopolitical blocs right now are those behind President Biden, who tried to create this “alliance of democracies” against the so-called autocratic governments. I think that the agreement between President Xi Jinping and Putin on Feb. 4, where they made a strategic alliance between Russia and China, based on the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, is open to everybody. And I think any new order which is meant to lead to peace must be inclusive, must overcome geopolitics and basically go to a principle where peace is only possible through development, that has to be accessible for all. WANG: Finally, Madame LaRouche, do you think the U.S. and the West are somehow declining, if you compare their posturing position, in for example, Yugoslavia 20 years ago, when they decisively intervened militarily, and now, with Ukraine, with their equally decisive “no boots on the ground” principle and attitude? ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Well, we have seen in Afghanistan that NATO and the United States, which are the supposedly most powerful military machine on the planet, were not able to defeat what finally turned out to be 65,000 Taliban fighters. So the military power of the West is in question. The problem is, that leaves only nuclear weapons, and if you look at the nuclear doctrines—the Prompt Global Strike doctrine, or the recent maneuver Global Lightning, which had this idea of a protracted nuclear war—I think that is the real danger. And therefore, the question of nuclear brinkmanship which we see right now is what has to be avoided and has to be urgently replaced. People have to be aware of the fact that if it comes to the use of one single nuclear weapon, it is the logic of nuclear warfare, as compared to conventional warfare, that all nuclear weapons would be used, and that would mean the complete annihilation of civilization. And that’s what the game is here. I think the more people understand that, and demand a different world order, a new security architecture, which could be based on the cooperation for a world health system, for example. We still have a pandemic. We have famine, which is called by David Beasley a famine of “biblical dimensions,” threatening the lives of 300 million people who could die. And these things have to be addressed. And that is the only chance for humanity—can we unite all of these… [crosstalk] WANG: Indeed, a lot of challenges over there. That is all the time we have, I’m afraid—sorry to interrupt. Come back to our show, please, next time. Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder and President of the Schiller Institute, thank you so much for joining us in this hour.
May 12 (EIRNS)—Schiller Institute Press Release, May 12 FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT schiller@schillerinstitute.org Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Schiller Institute Founder and Dr. Bouthaina Shaaban, Political and Media Advisor to the Syrian Presidency, Lead Off May 8 International ConferenceThe historic May 8th Schiller Institute International Conference, “The Moral Collapse of the Trans-Atlantic World Cries Out for a New Paradigm,” brought together leaders of institutions and governments from around the world to address the exceedingly dangerous global strategic crisis: a rush to confrontation between the world’s nuclear powers; a pandemic threatening to expand with a vengeance; mass starvation threatening dozens of millions in Africa and Asia; and a financial bubble of unprecedented scope which is already beginning to fissure. The conference was keynoted by Schiller Institute founder and Chairwoman Helga Zepp-LaRouche, and it is excerpted below. The full two-panel conference, with 19 speakers from Europe, Asia and the Americas, and two extended discussion sessions, is available here. Extensive transcripts will be published in the next two issues of Executive Intelligence Review. Interviews and/or video clips can be made available for your use. Lift All Unilateral Sanctions! Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche, and many of the speakers, developed in devastating detail, the danger of war over Ukraine; and highlighted the illegal and deadly unilateral sanctions policy of the U.S., pointing especially to Syria and Yemen. She emphatically called for overturning the Caesar Sanctions on Syria and lifting all unilateral sanctions amidst the devastating food crisis threatening the death of millions. The pandemic spike in India is an indication of the danger of the threat to all of a myriad of new mutations. The first panel was joined by, among other speakers, Dr. Bouthaina Shaaban, Political and Media Advisor to the Syrian Presidency, speaking on the topic, “Restore International Law: Respect Syria’s Perfect Sovereignty” and Col. Richard H. Black (USA, aret.), former head of the U.S. Army’s Criminal Law Division, on “The Immorality of Sanctions: The Case of Syria.” Dr. Shaaban was the second speaker. She thanked Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche for the keynote address saying, “I thought while you were talking that I would love to carry this speech and circulate it the world over, because it is the antithesis of what Western colonial powers are doing. And I would like to say to you how I read that you, Helga, and the Schiller Institute look at humanity. You see humanity, see all of us as global brothers and sisters, while the imperial and colonial powers have always treated us or looked at us as second- or third- or fourth- or fifth-class citizens of the world. They continue to do that because they are only interested in looting our resources, and in making money for themselves while depriving our people of our own resources. I think your idea is great…. Thank you, Helga, for inviting me, always. I think this is the time to make the Schiller Institute a leading narrative, your narrative, to be a leading narrative in the world. I think most people everywhere need this, and want this, and are ready to join party with you and work with you for this noble cause you have been embracing for the last 50 years. Thank you very much.” Zepp-LaRouche: “The March of Folly: Can Mankind Still Extinguish the Now-Lit Fuse of Thermonuclear War?” She said in part: “We are conducting this Schiller Institute conference with an urgent appeal to as many people as possible to help to change the direction in which the political situation is going right now. Because we are on a course which, in a very short period of time—much shorter than most anybody probably realizes—we are on a course of the potential extinction of civilization. It’s not clear where the greater danger comes from: the danger of thermonuclear war, the danger of the pandemic going out of control in combination with world famine, or with the neo-Malthusian virus which has beset the brains of so many people. It is not clear if these neo-Malthusians are more eager to destroy industrial society or if they are simply willing instruments in aiding geopolitical confrontation with Russia and China. “Let’s start with the danger of thermonuclear war: it’s not just one trigger point, one strategic crisis. It is the overall tension between the United States, the so-called Global Britain, NATO, and also increasingly the European Union with Russia and China. It’s becoming so big that any one of the crises around the globe could become the trigger point. It could be a crisis with Russia over Ukraine going out of control, or with China over Taiwan. “It is alarming, and it should alarm all of you, now that more and more people, even such unlikely ones, as Henry Kissinger—who has been not exactly a friend of our organization (which has everything to do with his infamous NSSM-200 paper which he wrote when he was National Security Advisor in 1974), and that he was the enemy and adversary of everything Lyndon LaRouche and his movement stood for—but even Kissinger is now warning that the tension between the United States and China is becoming so all-engulfing for the whole world, that it could lead to an Armageddon-like military clash, extinguishing mankind ‘in a finite period of time.’ This he said about a week ago. “Then the commander of the U.S. Strategic Command, Admiral Charles Richard, in February, informed the Pentagon that they should change the likelihood of nuclear war from ‘not likely’ to ‘very likely.’ He repeated that before the Congress. On May 6, the New York Times had an article by Peter Beinart, who said that the Biden policy towards Taiwan is truly reckless, that we are very close to war, mainly because the Democrats had abandoned the One-China policy last year. “If it would come to such a war, given the fact that China has 39 air bases around the region of Taiwan, the United States has only two, the United States would lose any conventional war, and if it would think of using regional nuclear weapons, the danger is that it would go into an all-out global nuclear war…. “On March 21st, Adm. Philip Davidson, the head of the Indo-Pacific Command, said we must be absolutely prepared to fight and win such a war, should competition turn into conflict. Then, the U.S. Pacific Fleet commander, Adm. John Aquilino, who will replace Admiral Davidson, said we are much closer to such a war ‘than most think.’ And H.R. McMaster, the former National Security Advisor to Trump, said the most dangerous time in his view is the period between the Congress of the Chinese Communist Party later this year, and the Winter Olympics in Beijing next year. So, that is, indeed, very close.” Convene a P-5 Summit “What is to be done? There is a solution, but it is important to take all these problems at once. Because when you have a systemic crisis such as I have described, it is not enough to solve a little of this and a little bit of that crisis. We have to create a completely different system. President Putin, in January 2020, called for an urgent meeting of the Permanent Five Members of the UN Security Council. I think that is what must absolutely happen now. Such a summit should be called because of the danger of World War III, a pandemic out of control, a world famine, the danger of a blow-out of the financial system, and it must lead to an immediate implementation of the following program. Build Modern Health Systems Everywhere “Given the pandemic, the only way to stop that and future pandemics, is to create a world health system, which means a modern health system in every single country. Because if you don’t stop the pandemic in even the poorest country on the planet, it will come back; there will be new variants, new strains, which eventually could make obsolete the vaccines which already have been distributed. So, we are in a race against time. We should do in every single country, what was done in Wuhan when the pandemic broke out. Build hospitals! This can be done with the Army Corps of Engineers, with aid organizations. In one week, one can build a hospital for 1,000 people. Then, these modern hospitals need well-educated doctors, nurses. You need lots of clean water; 2 billion people in the world have no access to clean water. You need lots of electricity; this cannot be done without infrastructure. So, the building of a modern health system in every country can and must be the beginning of overcoming the underdevelopment of the developing countries for good. “We have to have a program of global poverty alleviation, exactly as it was intended by President Franklin D. Roosevelt when he called for the Bretton Woods Agreements, which were never fully implemented because of his untimely death. But now, we need exactly that. It must start with global Glass-Steagall banking separation, which then must be followed by the creation of a Hamiltonian national banking system in every country. We need a credit system, which then can become a New Bretton Woods system. Then we can finance the extension of the New Silk Road into Southwest Asia. “The solution to overcome the death and starvation in Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, Iraq and other crisis areas is obvious. When President Xi Jinping was in Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Egypt in 2015, he offered to extend the New Silk Road into the entire region. That program—and the Schiller Institute has worked on a comprehensive program for the entire region—can be implemented if, in such a P-5 UN Security Council meeting, it is agreed, and then the neighbors of Southwest Asia—Russia, China, India—all work together, and the United States and European nations agree to cooperate in the reconstruction of this region that has been destroyed by these endless wars. This will then extend the New Silk Road with international cooperation from other countries. Japan and South Korea and other nations should all be involved in the reconstruction of Africa. A Human Future of Discovery and Development “Geopolitical confrontation can then be replaced with crash programs for the development of thermonuclear fusion power, in which major breakthroughs have occurred recently. Rather than extending geopolitical confrontation into space, we should have international cooperation to build a village on the Moon, and soon a city on Mars. “The Hubble Telescope has discovered that there are at a minimum 2 trillion galaxies. I would like you to really put your mind on that thought, and then think how stupid it would be that we, as a human species, who are the only species which can potentially be the immortal species because of our creative reason, that we would destroy ourselves in thermonuclear destruction. I think we should have the ambition not to be more stupid than the animals, because there is no animal species which would ever conduct such behavior.”
March 7 (EIRNS)—Helga Zepp-LaRouche was one on a panel of three guests on CGTN’s Dialogue broadcast today, responding to Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi’s annual press conference, which lasted at least 90 minutes. The other guests were Peter Kuznick of American University and Prof. Victor Gao Zhikai of Soochow University; the hostess was Li Quiyuan. The discussion focused on China’s role in bringing peace especially in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, but most importantly to the world as a whole. The half-hour panel discussion is posted on the Dialogue program at 15:30 today. Here are the exchanges between Ms. Li and Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche.CGTN: And Mrs. LaRouche, let me get your take on this: What sort of key messages did you pick up from Foreign Minister Wang’s press conference? HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE: I was actually very happy with the tone, because it was like a return of sanity. This is in stark contrast to the atmosphere in the European and American media and politics in the recent days. And I think the focus on solving problems through diplomacy, on upholding the principles of the UN Charter and having a general attitude toward problem solving through cooperation, I think this was really a breath of fresh air. And I’m very, very encouraged because China is really taking a leadership role in the world right now, which is badly needed. CGTN: The Foreign Minister did say, and I’m quoting his words, “China would like to work alongside with international community to facilitate talks when needed,” although he did not specifically say in what ways. But China did stress the importance of keeping dialogue open all the way. Another question being raised by reporters at the press conference is whether this conflict or this crisis in Ukraine would impact China-EU relations. So Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche, let me get your take on this? There’s some concern that this conflict will affect this relationship between China and the bloc. The foreign minister said dialogue and cooperation between China and Europe are on the basis of mutual respect and mutual benefit and that will provide more stability to the turbulent world situation. And he’s also urging the European Union to form an independent China policy. What do you make of this comment? ZEPP-LAROUCHE: I think the situation is very severe, because, for example, the trade between the EU and China, which was a pillar of the world economy so far, is threatened by what is happening between Ukraine and Russia. So I think the sentiment in Europe right now is really terrible, and I can only say that what the foreign minister is giving some hope that new ways can be found. And I really think that the model of Chinese policy, the shared future of a joint future of humanity, I think, is what is needed right now in my view, and I think Professor Kuznick is right in stressing the urgency of the question, you need something completely different. If we continue geopolitics as it has been done in the past, it is a question of time when humanity is crashing against the wall, and it could lead to a nuclear extinction. So I think the model which would fit perfectly, the shared community of the one humanity, would be to convoke a conference, an international conference to take care of the security interests of every single country on the planet. Because you cannot have a peace order without taking care of the interests of every country, and there is a model in European history, that is the Peace of Westphalia. The Peace of Westphalia ended 150 years of religious war, culminating in the Thirty Years’ War, and it was based on the recognition of all war parties that if the war would continue there would be nobody left to enjoy the result. And this is in a certain sense a parallel situation to the one we are facing today, because if it comes to a nuclear war there will be no winner, there will be nobody left to even comment on the result. So I think that should be a motivation to convoke a new Peace of Westphalia conference with the specific aim to conduct an international new security architecture, which would include Russia, include China, and I think this would be in perfect spirit with the policy of President Xi Jinping about the shared community of mankind and the one future we all have. CGTN: China is hosting this year’s BRICS summit. The APEC and G20 would also be held in Asia this year. The Foreign Minister said, “Asia’s time has come in global governance,” and “it would transform from followers to front-runners and even pacesetters.” Mrs. LaRouche let me get your take on this: These are very strong words coming from the foreign minister. What do you make of his assessment here? ZEPP-LAROUCHE: I think it’s absolutely to the point, because the Asian countries in general, not just China, but also some other Asian countries, are very conscious of their 5,000-year-old history, and from that standpoint of a positive tradition they define a future, and they want to develop. And this is the common idea of the BRICS, the SCO, and even other organizations, and that is in stark contrast to Europe and the United States. And I think the idea of a new model of international relations, if these organizations, even if it would be brought into the G20, the idea that you need a new model of international relations which has been stressed by Wang Yi today again, that should be filled with content. Because I think we have either the choice of ending up in a geopolitical confrontation which would be to the detriment of everybody and possible nuclear war, or, we make a jump in the evolution of civilization by defining the international relations, in a certain sense in the tradition of the Non-Aligned Movement, the Bandung Conference, the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence of the UN Charter; but also giving it the vision of solving together the main problems of humanity, such as, that we still have a pandemic, we need a modern health system in every single country to defeat this pandemic and the danger of new ones. We have a world famine of, as Beasley from the World Food Program always says, “of biblical dimensions”: This will get bigger because of the inflation of food prices, of fertilizer, of energy prices. So there is an urgent agenda. And I think if this year could be used to say, we need a new model of international relations which overcomes geopolitics: Foreign Minister Wang Yi and also President Xi Jinping have made references by saying, why not have the Belt and Road Initiative cooperate with the Build Back Better initiative of the United States and the Global Gateway of the European Union. So if these initiatives, rather than being in a competition, be streamlined and say, let’s address together that which is stressing all of mankind, world hunger, epidemics, the poverty—with the present financial system of the trans-Atlantic sector going completely out of whack, we are facing a new collapse much worse than 2008. The Federal Reserve was not able to “taper” the interest rate, because they’re afraid if they increase the interest rate they will have a mass collapse of bankruptcies. So there is an urgent need to have a new financial system, a New Bretton Woods system, a new credit system which provides credit for development of all developing countries—these are some of the points which really will be the test of humanity. Can we, when we face fundamental challenges, give ourselves an order which allows the survival, and happiness, of all people on this planet? I think that will be the agenda.
Saturday, January 22, 2022 Helga Zepp-LaRouche made a video address to the National Congress of Peru’s Christian Democracy, which was translated into Spanish and played at their conference on Saturday, Jan. 22, 2022. Here are her remarks: Helga Zepp-LaRouche: Dear Friends of the Christian Democracy in Peru: It is a great honor and pleasure to send these greetings to your national conference. I think you are all aware that we are at an extremely important moment in history, where world peace is not safe. We are still in an acute danger zone of a reverse Cuban Missile Crisis, over the situation in Ukraine, and the continued expansion of NATO eastward, toward the Russian border. This has been going on despite promises made to Russia during the time of the German unification in 1990-1991, where the promise was given to Gorbachev that NATO would “not move one inch eastward.” But NATO has moved 1,000 km to the east; 14 countries have joined NATO. And right now, you have a very fragile situation where the media are talking about that Russia would attack Ukraine, which Russia has denied. In any case, the situation is extremely volatile. And a little sign of hope comes from the discussions which just took place in Geneva between the United States and Russia, between NATO and Russia in Brussels, and in Vienna in the OSCE discussions, that maybe diplomacy will replace confrontation and that new arms control discussions can actually start in earnest.But the real reason behind this geopolitical crisis is that the systemic crisis of the neoliberal system is coming to a head. My late husband Lyndon LaRouche has made a forecast 50 years ago, in 1971, when President Nixon decoupled the dollar from the gold-reserve standard, and replaced fixed exchange rates with floating ones. My husband at that point said, if the world continues on that course of monetarism, sooner or later, the world would be faced with the danger of a new depression, new fascism, and even the danger of a new world war, unless a new financial system, and a new credit system would be implemented with a new, just world economic order. I think the countries of the developing sector are more acutely aware of this problem than anybody else, that we have now the danger of a hyperinflationary collapse. You see it in the prices of energy, of food, of basic raw materials. And the worst humanitarian crisis, of the many, is naturally happening in Afghanistan now, where after the withdrawal of NATO in August and takeover of the Taliban, when the Western countries cut off the aid to Afghanistan, because they didn’t like the Taliban, but everybody knew at the time that 75% of the budget of Afghanistan came from international aid! And when that money was cut off, all of a sudden, the economy of Afghanistan was plunged into an absolute chaos. Now, the United Nations is warning dramatically, again and again, that there are 8 million people right now, who are in immediate danger of starvation. They’re dying of hunger and freezing right now as you hear my words. The United Nations World Food Program also warned that there is the danger that 23 million people may not outlive this winter if there is not a dramatic change in this situation, and that over 90% of the people in Afghanistan have not enough food, are food insecure, have not enough medicine or no medicine at all, in the middle of a pandemic, and that 98% of the people are in danger of becoming permanently extremely poor, which is a starvation level. Now, this is why I have called for, what I call Operation Ibn Sina, in reference to the great physician who lived 1,000 years ago, who is the father of modern medicine, who was the one who first discovered quarantine, as a symbol that we have to build a modern health system in every single country on the planet, starting with Afghanistan, but not limiting it: Every country must have access to modern medicine, modern hospitals, and this is obviously only possible if you have electricity, if you have clean water—2 billion people in the world have no access to clean water; that has to be immediately reversed. We need basic infrastructure. And this building of a world health system must become the beginning of overcoming underdevelopment and poverty in the world, for good, forever. 2022 is the year when my late husband would celebrate his 100th birthday, and that’s why I have called that the year 2022 must become the Year of LaRouche. It is the year when all the beautiful plans which he developed in his lifetime must be realized. He developed already in the 1970s a plan to develop Africa through a large infrastructure program as the precondition for industrial development. He worked together, as you all know, with López Portillo, the President of Mexico, on what he called Operation Juárez, which was the idea that all of Latin America must be integrated and must have a coherent infrastructure program as the precondition for agriculture and industry to develop. This program of Operation Juárez is actual today than ever before. He also worked with Indira Gandhi: We worked with her on a 40-year development program for India, which was the idea that you need, at that time, in 1979, about two generations to reach a modern development state for the nation of India. After 1991, he proposed the Eurasian Land-Bridge. This has become the basic idea which is now being carried out by China with the Belt and Road Initiative. We published the study, “The New Silk Road Becomes the World Land-Bridge.” Now, this is the hope, because, the fact that China and about 150 nations have signed memorandums of understanding with China, to cooperate in the Belt and Road Initiative is where the development of the world is taking place right now. And we, the LaRouche movement, and the Schiller Institute have made it our commitment to try to convince the United States and Europe to cooperate with the Belt and Road Initiative, and not oppose it for geopolitical reasons. This is the program to overcome poverty and underdevelopment, and create a decent living standard for every person on the planet. Now, this is the obvious task and challenge for us, because it should note be self-evident and accepted that several billion people are living in poverty! Poverty eradication is the absolute demand of this coming year, and the reason why we can be optimistic about the human species finally accomplishing that is because, as my husband said many times, the human species is the only species which has the ability of creative reason: We can do what no animal species can do, we can make fundamental discoveries about physical principles of the universe, and when we apply those principles as technologies in the production process, it leads to an increase of the productivity of the labor force and of the productive forces. And that is the way how to increase the living standard, the life expectancy, and to create the conditions for an improvement of the general welfare. It is the principle of physical economy, and not monetarism, which we have to bring back to the world economy. This coming year, we will see a worsening of the crisis, because there is no way how this casino economy will last forever. It will come to a point of crisis, where we need to put all forces of the world together, people of good will, to implement the Four Laws of Lyndon LaRouche: The first of which is a global Glass-Steagall banking separation, the speculation of the derivatives casino has to come to an end forever, and the economy must again be put to the service of the people. The second is, we need a National Bank in the tradition of Alexander Hamilton in every single country, and when these National Banks among the different countries work together, then that can create a New Bretton Woods credit system which will provide credit lines for long-term investment and the kind of infrastructure program which Latin America needs in the same way as parts of Asia and Africa, and even parts of Europe, which are not yet developed. Now, this can be done. And I think we should be optimistic that this coming year is going to be the year where that is going to be put on the table, because the crisis will demand it. Well, I had the fortune, together with my husband, to visit your country in 1987, and I have the most beautiful memories of that visit, and I think Peru is a great nation, which has an absolutely great population. And I wish you the best possible future, for your country and the great success for your conference. And I look forward to our collaboration, so that we together bring humanity from the abyss of a catastrophe and start to create a new paradigm in international relations, and start a new, more optimistic chapter in the history of humanity. All my greetings to you.
On Pakistan’s “PTV World” broadcast, Faisal Rehman hosted Helga Zepp-LaRouche of the Schiller Institute and Pakistan’s Ambassador to Italy Jauhar Saleem. Rehman began by welcoming “Our guest, Ms. Helga!” with an opening question as whether the world had entered into a clash of civilizations. Zepp-LaRouche answered that she had read Samuel Huntington’s Clash of Civilizations, and, first, it must be said that he knew very little about the civilizations that he wrote about.Further, the world is not about “geopolitics but geo-economics”—employing the distinction recently made by Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan. AUKUS is not the spirit of the time. The AUKUS attempt may even provoke something like de Gaulle’s response to NATO, as in 1958. This move has destroyed trust in Biden. He had just said, in pulling troops out of Afghanistan, that this was the end of an era; the end of endless wars. Was he serious? Or was it just to concentrate forces against China? This is not good for Biden, as trust in his word is undermined. Rather, the New Silk Road is the pathway—and the Schiller Institute, by the way, has been on this pathway since 1991. So, does Australia want to be an aircraft carrier for this new military alliance? Or does it want an economic future for its own people? The situation is that there is a decaying neo-liberal system, and it has been refusing to respond to offers from China and Russia. After a question and some discussion with Ambassador Saleem, Rehman turned back to Zepp-LaRouche, and asked: How would the U.S. and China, given the present conflicting positions, move ahead? Zepp-LaRouche set out that, objectively, neither China nor Russia represents a threat. There have been many offers on demilitarization from Putin—including to Germany in 2001, when he spoke, in German, to the Bundestag. And China has lifted 850 million of their people out of poverty. The BRI is not a threat. They are offering to developing countries to conquer poverty. We need to take a step back. It is a nuclear-armed world, and there is the threat of war by accident, war by miscalculation. China’s Global Times clearly warned that China will fight and win certain conflicts, such as over Taiwan. Therefore, we must stop geopolitics. In Afghanistan, David Beasley, director of the World Food Program, made clear that 90% are hungry. Afghanistan’s Health Minister Wahid Majrooh explained that 90% have recently been denied health care. The recent move to use the Extended Troika (of China, Pakistan, Russia and the United States) involves reaching out and collaborating to develop Afghanistan. It can be integrated into the BRI—and there is the offer to Europe and the U.S. to join in. Then director of the UN Office of Drugs and Crime Pino Arlacchi, for example, was able to conclude an agreement in 2000 with the Taliban to end opium production. There are presently 2 billion people in the world without access to clean water. We need a modern health sector in every country. Not doing so simply means that there will be more mutations, new variants and the defeat of the last round of vaccines. Clearly, this crisis requires a new paradigm in our thinking. Afghanistan can be the new building block. The human species is the only one endowed with creative reason. We can find cures for a pandemic, for overcoming poverty, even colonizing Mars. You know, in February, the United Arab Emirates, China and the United States all had Mars missions at the same time. It is time to become an adult species.
Join Ray McGovern and Helga Zepp-LaRouche January 1 2025, 12.30 EDT/18.30 CET in their New Years Dialogue and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to questions@schillerinstitute.org or ask them in the live stream.
April 1—Helga Zepp-LaRouche was interviewed on CGTN’s broadcast “The Dialogue” this morning with host Xu Qinduo and a second guest Prof. John Gong, who frequently appears on CGTN’s shows. The discussion was on the EU-China meeting by videoconference today, which included President Xi Jinping (in what Xinhua dubbed “Xiplomacy”) and EU Council President Charles Michel and EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.
HARLEY SCHLANGER: Welcome to the Schiller Institute conference, “The Moral Collapse of the Trans-Atlantic World Cries Out for a New Paradigm.” I’m Harley Schlanger, and I will moderate the first panel, which is entitled “The March of Folly: Can Mankind Still Extinguish the Now-Lit Fuse of Thermonuclear War?”As we meet, the survival of the human race is imperiled as perhaps never before. We face the danger of a new world war, including the possible use of nuclear weapons; of a systemic breakdown of the real physical economy, which keeps more than 7-plus billion people alive, and the collapse of which bring with it famine and an out-of-control pandemic. But these threats do not arise from the so-called “malign intent” of Russia and China. Despite the accusation of the leaders of most governments and parties in the trans-Atlantic world who charge them with aggression against the so-called rules-based order. Nor do they come from so-called manmade climate change, being used to club nations into giving up their sovereign rights, to submit their nations and citizens to a deadly looting process enforced by a central bankers’ global dictatorship committed to radical population reduction. This is the intent of those who demand a submission to a rules-based order. The use of the U.S. military to impose a unilateral world order which rejects principles of international law in favor of the dictates of arbitrary rules which serve the narrow interests of the City of London and Wall Street. In our deliberations today, let’s be inspired by the words spoken by President John F Kennedy on June 10, 1963, shortly after the successful resolution of the Cuban Missile Crisis which threatened to unleash a nuclear war between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. In speaking for the adoption of a Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, Kennedy said: “What kind of a peace do we seek? Not a Pax Americana enforced on the world by American weapons of war. Not the peace of the grave or the security of the slave. I am talking about genuine peace, the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living, the kind that enables men and nations to grow and to hope and build a better life for their children—not merely peace for Americans but peace for all men and women—not merely peace in our time, but peace for all time.” He continued saying that by directing our attention to our common interests, differences can be resolved. “For in the final analysis,” he concluded, “our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children’s future. And we are all mortal.” Four years later, Pope Paul VI summarized this view with his encyclical Populorum Progressio proclaiming, “Development is the new name for peace.” Achieving this has been the life’s work of the economist and statesman Lyndon LaRouche, and has been the mission adopted by the Schiller Institute since it was founded in 1984 by his wife, Helga Zepp-LaRouche. Today, we have a distinguished panel of speakers representing many nations guided by this common goal. I will introduce them after the first speaker. But it’s most appropriate to begin with a keynote by the Schiller Institute’s Helga Zepp-LaRouche. It’s my honor to introduce Helga Zepp-LaRouche. HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE: I greet all of you wherever you may be around the world. I’m telling you that we are conducting this Schiller Institute conference with an urgent appeal to as many people as possible to help to change the direction in which the political situation is going right now. Because we are on a course which, in a very short period of time—much shorter than anybody is probably realizing—we are on a course of potential extinction of civilization. It’s not clear where the greater danger comes from; the danger of thermonuclear war, the danger of a pandemic going out of control in combination with a world famine, or with a neo-Malthusian virus which has beset the brains of so many people where it is not clear if they are more eager to destroy the industrial society or if they are willing instruments to the geopolitical confrontation against Russia and China. So, let’s start with the danger of thermonuclear war. It’s not just one trigger point, one strategic crisis. It is the overall tension between the United States, the so-called global Britain, NATO, and increasingly also the European Union with Russia and China. It’s becoming so big that any one of the crises around the globe could become the trigger point. If could be a crisis with Russia over Ukraine going out of control, or with China over Taiwan. It is alarming, and it should alarm all of you that now more and more people—even so unlikely ones like Henry Kissinger, who has been not exactly a friend of our organization, which has everything to do with his infamous NSSM-200 paper which he wrote when he was National Security Advisor in 1974. That he was the enemy and adversary of everything Lyndon LaRouche and his movement stood for. But even Kissinger is now warning that the tension between the United States and China is becoming so all-engulfing for the whole world that they could lead to an Armageddon-like military clash, extinguishing mankind in a finite period of time. This he said about a week ago. Then the commander of the U.S. Strategic Command, Admiral Charles Richard, recently in February, informed the Pentagon that they should change the likelihood of nuclear war from not likely to very likely. He repeated that in front of the Congress recently. Just two days ago, the New York Times had an article by one Peter Beinart, who said that the Biden policy towards Taiwan is truly reckless, that we are very close to war, mainly because the Democrats have abandoned the One-China policy already last year. Biden is now receiving envoys from Taiwan, as he did for his inauguration. Then, the article quotes Graham Allison, the historian who thinks that a danger of a Thucydides trap exists, by saying that people have to be sure that China would be more willing to go to war than accept losing Taiwan. In light of the history of China, this is very likely. If it would come to such a war, given that China has 39 air bases around the region of Taiwan, the United States has only two, the United States would lose any conventional war. If it would think of using regional nuclear weapons, the danger is that it would go into an all-out global nuclear war. I advise those people who don’t think that that is true, to read the papers by Ted Postol over the difference between conventional and thermonuclear war, where it is the logic that once you use one nuclear weapon, all will be used. And also to listen to what Tulsi Gabbard said recently in an interview with Tucker Carlson, where she said that to have this geopolitical confrontation with Russia is completely crazy. Russia has thousands of nuclear weapons which, in a conflict, would hit every U.S. city in less than 30 minutes. This would bring about excruciating death and suffering over the American people; millions would lose their lives, and flesh would be burned from their bones. That would be the end of the world, and this could come much sooner than anybody thinks. Also, the Australian press is warning that Taiwan may be a trigger for a catastrophic war, and that is not just a question of if, but when. That China has become the enemy for no other reason than it has dared to eclipse the U.S. as the most powerful economy. On March 21st, Admiral Philip Davidson, the head of the Indo-Pacific Command said we must be absolutely prepared to fight and win such a war, should competition turn into conflict. Then, the U.S. Pacific Fleet commander, Admiral John Aquilino, who will replace Admiral Davidson in his position, said we are much closer to such a war than most think. And [H.R.] McMaster, the former National Security Advisor to Trump basically said the most dangerous time in his view is the period between the Congress of the Chinese Communist Party later this year, and the Winter Olympics in Beijing next year. So, that is, indeed, very close. The Taiwan Defense Minister already announced that they will now mass produce long-range missiles capable of striking deep into the inside of the Chinese mainland. So, the situation around Taiwan could be the trigger point for a global war. But so could the situation over Ukraine. With the developments in Ukraine, you had an escalation in the recent years of an incredible demonization of President Putin. But it has nothing to do with Crimea, because as Putin correctly said, if it would not have been Ukraine, they would have found some other reason. The narrative of what is going on with Russia, Ukraine, Crimea is completely upside-down. It did not start with the so-called annexation of Crimea; it started with the EU association agreement for Ukraine at the end of 2013, which was rejected for good reasons. Then, that led quickly to the demonstrations on the Maidan, which escalated into the coup, leading to a Nazi coup in February 2014. As a consequence, in which coup Victoria Nuland, who is now again in a position in the State Department. Then you had the development where the people of Crimea voted to join Russia. You have right now [U.S. Secretary of State] Blinken and Nuland in Ukraine. This is a very dangerous game, because they’re there to further the building of U.S. bases in Ukraine to support the demand by the Ukrainians to join NATO. That is reaching then a point where Putin has recently said that people in the West should not cross red lines, because if it would occur, the response would be asymmetric, swift, and hard. Russia is a nuclear superpower, and this could lead, if it would be provoked to answer in such a way, to the annihilation of mankind. Scott Ritter, who warned that the “weapons of mass destruction” were a fake story in Iraq, recently commented on the Defender Europe 2021 large maneuvers, which are going on right now along the Russian border. He basically said that all that this demonstrates is that NATO is absolutely inferior compared to the Russian troops in a conventional way. That therefore, the danger would be that if it comes to a conflict, it could go nuclear. There was a RAND Corporation study in 2016 entitled “War with China; Thinking Through the Unthinkable.” They basically say it would be better to have the war with China now than in ten years, because the gap will close and China would probably win such a war later on. The same RAND Corporation had a study in 2019 called “Extending Russia; Competing from Advantageous Ground,” which is a 354-page piece in which they describe how one should overextend Russia economically, militarily, and propaganda-wise. Number one, conduct economic warfare. Hinder the oil exports; block export of natural gas; block the construction of pipelines, such as Nord Stream II; escalate sanctions; escalate the brain drain. Escalate the situation with Ukraine; bring lethal weapons to Ukraine; support the rebels in Syria; topple Lukashenko; increase the cost for Russia in the South Caucasus; go for color revolution in Moldavia. Discredit the election process in Russia, like Navalny; cause unrest in Russia, go for a color revolution. Put military bombers, missiles at the border to cause permanent stress for Russia. Provoke Russia into a costly arms race. If you listen to that so-called study, you have the exact script for about everything that happened in the last two years. This conference actually was caused to happen by the urgent appeal by Cardinal Mario Zenari from Syria. He has been issued a call saying that as a result of the combination of ten years of war in which the United States was allied with al-Qaeda, al-Nusra, and ISIS—these are my words, not his—which was aimed to topple the legitimate elected government of Syria, the pandemic and the co-called Caesar sanctions, we have now a situation where more than 90% of the Syrian population are below the poverty line. I just should note that the Caesar sanctions are based on the same kind of fraud as we have seen used as a pretext for all of these endless wars, like the chemical weapons supposedly used by the Syrian government which was a fraud by the White Helmets; or the babies ripped out of incubators in 1991, which was a lie. Then you had the so-called weapons of mass destruction in Iraq in 2003. Yellow cake from Niger, but this was all a complete lie. Unilateral sanctions such as these Caesar sanctions are, from a standpoint of international law, completely illegal. We will hear about that from Professor Koechler shortly. The only kinds of sanctions which are allowed would be those which are agreed upon by the UN Security Council. Otherwise, unilateral sanctions are a form of warfare, which targets the poor, the old people, the children. It is the idea to drive the pain of the population so high because of lack of food and medicine, that eventually it will cause an uprising and conduct regime change. Brian O’Toole, who is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and a former advisor to the U.S. Treasury, and he worked for the CIA, is an expert in so-called “behavior economics.” He said that this is a strategy to raise the pain meter—what an insane expression. For Russia, it would only be 10% of this pain meter, and it would be important to drive it up to 70% by cutting Russia off of Swift, the connection to the international financial system, and to cut off Sberbank from financial transactions. For Syria, a continuation of these Caesar sanctions means the deaths of many thousands, maybe millions of people. But the people who are conducting this say literally, “So what?” I’m not exaggerating! Madeline Albright said on a “60 Minutes” program with Leslie Stahl, that the half million children who died in Iraq as a result of the sanctions—these were children under the age of 5! She said, it’s a very hard choice, but the price was worth it. David Beasley, the head of the UN World Food Program, just made a documentary about the famine in Yemen, called “Hunger Ward” which I would urge everybody to watch. He showed how in Yemen, there were little girls with arms as thin as my finger. They had hollow eyes and their skin was like parchment because of the starvation process. But I think Mrs. Albright should have nightmares every single night where each of these 500,000 dying children from Iraq look at her and haunt her. Looking at her with their dying eyes, and this would continue until this woman has a human feeling. The situation is much worse, because according to the UN World Food Program, the new report they published, “2021 Global Report on the Food Crisis” says 55 nations are in extreme need of food. And Syria, because of the sanctions, the war, the depreciation of their pound, there is now a very high number of food insecure people. The food prices from December 2019 until 2020 increased by 236%. That means that all together in all of these nations—40 nations—34 million people are in acute danger of starvation in the coming months. Beasley, at the SIPRI—the Stockholm Institute for Peace Research—called on all nations to mobilize urgent support to avert mass deaths of millions of people. Actually, a number of people which is very quickly going to be as much as all of World War II deaths. He mentioned that the UN Security Council Resolution 2417 was passed unanimously in 2018, and that resolution very clearly that hunger cannot be used as a weapon of war. There are right now, 155 million people in acute food insecurity. These people are in countries like Afghanistan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Haiti, norther Nigeria, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Yemen, Zimbabwe. The COVID-19 pandemic in India has already officially caused 238,000 deaths. But according to experts, it is 5-10 times higher, because they count only the people who die in hospitals, not the people who die in the countryside. The few planeloads of aid, which are being sent by international countries, is just a drop in the ocean. The head of the African CDC said that they are horrified by looking at India, because most of the vaccinations which came to Africa was produce there, and now with the crisis exploding in India they are worried that no more vaccine is coming. It is also clear that we are looking at mass deaths in Brazil and many other places. If you look at this picture as a totality, and that is what we have to do, the chickens are coming home to roost. We are now at the exact point Lyndon LaRouche predicted in 1971 when Nixon destroyed the old Bretton Woods system and went on a course of monetary liberal policies. Lyndon LaRouche at that point said that if you continue on this course, it will come to a point where you are faced with the danger of a new depression, the danger of war, and the danger of a new fascism. My late husband was also absolutely correct when he warned already in 1973 that the IMF conditionalities would mean that new pandemics would come and that would eventually be a total threat to civilization. The financial system is about to blow. We are looking at a situation where, after the 2008 systemic crisis nothing was done to remedy the root causes. Just quantitative easing and pumping money by the trillions. Now we are looking at the potential of a hyperinflationary blow-out like it was in Germany in 1923. In 1923, the Reichsbank printed money to pay the war debt and the reparations. First you didn’t see much of it, but then in November 1923, it exploded. It was the complete expropriation of the life work of the people. Yesterday, Bank of America put out a report saying that we have just a transitionary hyperinflation. This is visible because all the commodity prices are going up, but that this will soon translate to an increase in consumer prices. A transitionary hyperinflation is as much as being a little bit pregnant. However, that hyperinflation is the necessary result of all of this policy of further speculation in the last period is known to all the big players. This is the real reason why they are betting to create one last super-bubble by going for the Great Reset, the great transformation of the decarbonization of the world economy, the Green New Deal. It is the illusion that if they pump now in the next ten years another $60 trillion into the financial system, that that would somehow save their earnings and their system. But it would just mean a gigantic transfer of wealth again from the poor to the rich. This is already on the horizon. It’s happening because the EU is implementing the Green New Deal, the Biden administration is doing it. While that only threatens the de-industrialization of the so-called advanced countries, for the developing countries it means mass death on top of the crises I already mentioned. The Indian Energy Minister, Mr. Singh, recently said that the Green deal may be OK for the industrialized nations, but absolutely not for the developing sector. Alone in Africa, 800 million Africans don’t have access to electricity. It would mean—and these are my words now—it would mean an absolute massive reduction of the population, and it is also clear that this is their intent. What is to be done? There is a solution, but it is important to take all these problems at once, because when you have a systemic crisis like what I’m describing with these different elements, it is not enough to solve a little of this and a little bit of that crisis. You have to create a completely different system. President Putin, in January 2020, called for an urgent meeting of the Permanent Five Members of the UN Security Council. I think that is what must absolutely happen now. Such a summit should be called because of the danger of World War III, a pandemic out of control, a world famine, the danger of a blow-out of the financial system. It must lead to an immediate implementation of the following program: Given the pandemic, the only way to stop that and future pandemics, is to create a world health system, which means a modern health system in every single country. Because if you don’t stop the pandemic in even the poorest country on the planet, it will come back; there will be new variants, new strains, which eventually could made obsolete the vaccines which already have been distributed. So, we are in a race against time. We should do in every single country what was done in Wuhan when the pandemic broke out. Build hospitals! This can be done with the Army Corps of Engineers, with aid organizations. In one week, one can build a hospital for 1000 people. Then, these modern hospitals need well-educated doctors, nurses. You need lots of clean water; 2 billion people in the world have no access to clean water. You need lots of electricity; this cannot be done without infrastructure. So, the building of a modern health system in every country can and must be the beginning of overcoming the underdevelopment of the developing countries for good. We have to have a program of global poverty elimination, exactly as it was intended by Franklin D. Roosevelt when he called for the Bretton Woods, which was never implemented because of his untimely death. But now, we need exactly that. It must start with a global Glass-Steagall banking separation which then must be followed by the creation of a Hamiltonian national banking system in very country. We need a credit system which then can become a New Bretton Woods system. Then we can finance the extension of the New Silk Road into Southwest Asia. The possibility to overcome the death and starvation in Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, Iraq, the solution is obvious. When President Xi Jinping was in Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Egypt in 2015, he offered to extend the New Silk Road into the entire region. That program, and the Schiller Institute has worked on a comprehensive program for the entire region, can be implemented in such a P-5 UN Security Council meeting. It is agreed, and then all the big neighbors of Southwest Asia—Russia, China, India—all work together and the United States and European nations agree to cooperate in the reconstruction of this region, which has been destroyed by these endless wars. Then, naturally, the New Silk Road with this international cooperation, including other countries like Japan, India, South Korea should all be involved in the reconstruction of Africa. We have to replace geopolitical confrontation with a crash program of cooperation for the development of thermonuclear fusion power, where in the recent period, major breakthroughs have occurred. Once we have fusion power, we will have a safe energy source for the whole human population, and we will also tackle the problem of limited raw materials, because you can separate isotopes with the fusion torch procedure and create new raw materials. We have to have international cooperation in space. Rather than extending geopolitical confrontation into space, we should have international cooperation to build a village on the Moon, and soon a city on Mars. We should listen to the head of the Mars mission and the head of the Energy Ministry of Abu Dhabi, Miss al-Amiri, who already some years ago made a beautiful speech where she stuck her finger in the air like this—please put on the video—people should look at what is at the end of her finger to see what the sky will tell them. Can you put on the video, please? [video] SARAH AL-AMIRI: The Hubble Space Telescope was pointed at a region that small [pointing her finger]. And it came up with this image. This image, the dots of light that you see in these images are not stars, they’re galaxies. There are hundreds of billions of stars in each one of those dots in that small region of sky that we look at. [end video] ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Now, the Hubble Telescope discovered that there are at a minimum 2 trillion galaxies. I would like you to really put your mind on that thought, and then think how stupid it would be that we, as a human species who are the only species which can potentially be the immortal species because of our creative reason. That we would destroy ourselves in a thermonuclear destruction. I think we should have the ambition not to be more stupid than the animals, because there is no animal species which would ever conduct such a behavior. Thank you.
In an interview with China Radio International on April 8th, Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche spoke positively of yesterday’s phone call between Chinese President Xi Jinping and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. These are two important nations, and stability and progress are useful. Zepp-LaRouche expressed her agreement with Merkel’s opposition to the notion of blocs, which are a form of the geopolitical thinking that led to the two world wars of the 20th century. This stance by Merkel can have a positive impact on the rest of the EU.“Where would the world be as a whole, without the rise of China?” Zepp-LaRouche asked, pointing to the victory for mankind of bringing hundreds of millions of people out of poverty. China’s economic growth despite the Covid pandemic is an important positive development for the world. Although there is a mixed situation of China relations among the EU member states themselves, the situation with the EU bureaucracy in Brussels is that it unfortunately follows the policies of London and Washington, such as in imposing sanctions on China over Xinjiang. The EU is in a terrible state. It failed to handle the Covid crisis. It stands to gain significantly with cooperation with China. Some Europeans are still looking at China as though it were still in the Cultural Revolution, rather than after the results of the Reform and Opening Up. Since China does not pose a threat to Europe, why would Europe need the U.S. as a guarantor of its security? NATO is not providing for the security of Europe, but rather quite the opposite, by carrying out repeated troop exercises towards the borders of Russia. Confrontation is no path forward. On the Biden administration, Zepp-LaRouche said that she had seen nothing positive from the new U.S. administration with regard to Europe. Biden has continued sanctions against Russia’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline to Europe and is pushing Europe towards an alliance against Russia and China. Europe must support its own independence. A world health system is desperately needed, as new Covid variants emerge, possibly overcoming the immunity conferred by the vaccines already developed. This requires the necessary infrastructure to support health, and the urgent development of the underdeveloped parts of the world.
May 4—*The Schiller Institute and the Fédération des associations d’amitiés Chine-Afrique (FAACA) held a three-hour video conference today on “China-Africa Cooperation in Poverty Reduction Strategy.” The FAACA is a multi-nation association, with an office in Dakar, Senegal. Speakers included Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder and leader of the Schiller Institute; Assane Mbengue, President of FAACA; His Excellency Ibrahima Sory Sylla, Senegalese Ambassador to China; Zhang Hangbao, First Secretary to His Excellency Xiao Han, Chinese Ambassador to Senegal; Zhang Yun, CEO of SOMETA SA (Senegal’s leading iron and steel company); Edmond Moukala N’Gouemo, UNESCO representative in Ghana, and others.
Join Garland Nixon and Helga Zepp-LaRouche in their Live Dialogue, Feb 19, 11.00 am EDT / 5pm CET. Send your questions to questions@schillerinstitute.org
On January 8, 2025, Helga Zepp-LaRouche will hold a dialogue on the current political situation with former UN weapons inspector and anti-war activist Scott Ritter.
Join Col. Larry Wilkerson and Helga Zepp-LaRouche in their discussion of the implications of President Donald J. Trump’s return to the White House on Wednesday, January 22nd, 11 am EDT / 5pm CET. Send your questions and comments to questions@schillerinstitute.org.
July 22—In her weekly column for the newspaper of Germany’s Bueso party, Neue Solidarität, Helga Zepp-LaRouche sounds the alarm over the onrushing destruction of Germany due to its adherence to the policy insanity of the trans-Atlantic financial Establishment. What she describes for Germany applies equally to the United States and, in fact, the entire so-called West.
July 3—As you wake up on Monday morning, the 246th Anniversary of the American Declaration of Independence, please go to the website of the Schiller Institute to watch the “call to arms”—not military arms, but creative arms—issued on Sunday by the Schiller Institute’s Founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche and Diane Sare, who achieved “mission impossible,” defying efforts by the New York State Democratic Party, by achieving ballot status to run against perhaps the most evil member of the U.S. Senate, Chuck Schumer.
At the present time, with such dramatic, historical events underway, as the second year of a pandemic, with a mutating virus; and in North America, with mass scale damage from power systems known in advance to be deficient, reason tells us that we should be collaborating like hell, at home and abroad, to put things right. Look at what we can do on Mars! The measures needed have been spelled out for decades, in development policies by economist-statesman Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., who, with his wife Helga Zepp-LaRouche, also showed the way for the diplomatic initiatives that can make development a reality. Now is the time.The opposition to this outlook, from the failed political-financial networks centered in the City of London/Wall Street crowd, is pushing furiously for more and rapid deindustrialization which have caused the multiple crises in the first place. Publicity is now revved up for the April 22 international summit to fight climate change, to be hosted by the White House, for Earth Day. Both President Joe Biden and John Kerry, National Security Council Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, reiterated this on Feb. 18, the day that the U.S. officially rejoined the Paris Climate Accords. They emphasize that between now and the April 22 summit, Biden will issue the measures required to achieve major U.S. reduction of CO₂ by the end of this decade. Such policies will actually mean nine years of accelerating black-outs, food shortages, floods, fires, and rapid drop of life expectancy. Kerry stressed the urgency of action on CO₂ reduction on Friday, speaking with UN Director General Antonio Guterres, “It’s what people will do in the next 10 years that matter.” Joining in, of course, are the billionaire genocidalists. Sir Michael anti-coal Bloomberg was on a reporters’ conference call Feb. 18 to stress that more coal plants must be taken down—just at the very time when it has been coal and nuclear electricity generation that kept the central states from complete black-out. Bill Gates, the man whose specialty is “philanthropy” to perpetuate deficiencies in health, education and agriculture, has been likewise stressing this 10-year timeframe. He said in a feature interview in today’s Washington Post Magazine that, “we must have breakthroughs in this next decade,” so we can use the following two decades to 2050, “to replace the entire industrial economy.” As for the science question involved in the apparent contradiction between frigid storms and global warming, Gates asserted the standard fraud this morning on Fox News, that “putting more carbon” into the atmosphere is bound to affect the weather. There is “super hard evidence” of this. The new report out this month takes these evil jokers apart—EIR’s Special Report: “The Great Leap Backward: LaRouche Exposes the Green New Deal.” Helga Zepp-LaRouche writes in her Introduction, “The New Deal for Humanity Is Not Green, But Human!” a concluding section, sub-titled, “Choose Durable Human Survival Instead.” She calls for action, stating, "Even if many institutions seem to have decided on the course outlined here [green economic disaster, geopolitics and war danger], it is not too late to take the alternative. The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated how extremely vulnerable we really are as a human species, and that realistically we only have one chance to ensure our long-term survival—by coming together in a new paradigm of cooperation among all nations of this world to dedicate ourselves to the real common tasks of humanity. “The key to overcoming the crisis lies in an image of man that does not see mankind as a parasite on nature, whose activities pollute and destroy poor Mother Earth, so that it would be good to reduce the number of people as much as possible (just not so far as to leave the oligarchy without enough service personnel!). Man is simply not a manipulable, sensory being that can be kept under control by the modern form of bread and circuses and degradation by the entertainment industry. “Mankind is the only species whose creative reason conforms to the laws of the universe, and is even a developed integral part thereof. It is precisely this ability that allows humanity time and again to discover new revolutionary hypotheses about the physical laws of the universe, which are then used in the production process to define completely new platforms of the human standard of living, life expectancy, understanding of the climate change that has been taking place for millions of years, and further perspective for creating the prerequisites for future interstellar space flight through the colonization of nearer space.” For human survival, make good use of the new report, and enjoy the beautiful images now beaming to Earth from Mars, thanks to “Percy.”
Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche in her weekly live dialogue to discuss the mobilization to end the ‘Special Relationship’ in celebration of the upcoming 250th anniversary of the Republic. Send your questions to questions@schillerinstitute.org
January 24, 2025--This week's Symposium will be a dialogue between Diane and Helga Zepp-LaRouche, who is currently heading a slate of candidates in the upcoming German election.
March 20—Schiller Institute Founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche delivered a speech “The Eurasian Land-Bridge Concept, the Answer to the Strategic Crisis” on March 22, 2003, just as the murderous U.S. invasion of Iraq had begun. In it, she identified the growing collaboration between Russia, China, India, and other countries as a hopeful force for the future. Her keynote address opened the second day of the Schiller Institute’s March 21-23, 2003 conference in Bad Schwalbach, Germany, titled “How To Reconstruct a Bankrupt World.”
June 10—An intense four-hour dialogue occurred at today’s Schiller Institute online conference “The World Needs JFK’s Vision of Peace,” an event commemorating President John F. Kennedy’s historic American University speech of June 10, 1963—and the paradigm of Man that it represented, which is decisive to bringing about peace today in this most dangerous of global crises.