July 22—In her weekly column for the newspaper of Germany’s Bueso party, Neue Solidarität, Helga Zepp-LaRouche sounds the alarm over the onrushing destruction of Germany due to its adherence to the policy insanity of the trans-Atlantic financial Establishment. What she describes for Germany applies equally to the United States and, in fact, the entire so-called West.
June 10—An intense four-hour dialogue occurred at today’s Schiller Institute online conference “The World Needs JFK’s Vision of Peace,” an event commemorating President John F. Kennedy’s historic American University speech of June 10, 1963—and the paradigm of Man that it represented, which is decisive to bringing about peace today in this most dangerous of global crises.
Fresh off the Schiller Institute’s May 8 international conference “The Moral Collapse of the Trans-Atlantic World Cries Out for a New Paradigm,” Schiller Institute founder and President Helga Zepp-LaRouche used her weekly webcast yesterday to renew her urgent call for a summit meeting among the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, the so-called P-5.“The overall situation is so explosive,” Zepp-LaRouche told her audience, “that if we do not change course, we could be headed towards war, only this time with nuclear weapons…. That is why at our recent May 8 conference we reiterated our support for Russian President Vladimir Putin’s call for an urgent summit of the P-5 nations … to find solutions to the crisis based on cooperation, and not confrontation.” In her webcast, Zepp-LaRouche reviewed the many, interconnected dangers facing mankind today: of war—including the real possibility of nuclear war; of famine, created by sanctions and deliberate refusal to fund development; of an out-of-control pandemic, as in India, and many other nations lacking a modern health care system; and of the devastating effects of growing inflation, which destroy people’s life-work and the ability of families to survive, and which is a symptom of a breakdown crisis of the trans-Atlantic financial system. Zepp-LaRouche placed special emphasis on the very real danger of nuclear war — which could be unleashed either by intent of rabidly Malthusian ideologues among the Anglo-American elites, or by blunders and miscalculations of governments blinded by their own arrogance, under conditions of escalating tension on all fronts. “At our May 8 conference there was an important discussion about the immediacy of the danger of a nuclear war. A nuclear war can happen either by design — and there are studies and proposals calling for this from the Atlantic Council, the Rand Corporation, and others — or it can also occur because of the overall level of tension between the U.S., the U.K., and Europe on one side, and Russia and China on the other side. The tensions are becoming so great that any one of many hotspots around the world could, by accident or miscalculation, get out of control and lead to a chain of escalation,” she warned. Zepp-LaRouche stressed that none of the grave crises facing mankind can be resolved unless they are all resolved, and that requires a total bankruptcy reorganization of today’s trans-Atlantic system and its replacement by a New Paradigm built on Classical principles in culture, politics, and economics. She stressed that the May 8 Schiller Institute conference offered a proof of principle that people can be mobilized by an appeal to the higher humanity which resides in all people. She pointed to the dialogue which occurred during the two panels, which demonstrated a willingness to grapple with profound questions, and to the role of the Schiller Institute in creating a forum for thinking through and building support for solutions.
Feb. 9—“The world is currently in an incredibly dangerous situation, with a Cold War that threatens to become a hot war at any moment,” Helga Zepp-LaRouche stated in an interview on Pakistan PTV World’s “Views on News” broadcast today. We are the proverbial 100 seconds away from the midnight of a nuclear catastrophe, a war danger that is playing out around the extreme tensions around Ukraine. The United Kingdom and the United States are putting massive pressure on Europe to fully join the drive to push Russia into a strategic corner and launch scorched-earth economic sanctions and attacks on that country. But, as of this moment, Europe is not fully on board—as can be seen in German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s trip to Washington, and especially French President Emmanuel Macron’s six-hour discussion in Moscow with Russian President Putin. They are increasingly aware that the current policies of confrontation, driven by the breakdown of the trans-Atlantic financial system, cannot continue, or they will succeed in blowing up the entire world.But we are also witnessing the beginnings of a gigantic international political and economic realignment as well. “I think we should not underestimate the incredibly historic meeting which took place between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin during the Olympics, where they concluded a new strategic partnership which is a new model for international relationships,” Zepp-LaRouche stated. What this reflects is the fact that the unipolar world is over, and countries around the world—from Pakistan to Argentina to Hungary—are responding to that new reality. “It takes politicians and the media a while before this reality sinks in,” Zepp-LaRouche noted. “Europeans right now are really completely scared about the possibility of the Ukraine crisis going out of control,” Zepp-LaRouche stated, "and they are trying to put a new model on the table. But I believe that something else is needed. We are right now at a branching point of all of history, and we need a new model of international relations, where thinking in terms of geopolitics, in terms of blocs, in terms of wars of one against the other within a zero-sum game—this has to be overcome." A new international security architecture based on the universal economic development of all nations must be forged, even as we stand at the very edge of a terrible existential danger. “We must fill people with hope that it can be accomplished,” Zepp-LaRouche told a meeting of Schiller Institute associates today. Americans in particular must ensure that the United States joins with Russia and China in forging constructive solutions to the world’s problems. The Feb. 10 joint seminar of the Schiller Institute and the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) on “The Humanitarian Crisis in Afghanistan: Toward a Long-Term Solution,” is one such urgent forum.
Jan. 11—Two strategic developments which reflect a shift from the passivity of accepting outrageous policies, to fighting for what is right and just, were the central topics of the Jan. 10 weekly Dialogue webcast with Helga Zepp-LaRouche.
The manifest failure of the COP26 summit to get the entire world to drink the Kool-Aid of the British Empire’s Malthusian Green Reset policy—thanks principally to the resistance of developing countries such as India, Nigeria, Indonesia, China and also Russia—has bought the world a little time. But only a little.The entire trans-Atlantic sector is still in the throes of a systemic breakdown crisis. Hyperinflation is still spinning out of control, now hitting food as well as energy supplies with increases of 30% per year and more. The physical economy continues to plummet, threatening the survival of entire nations. The COVID-19 pandemic is still rampaging out of control, worsened by the mass psychosis of the medievalist anti-vax cult. And the danger of U.S.-NATO geopolitical wars against Russia and China is rising by the day, deploying nuclear weapons closer and closer to Russia while the State Department explicitly threatens to take up arms against China. “We have to have a rethinking,” Helga Zepp-LaRouche demanded in her weekly international webcast on Nov. 19. "The United States, Germany and other European countries should stop this geopolitical confrontation and say: ‘We have a pandemic, we have mass famine, we have a refugee crisis of biblical dimensions, and we must join hands and build the infrastructure, hospitals, schools, industry, agriculture, in all of these countries, and then all the migrants would want to go home.’ Because most countries, and most people prefer to stay in their home country, than to be displaced in some corner of the world, where they don’t understand the language and have to suffer many aggressions. “So let’s just build infrastructure! Let’s build up Africa!” Zepp-LaRouche insisted. “This is the natural thing, and the Chinese are doing the natural things and we should stop bickering about it, because we should take a moral lesson from the Chinese in this respect,” and join with the Belt and Road Initiative which this week celebrated the eighth anniversary of its announcement in 2013. Zepp-LaRouche continued: "People should wake up, because this is a moment in history when decisions will be made. Whether mankind tumbles into a new crisis, sleepwalks into a new war, goes into a new depression; or, if we take the alternatives which exist. And they emphatically exist in the form of the Belt and Road Initiative which, China has said many times, is open for every country: for the United States, for Europe, for all. “So rather than having this geopolitical obsession, I think people should just say: We have to concentrate on the common aims of mankind, and then we can all build a beautiful future together”—with the economic, political and cultural road map developed by Lyndon LaRouche, and presented at the Schiller Institute’s just-concluded conference of Nov. 13-14.
Every year for the last five years, the Schiller Institute has led a solemn memorial ceremony to mark the tragic death on Dec. 25, 2016, of Russia’s fabled Alexandrov Ensemble, along with humanitarian workers and others, in a plane crash near Sochi, Russia. Over the years, the ceremony has been held at the Tear of Grief monument in Bayonne, N.J.—a monument gifted to the people of the United States by the government of Russia in honor of the fallen victims of 9/11—and each time it has been moderated by a representative of the City of Bayonne Fire Department, and it has heard from an official Russian representative at the United Nations. Every year, the enduring friendship of the Russian and American people has been its message and song.This year was no different, in those regards. And yet the ceremony held today carried with it a special urgency for action, given the extraordinary danger of thermonuclear war now facing the planet in the form of a kind of “reverse Cuban Missile Crisis” between the United States and Russia, as Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche put it in her remarks read to the event. Can such a threat be defused, and its causes degraded? Perhaps. Yesterday the State Department announced that the dates have now been set for three meetings to address the Russian government’s demand for written security guarantees to stop the relentless eastward drive of NATO up to its very borders, and the positioning of defensive and offensive strategic weapons in those countries. High-level Russian officials will meet with their U.S. counterparts on Jan. 10—preceded by another direct conversation between Presidents Biden and Putin on Dec. 30. On Jan. 12 there will then be a Russia-NATO meeting to also address these security matters. And on Jan. 13, Russia will meet with the OSCE. Substantive progress must come from these talks, including the signing of the two draft treaties that Russia has already proposed to the United States and NATO. Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s remarks read to today’s Alexandrov Ensemble memorial, sends the requisite message: “In the name of the Schiller Institute, I send you my thoughts on the anniversary of the tragic loss of the members of the Alexandrov Ensemble and a number of other Russians on their way to Syria five years ago. In the artistic work of that choir was and is expressed that quality which makes us human. “Unfortunately, our species finds itself right now in an incredible danger, in which the world is faced with a reverse Cuban Missile Crisis, to which the President of your country has reacted in an unmistakable fashion: He insists, rightfully, that the promises given to Russia around the time of the German Unification, that NATO would not move eastward, closer to the borders of Russia, and which were broken repeatedly, now belatedly be restated in a written and legally binding form—at least as it concerns Ukraine and Georgia. Indeed the history of the last 32 years is a history of an unbelievable series of lies and deceits to create a narrative to justify the vilification of Russia—to what end? “The Schiller Institute fully endorses the demand by Russia that these treaties must be signed, and that the world must be pulled back from the brink of the abyss. We must shift all efforts to solve the great catastrophes of a pandemic out of control; a famine of biblical dimensions; the greatest humanitarian crisis on the planet, in Afghanistan; and to eradicate poverty for billions of people. We must reach a new paradigm of our civilization, or we may not exist. “Let us revive the spirit of the cultural contribution of the Alexandrov Ensemble to mobilize the strength in ourselves to create a more human civilization!” Watch the video of the event here.
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken began three days of critical meetings in Europe on Wednesday, Jan. 19 to discuss the Ukraine crisis and Russia’s adamant insistence that, if security talks with the U.S. are to continue, Russia must receive written responses to each of the points raised in the two draft treaty proposals they presented to the world on Dec. 17. Those proposed treaties, one with the United States and the other with NATO, state that Russia’s national security is gravely endangered by the threatened deployment of NATO advanced weapon systems on their very border, and by the proposed admission of Ukraine to the NATO alliance; and that therefore Russia must be given written guarantees that neither will occur—or else they will have to take “retaliatory military-technical measures” of their own.On Wednesday, Blinken travelled to Kiev, Ukraine to meet with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. On Thursday, Jan. 20, he will go to Berlin to caucus with the foreign ministers of Germany, France and war-drive ring-leader United Kingdom. And on Friday, Jan. 21 he will go to Geneva to sit down with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Blinken’s trip is not just another round of diplomacy: war or peace between the U.S. and Russia hangs in the balance. Putin has warned repeatedly that Russia is being driven to adopt “appropriate retaliatory military-technical measures” of its own, which Gilbert Doctorow, a Brussels-based political analyst, believes would include deploying nuclear-armed SS-26 Iskander-M short-range ballistic missiles to Belarus and Kaliningrad to threaten NATO’s frontline states and eastern Germany, as well as possibly placing nuclear-armed Zircon sea-launched hypersonic cruise missiles off the coast of Washington, D.C., which, Doctorow further points out, “Russia has previously stated could be utilized to destroy the U.S. capital before the President could escape on Air Force One.” In his talks with Zelenskyy, Blinken set the tone for his Jan. 21 talk with Lavrov by yet again aggressively blaming Russia alone for the crisis, and demanding that they “de-escalate” by stopping the deployment of troops on their own territory, near the Ukraine border, or be prepared to be hit with scorched-earth economic warfare by the West. Lavrov, for his part, restated the Russian position after talks on Jan. 18 with German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock: “We are now awaiting answers to these proposals (the two draft treaties), as promised, in order to continue the talks.” “The war danger is greater than ever, and we are on the verge of World War III,” Helga Zepp-LaRouche warned today. “We are now down to the wire and things will have to break one way or the other in the days ahead.” Although there is a growing chorus of voices calling for sanity in the U.S. and Europe, the control of U.S. policy by the British and their American war party confederates has not been broken. Furthermore, Zepp-LaRouche stated, the descent into war is being driven by the systemic breakdown of the trans-Atlantic financial system, which is now going out of control, as Lyndon LaRouche repeatedly explained. But there is a second dynamic underway in the world, which is the emerging realignment of nations of all continents around China and Russia, and the Belt and Road Initiative as an alternative to the policy of Malthusian depopulation being promoted by the dying trans-Atlantic system. One indication of this is the visit of Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi to Moscow, where a 20-year package of development deals is under discussion. Another is the upcoming visit to Moscow and then Beijing by Argentine President Alberto Fernàndez, where he plans to sign a memorandum of understanding on the Belt and Road Initiative. If the United States remains hostile to this policy alternative, and continues to defend the City of London and Wall Street’s bankrupt system, then the world will in all likelihood careen toward thermonuclear war. If the U.S. joins with the Belt and Road, as Lyndon LaRouche advocated from the outset, then the prospects for peace and development are excellent. We join with Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s call to make 2022 the Year of Lyndon LaRouche, and of the adoption of his policies.
July 15, 2024 (EIRNS)—Helga Zepp-LaRouche issued the following brief statement today:
“The world is still in a state of shock. The only reason the July 13 assassination attempt on Donald Trump failed, was because of the extremely accidental movement of his head by a fraction of an inch, so that his ear, and not his eye, was hit. Had that movement not occurred, the shot could have been Sarajevo 2.0 for throwing the U.S. and subsequently the world into chaos, followed by a global nuclear war.
Oct. 11—Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche held her weekly "Dialogue" webcast on Oct. 11, in which she discussed the rapidly worsening strategic crisis and war danger, and what to do about it.
Feb. 7—February 7 marked four months that Israel’s shocking blood-letting has been underway in Gaza, actions which the International Court of Justice (ICJ) characterized in its Jan. 26 order as a case of “plausible genocide.” The ICJ ordered not only Israel, but all nations that have provided military and other support for the Israeli atrocities, to immediately cease and desist, lest they too be found complicit in the genocide.
Feb. 5, 2025 (EIRNS)—First: Don’t try to brush aside the Trump-Netanyahu press conference of Feb. 4 as just another case of the President throwing out preposterous proposals as a “negotiating tactic,” in which he didn’t really mean what he said: That the United States would take over and “own” Gaza; that the U.S. would use military force “if necessary” to achieve that; and that 1.8 million Palestinians would be “relocated” to neighboring countries (who all quickly restated that they would not be party to such ethnic cleansing).
May 8—There are unusual periods in human history when the entire scope of life-and-death decisions facing Mankind—short-term decisions which will take us either forward towards a new renaissance, or otherwise hurl us into the bowels of hell—are as if telescoped down into a single day. That was the case of Monday, May 6, 2024.
Feb. 8—Whenever there is a danger that peace might break out, you can count on the British to jump into the fray to prevent that from happening, whatever the cost.
March 22—I think all thinking people are aware of the fact that the war danger is accelerating at an incredible speed. It’s almost impossible to think where to start with the evolving crises of humanity in which we find ourselves. Not only do we have an increasing danger of a NATO versus Russia war coming almost around the corner; a worsening of the situation with China; but also, you have these unbelievable humanitarian crises which are killing people by the hundreds of thousands.
Feb. 16—Helga, there are many, many significant developments we need to take up today. I think we should start with the Seymour Hersh revelations, about the U.S. being responsible for the explosions on the Nord Stream pipelines. Hersh has a very prominent article from Feb. 8. He’s an extremely authoritative journalist. And you have been pushing for a while that there must be a reaction from Germany, an investigation. Now that this is breaking out into the open, including in his interview in the Berliner Zeitung yesterday, do you think there’s going to be something in Germany? What has to be done to force this into the open?
With nearly all policymakers and strategic analysts in the trans-Atlantic sector of the world in a clueless state of utter chaos and hysteria over the developments in Afghanistan, Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche today convoked an urgent international seminar for this coming Saturday, August 21 to pursue the only available solution to the crisis: peace through development. The seminar will continue the prescient discussion held by the Schiller Institute on July 31, with many of the same panelists, as well as new ones.Zepp-LaRouche drew a crystal clear picture in her weekly strategic webcast yesterday: “First of all, I do not agree with the hysteria of the Western media that this is the end of the world. The first thing that must be stated, is that it ends 40 years of war for the Afghani people, and if people have any sense of what it means to live in such a long war, all the suffering of the civilians, all the terrible things people had to endure, in terms of drone attacks, in terms of anxiety, I think, first of all, it’s very good that the war has ended. “I think it is, on the contrary, the real chance to integrate Afghanistan into a regional economic development perspective, which is basically defined by the Belt and Road Initiative of China. There is a very clear agreement of Russia and China to cooperate in dealing with this situation. The interest of the Central Asian republics is to make sure there is stability and economic development; and there is the possibility to extend the CPEC, the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, into Afghanistan, into Central Asia. So I think it’s a real opportunity, but it does require a complete change in approach.” Zepp-LaRouche continued: “This is an epochal change…. I think that if the European nations and the United States would understand that this is a unique chance, if they cooperate, rather than fight Russia and China and their influence in the region, and if they join hands in the economic development there … then this can become a very positive turning point, not only for Afghanistan, but also for the whole world.” Zepp-LaRouche made a special appeal to the United States in remarks earlier in the day on Aug. 17: “The United States must go back to the foreign policy of the Founding Fathers and the initial period—such as John Quincy Adams—that the aim of the United States is not to chase foreign monsters, but to build alliances. John Quincy Adams said that the United States should have alliances of perfectly sovereign republics, and this is now the moment to really do that. The idea is to not oppose China linking Afghanistan into the Belt and Road Initiative, but rather see it as an opportunity to cooperate, and stop this geopolitical confrontation which can only lead to catastrophe.” She concluded: “That’s the kind of discussion which we have to catalyze.” The video archive of the July 31, 2021 Schiller Institute conference on “Afghanistan: A Turning Point in History after the Failed Regime-Change Era” can be found here: The speakers included: Helga Zepp-LaRouche (Germany), Founder and President of The Schiller Institute; Pino Arlacchi (Italy), Sociology Professor at the Sassari University, former Executive Director of the UN Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention, and former European Parliament Rapporteur on Afghanistan; H.E. Ambassador Hassan Shoroosh (Afghanistan), Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to Canada; H.E. Ambassador Anna Evstigneeva (Russian Federation), Deputy Permanent Representative at the Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN; Dr. Wang Jin (China), Fellow with The Charhar Institute; Ray McGovern (U.S.), Analyst, Central Intelligence Agency (ret.), Co-Founder, Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS); Hassan Daud (Pakistan), CEO, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province Board of Investment; and Hussein Askary (Sweden/Iraq), Southwest Asia Coordinator for the Schiller Institute.
Dec. 7—“I hope that you succeed. I hope you succeed!”
Those were the closing remarks by Vladimir Solovyov, host of “Solovyov Live,” Russia’s major TV talk show which is watched by millions, at the end of a 21-minute interview this morning with Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche. In the discussion, Zepp-LaRouche had warned that “we are already at a state of war between NATO and Russia, and many people in many countries are extremely worried that this may lead to nuclear war.” She asserted that such a war would mean the annihilation of civilization, and that “this is why I have suggested principles, 10 principles for a new international security and development architecture, which is drawing very much on the example of the Peace of Westphalia which ended 150 years of religious war in Europe. And I’m really fighting very hard to put this on the agenda before it is too late.”
Jan. 11, 2023 (EIRNS)—“Who authorized the EU and NATO to form an alliance to establish a Global NATO dictatorship?” Helga Zepp-LaRouche demanded in her weekly webcast today. “Voters in the countries have not been asked about that; there has been no public debate; I don’t think that any parliaments were consulted,” she asserted acerbically. And yet that decision has worsened an already red-hot strategic situation, which could descend into nuclear confrontation with Russia and China at any moment.
Zepp-LaRouche was referring to the “Joint Declaration on EU-NATO Cooperation” issued on Jan. 10, whereby a “NATO-EU strategic partnership” was announced centered on closely coordinating their provocative campaigns against “Russian aggression” and “China’s growing assertiveness.” All 27 EU member nations were instructed that, like it or not, whether or not they are also members of NATO, they should ensure “the fullest possible involvement … with the [NATO] Alliance in its initiatives.”
Also today, the U.S. and Japan began their 2+2 meetings in Washington of their defense and foreign ministers, which will be followed by a Jan. 13 White House meeting of Prime Minister Fumio Kishida with President Joe Biden. At that meeting, the two countries will announce, according to the Washington Post, “a deepening of the two countries’ strategic alliance,” including equipping an 18,000-strong U.S. Marine Corps force in Okinawa “with advanced capabilities, such as missiles that could be fired at Chinese ships in the event of a Taiwan conflict.” An unnamed senior administration official left no doubt as to the import of the radical escalation: “This is about Japan essentially aligning with the United States, in many ways like a NATO ally.” Another applauded: “This is one of the most significant advances in U.S. force posture in the region in at least a decade.”
The Washington Post article is also explicit about how this could lead to a direct U.S.-China military confrontation: “Japan and China also have been engaged in a long-running territorial dispute over the Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea northeast of Taiwan, where an escalation could draw the United States—which has pledged to defend Japan under a security treaty—into a conflict with China.”
The model for Global NATO’s scheduled shooting war with China is Ukraine—as Lt. Gen. James Bierman, commanding general of the Third Marine Expeditionary Force (III MEF) and of Marine Forces Japan, frankly admitted in a Jan. 8 interview with the Financial Times. Beginning in 2014, “we earnestly got after preparing for future conflict: training for the Ukrainians, pre-positioning of supplies, identification of sites from which we could operate support, sustain operations,” he said. “We call that setting the theater. And we are setting the theater in Japan, in the Philippines, in other locations.”
Bierman also made it crystal clear who would be throwing the first punch: “As we square off with the Chinese adversary, who is going to own the starting pistol and is going to have the ability potentially to initiate hostilities….”
To recapitulate: The United States has stoked the fires of a strategic confrontation with Russia in Ukraine, to the tune of well over $100 billion (and counting) in military expenditures that have gone into the deep pockets of Military Industrial Complex corporations such as Raytheon and Lockheed Martin—while Americans are being fleeced by inflation, poverty is on the rise, and essential infrastructure collapses at every turn. And the U.S. and NATO are now about to launch a second, Asian front in a shooting war which is designed to cross China’s red line around the Taiwan issue!
“We have to demand a stop to the war because it has the danger of going out of control” into full-scale nuclear war, Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche warned in her webcast. “If it comes to nuclear war, if only one weapon is used, that is the annihilation of civilization. Most people nowadays, the younger generation in particular, have no inkling of what a nuclear war would mean…. The whole human race would be wiped out. Nobody would be alive to even investigate why this happened!”
Zepp-LaRouche stressed that the full implications of such a nuclear war have to register with people, as the starting point of any serious discussion of strategy. “I think you have to start with that, because nuclear war must be avoided at all costs…. Unless you make that crystal clear, you are not in the real world.” She urged that millions if not billions of people around the world need to watch the detailed documentation of the nature of nuclear war issued by American nuclear specialist Steven Starr. (https://youtu.be/X0zlyfhz7hk )
“We absolutely have to have an international mobilization,” she continued, “to take up the offer of Pope Francis, who offered the venue of the Vatican for negotiations between Ukraine and Russia, without any preconditions. We need to have international pressure from inside the United States and Europe in particular,” to stop the mad drive to nuclear war. “And then we have to move very quickly to a new international security and development architecture which takes into account the interest of every country on the planet.”
“Either we make that jump, that shift,” she concluded, “or the fate of humanity is dubious.”
Zepp-LaRouche discussed the nature of that needed shift, in the closing section of her remarks to the Jan. 10 Schiller Institute forum, “What About International Law, Mrs. Merkel?”: (https://youtu.be/GoOsZOB0i2Q)
“If we are to find a way out at this late stage, seconds to midnight, then a wide, overwhelming publicity must be created worldwide demanding that a diplomatic solution be found. Pope Francis’s offer of the Vatican’s premises for unconditional negotiations is the best option; other mediation proposals, such as those of President Lula and other states of the Global South, as well as President Erdoğan’s efforts, must be coalesced around the Vatican’s initiative. I therefore ask you all to sign our Open Letter from the Latin American Parliamentarians’ Initiative to the Pope…. [https://schillerinstitute.com/blog/2023/01/05/open-letter-to-pope-francis-from-political-and-social-leaders-support-call-for-immediate-peace-negotiations/ ]
“We need a new international security and development architecture that includes the interest of every state, including Ukraine, Russia, China and all other nations. To this end, I have brought Ten Principles to the discussion, which I ask you all to read and discuss. The main idea of them is that we, as human beings, are the creative species in the universe, and therefore able to find the higher level of reason at which any problem can be solved.”
Will President Biden follow in the footsteps of Mike Pompeo, President Trump’s obnoxiously aggressive Secretary of State, in U.S. relations with Russia and China? That is the question that the governments of Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping are asking, one month into the new administration in Washington. The future of war and peace for the planet hangs in the balance.The answer does not lie with personalities or public remarks—there have been many, and often contradictory statements issued in recent weeks—but with the dynamics of the underlying drive for war created by the bankrupt trans-Atlantic financial system. Helga Zepp-LaRouche addressed this issue at the very outset of her Feb. 24 weekly webcast. After noting that Biden had recently stated, both in his G7 and his Munich Security Conference speeches, that he did not want confrontation between East and West, nor a new Cold War, Zepp-LaRouche remarked: “So, while I don’t want to exaggerate this as such, one has to see it in the context that the relationship between the United States and China is the most important strategic relationship for the future of humanity. For the simple reason that these are the two largest economies, that China is involved with Russia in a strategic alliance, and that, therefore, [it is key] to not have a confrontation and not continue where it was at the end of the Trump Administration, which was completely governed by the China-bashers such as Pompeo, Navarro, and their ilk.” Zepp-LaRouche noted that Biden’s is a new administration, “so we have to see. I’m not making a judgment at this point” on his Russia and China policies. She also stressed that when President Trump first came into office, “in the beginning, in the election campaign 2016, and throughout the earlier part of Trump’s administration, he said many times, that to have a good relationship with Russia and China is a good thing and not a bad thing. But then we saw how, increasingly, under the strategic pressure, and pressure from the neocons and from the military-industrial complex, Trump more and more capitulated to their confrontational line, especially in respect to China. By April of last year, he started to blame China for COVID, and all kinds of other things. So by the end of the Trump administration, unfortunately, the relationship with Russia and China was at a historic low.” With such pressures being brought to bear on Republicans and Democrats alike in Washington by the hit-men of the bankrupt international financial system, both Beijing and Moscow have always taken special note of the clear, unambiguous voice of Lyndon LaRouche coming from the United States, for defining a new basis for U.S. relations with China and with Russia. For example, China Youth Daily, the second-most widely read newspaper in China, reaching an audience of some 10 million people, ran a lead article in its July 24, 2009, edition based on an interview they had conducted with Lyndon LaRouche. Entitled “The Present International Financial System Cannot Be Saved,” the article reported: “LaRouche proposes that the U.S. put the present financial system through bankruptcy proceedings and return to the system set up by Alexander Hamilton, and through the establishment of a national bank begin to issue credit for reviving U.S. industry. On the international level, this principle can then be extended to the world economy by means of treaty agreements among sovereign nations. Establishing an international system of fixed exchange rates among currencies would determine the price of commodities, and the treaty arrangements would provide the needed credit,” the article continued. “LaRouche believes that if the United States, China, Russia, and India, as sovereign nations which encompass the greatest area of the world, and contain the largest population in the world, were to come together around agreement on financial arrangements, this would provide immediately the basis of a new world financial system. LaRouche believes that the development of Asia will, in the future, take the lead in the development of humanity, and that China is the key to the Eurasian continent.” Today, a dozen years after those remarks, the voice for that LaRouche policy is to be found with Helga Zepp-LaRouche, and with The LaRouche Organization.
June 12, 2024 (EIRNS)—On Wednesday, June 12, the Schiller Institute hosted an emergency press conference which featured four distinguished speakers: Scott Ritter, former UN weapons inspector and U.S. Marine intelligence officer; Col. Richard H. Black (ret.), former head of the U.S. Army’s Criminal Law Division at the Pentagon and a former Virginia State Senator; Helga Zepp-LaRouche: founder and chairwoman of the Schiller Institute; and Col. Lawrence Wilkerson (ret.), former chief of staff to United States Secretary of State Colin Powell. Ray McGovern, former CIA analyst and co-founder of the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS), had been scheduled to appear, but had to cancel due to health issues.
On Dec. 17, 2021, Russia publicly presented two draft treaties for urgent adoption—one with the United States, one with NATO—which addressed Russia’s existential security concerns regarding the inexorable eastward expansion of NATO and the placement of threatening weapon systems on its borders. Russia demanded immediate written responses to their urgent proposals, in order to brake the rush to war emanating from the West.On Jan. 26, the U.S. and NATO did provide private written responses to Russia. But on Feb. 1 Russian President Vladimir Putin stated at a press conference: “Let me note that we are closely analyzing the written responses received from the U.S. and NATO on January 26. However, it is already clear … that the fundamental Russian concerns were ignored.” Putin then turned the tables on the entire matter: He told the press that the U.S. and NATO weren’t really concerned with Ukraine’s security, but were using that issue as a kind of bear trap, as an excuse to launch all-out economic warfare against Russia in order to destroy its economy and prevent the country’s industrialization. “Its main task is to hamper Russia’s development…. Ukraine just serves as a means to achieve this goal … by drawing us into some kind of armed conflict.” The next day, Kremlin adviser Yuri Ushakov announced that Putin will meet Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing on Feb. 4, making it clear that the two countries are deeply allied on both economic and security matters. The two Presidents will issue “a joint statement on international relations in the new era and global sustainable development … [that] will reflect the shared views of Russia and China on the most important global problems, including security issues,” Ushakov reported. Helga Zepp-LaRouche today welcomed the emphasis on the underlying economic crisis behind the war danger, and also on the needed total international economic transformation required to forge a durable peace. Recent threats from American and especially British officials of their intention to totally wipe out Russia’s ability to industrialize and develop, are finally waking people up to the reality Lyndon LaRouche warned about for decades. Zepp-LaRouche stated in her Jan. 28 weekly webcast: “The language of this is so brutal, it’s basically saying: Look, we managed with the shock therapy in 1990s, with Jeffrey Sachs in the Yeltsin period, to turn a former superpower into a raw materials producing, third world country, and now we will deny Russia the right to industrialize, by applying such measures. Now, that is a form of a declaration of war already! How can you deny a country to develop industrially?… If you read the language, how this is written, it portrays a mindset which is the mindset of a party declaring war already.” Zepp-LaRouche continued: “We’re sitting on a powder keg: The reason for all the war danger is the fact that the financial system is about to blow up. There are many reports that the so-called ‘emerging markets,’ which is a synonym for the developing countries, that they may have a huge debt crisis if there is the slightest ‘tapering’ of interest rates by the Federal Reserve. So the urgency to go with LaRouche’s Four Laws, and really go in a completely different direction, rebuilding the world economy by having actual development, starting with a world health system, is of the greatest urgency.” Zepp-LaRouche took note of the fact that, in many countries around the world, there are the beginnings of some significant opposition to the war drive, and even to the economic policies that are causing it: some people are becoming conflicted and uneasy, and rightly so. “This is an opportune moment to focus the growing war anxiety in many nations around the world, against the British,” Zepp-LaRouche stated, “who, after all, are the policy authors of the global drive towards superpower warfare. This could ruin their capability for good.” Zepp-LaRouche again drew attention to the unspeakable genocide underway in Afghanistan, where half the population is in danger of starving to death over the winter, in large measure due to the illegal freezing of the country’s assets abroad and the merciless economic sanctions being imposed on the country. Those most immediately threatened include 1 million children who are so malnourished that, were they in a developed country, they would belong in hospital ICU facilities. This is a crime against humanity underway before our very eyes, and it is being committed by the same British and American financial interests that are behind the war drive against Russia and China.
When human societies enter a systemic, or breakdown crisis, they produce moments which seem to live in two “worlds” at the same time—worlds which are mutually contradictory or, more precisely, incommensurable. There is the equivalent of a mathematical discontinuity between them. They are what Lyndon LaRouche referred to frequently as “singularities,” unique moments of transition between two mutually irreconcilable conditions of the system.The fall of the Berlin Wall was one such moment in recent history. Another was the beginning of the French Revolution, that “great moment [that] has found a little people,” as Schiller wrote. Afghanistan represents precisely that kind of an opportunity/danger today, which is why Helga Zepp-LaRouche insists: “I compared [the Afghan pullout] to the Fall of the Berlin Wall and the German reunification and the end of the Soviet Union… In a certain sense, it’s different in scale, maybe, but not in terms of essential quality, because the end of the Soviet system was the end of a historical phase, the end of a system. And what the Afghanistan withdrawal signifies, it’s also the end of a system of endless wars.” The alternatives now facing that region (and the world) are to either descend fully into the hell of drugs, terrorism, an uncontrolled pandemic, and economic collapse; or to enter a new paradigm of win-win relations with the Belt and Road Initiative. Zepp-LaRouche stated: “The development and integration of Afghanistan is in the interests of the Afghani people, it is in the interests of their neighbors, in the interest of the entire Eurasian continent. So I’m quite optimistic that it can happen, but the crucial question is, will the United States cooperate with Russia and China?” Everything hangs in the balance. The danger of British-promoted confrontation between the U.S. and Russia is escalating (as are U.S.-China tensions), to the point that the Russian Foreign Ministry yesterday held a board meeting chaired by Sergey Lavrov, which issued a sharply-worded statement that “bilateral relations [with the U.S.] had approached a dangerous confrontational threshold through the fault of Washington, who have provoked an unprecedented escalation between our states over the recent years.” This, they note, despite the potential for strategic dialogue signalled by the June 16 summit between Biden and Putin. What, then, is the nature of moments of singularity such as today’s, and how are we to act upon them? The outcome of such transitional moments is not foreordained, but is subject to Man’s willful intervention. Helga Zepp-LaRouche, in an October 1987 writing “On the Sweetness of Truth,” written to celebrate the 65th birthday of her husband, the late Lyndon LaRouche, discussed Nicholas of Cusa’s work “The Vision of God”: “The universe consists of negentropically growing manifolds of ever higher orderings, whose microcosm is human Reason. If the person now recognizes this divine order of creation, at each singularity, that is to say, at the transition from one manifold into the next higher, by his creative efforts he will determine the ‘terminus specie’ which enables further development … It is at this moment, that creating and being created coincide also for human beings, since the actualization of infinity in one point (terminus specie),— in a singularity — means, that the knowledge upon which he bases his creation, must be adequate, that is to say, it must represent the greatest possible approximation to Truth at that time. Through the creative act, the human being extends anew the lawfulness of the universe in a lawful way.” [emphasis added—ed.] In his October 1995 “Riemann Refutes Euler: Background to a Breakthrough,” LaRouche addressed the same concept in terms of music and classical composition: “The singularity in question is generated by the difference in direction of time-sense—backwards versus forwards—of the two, interacting ideas respecting the poem or musical composition in mid-performance… The character of these ideas as singularities arises from the way in which their existence is generated subjectively: by the same kind of processes underlying the reading and composition of a valid Classical strophic poem. The quality of ‘singularity,’ and the associated form of mathematical discontinuity, arises from the opposing senses of time associated with the interplay of perfected ideas with the process of their development.” [emphasis added—ed.] The Afghan singularity, and its creative resolution, will be the subject of a Schiller Institute international seminar on Saturday, July 31. And it will come into proper focus as such, located between the Saturday, July 24, Schiller Institute webcast on the fraud of climate change and the coming blackouts; and the Saturday, Aug. 14 seminar sponsored by the LaRouche Legacy Foundation, “On the 50th Anniversary of LaRouche’s Stunning Forecast of August 15, 1971.”
“Anybody who does not have geopolitical spectacles on their nose can see that, unless the two largest economies in the world—the U.S. and China—work together to tackle problems such as the pandemic, poverty, and famine, the world will be a miserable place,” Helga Zepp-LaRouche asserted in her weekly international webcast today. “And therefore some of these military doctrines which declare Russia and China to be the enemy are really stupid… The end result can only lead to war.”Zepp-LaRouche referred specifically to the recent Dr. Strangelove-type rampage of Adm. Philip Davidson, the head of U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, who defined China as the leading strategic threat to the United States. But the dangerous policy outlook originates in imperial London and extends deep into both the Republican and Democratic parties—and also into an all-too-gullible American population. The simple fact of the matter, as Lyndon LaRouche stressed repeatedly, is that we are in the throes of a systemic breakdown crisis of the entire trans-Atlantic system, characterized by both a bankrupt financial system and plunging real living standards of most of the world’s population, which has unleashed pandemics, famine, and cruel poverty. And solving that crisis, LaRouche also insisted, requires mustering the combined physical economic capabilities of China and the United States, in a science-driven global infrastructure program such as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Whether London’s ideologues like it or not, China cannot be absent from the real-world solution to these problems. It not only launched the BRI and made it available to all nations, regardless of ideology; China has also succeeded in lifting 850 million Chinese out of extreme poverty over the last 40 years—the single, greatest contribution to the growth of physical-economic productivity worldwide, emphatically including real productivity inside the U.S. Consider the plight of Yemen, where millions—including children—are facing mass starvation, in what World Food Program director David Beasley painfully described, after a visit to that country this week, as “Hell; it’s the worst place on earth. And it’s entirely man-made.” So too with the explosion of new strains of COVID across the Americas, centered in Brazil, where the Bolsonaro government’s policy of arrogant inaction has encouraged the spread of the disease to crisis proportions. The new P1 Brazilian strain of the coronavirus is apparently twice as contagious as the original strain; and it is reportedly capable of re-infecting those who had COVID in anywhere from 25-60% of cases. Brazil, with its 211 million population, one-quarter of whom live in abject poverty, shares borders with 10 out of South America’s 12 countries. Do you really think this can be contained within Brazil? But just as the crisis is man-made, so too is its solution: the accelerated development of Southwest Asia, Africa, Ibero-America, and elsewhere, based on the extension of high-tech BRI corridors throughout these regions, in which China and the U.S. must play the keystone roles. The upcoming Schiller Institute/ICLC conference will present a detailed blueprint for such an approach. China, and Russia, are also both natural allies of those in the United States and Europe who rightly view the Green New Deal as a threat to economic development and human existence itself. As Helga Zepp-LaRouche stated in her webcast: “Behind all of this so-called ‘climate’ and anti-nuclear question, there are quite different motives: namely to reduce the population, and that is what is not being accepted by Russia and China. This self destruction of the West by deindustrializing, by reversing the level of industry and agriculture to pre-industrial times, means that the west is weakening itself drastically. And naturally, this increases the war danger, because Russia and China have no intention to do likewise.”
Between Monday and Wednesday of this week, the world has moved dramatically closer to the brink of thermonuclear war.The United States and NATO dug in their heels in their respective Jan. 10 and Jan. 12 high-level security talks with Russia, and proclaimed their intent to continue expanding NATO eastward up to Russia’s very border, and to deploy threatening nuclear attack systems also on that border, five minutes flight-time from Moscow. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko emerged from today’s Russia-NATO Council meeting to report that not only was there no unifying positive agenda between Russia and NATO, but that the U.S. and NATO have reverted to the full Cold War strategy of “containment” towards Russia, including “full spectrum dominance.” Russia is being left with no option but to respond in kind to the policy of containment, deterrence and intimidation, he stated. The Monday U.S.-Russia discussions ended on a similar note. These results are not surprising, Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche commented today. Other than any possible back-channel or private communications between Presidents Biden and Putin that may be underway and which offer a more rational approach, there could well be a quick counter-action on the part of Russia. As Putin and many top Russian leaders have warned repeatedly over recent weeks, Russia cannot back down to the threats being posed to its very sovereignty and existence. Russia is faced with a reverse Cuban Missile Crisis, only this time with a far shorter hair-trigger to war. Recall the words of JFK sixty years ago: “Within the past week, unmistakable evidence has established the fact that a series of offensive missile sites is now in preparation on that imprisoned island (Cuba).” To do this, he reminded the world, “in an area well-known to have a special and historical relationship to the U.S., is a deliberately provocative and unjustified change in the status quo which cannot be accepted by this country.” Zepp-LaRouche warned that, if the bellicose statements and confrontation continue, then the world is most likely in for a sudden showdown—which could escalate to the thermonuclear threshold nearly instantly. A broad mobilization of forces worldwide is urgently required to stop this descent into hell, and quickly develop new options that will guarantee security and wellbeing for all parties. • A new, global security architecture is needed to immediately replace the NATO organization and policy, which has brought the world to the brink of war. The driving force that is impelling the world towards thermonuclear war is the breakdown crisis of the entire trans-Atlantic financial system. For their system to survive, the predatory speculators of the City of London and Wall Street must impose fascist levels of economic looting, and bring Russia and China to heel to ensure that there is no real opposition to that policy. • The trans-Atlantic system must be put through bankruptcy reorganization along the lines specified by Lyndon LaRouche in his 2014 Four Laws. Put that system out of its misery, and you remove the danger of World War III. Throughout his life, Lyndon LaRouche repeatedly explained this intimate connection between the collapsing financial system and the drive to war. One of his clearest expositions was in a Dec. 23, 2011 statement, “To Stop Thermonuclear War, Bring on the World Economic Recovery,” which we have previously quoted in this space, and excerpts of which are the editorial appearing in the January 7, 2022 issue of Executive Intelligence Review. As that editorial notes, LaRouche’s remarks from 2011 “confirm the prescience of this genius, and demonstrates why Helga Zepp-LaRouche has called for the year 2022—the 100th anniversary of his birth—to be known as ‘The Year of Lyndon LaRouche.’” LaRouche warned in his 2011 presentation: "We are now on the verge of what must be called World War III: This will be thermonuclear World War III—not pre-nuclear war, not nuclear war, but thermonuclear war. The targets, principally, are Russia and China. These are the two principal targets…. “The issue is as follows: The present world system, the economic system, is in the process of disintegrating. Exactly how that will occur is uncertain, but it is happening. The intention is to eliminate two nations—Russia and China—and this means nuclear weapons; it means thermonuclear weapons. That part is engaged…. “Now, at this point, the United States, nations of Europe, Russia, China, and other countries, are poised for exactly this war. “The background of the war is the fact that the entire world is going bankrupt, especially the trans-Atlantic region, especially Europe, and also the United States, and the nations of South America and elsewhere, as well… “The bankruptcy from the United States’ standpoint, was set into motion back in 2007, when the beginning of the bailout process was set into motion. Since that time, the entirety of the trans-Atlantic region, particularly the United States and Europe, have been trapped into a bailout crisis, a hyperinflationary bailout crisis. At this point, the debt which has been accumulated since 2007, under this program, is such that every part of Europe at this time, under the present rules and the present arrangements, is hopelessly bankrupt! They could never recover as living nations, under the present degree of indebtedness they have. The same thing is true of the United States; Europe is a little more acute. That’s what’s happened…. The author of this thing is the British…. “Now, what we have to do—there are solutions for this bankruptcy. First of all, we have to put the world through bankruptcy—that is, a legitimate bankruptcy operation. We can do that, by, first of all, in the United States, for example—and other nations can copy this measure in cooperation with the United States—we go with a Glass-Steagall law, a U.S. Glass-Steagall law. And there are nations of Europe who are thinking of adopting the same Glass-Steagall law. “Under a Glass-Steagall law, the greater part of the debt of European nations, and the United States and others, will be wiped out, in effect, because under Glass-Steagall, the gambling debts, which are the major part of the indebtedness of the United States, will be simply put into a special category where somebody’s going to try to figure out how to get these debts paid—and they will never be paid! They will simply be wiped off the books; there’s no other solution. “Wiping that debt off the books, canceling the bailout debt, will mean that the United States, and Europe if they join, will be in a position to reorganize their finances, to create a credit system, and actually going into a new kind of Hamiltonian kind of credit system, a banking system which will enable the United States, and also Europe and other nations if they join, to organize a financial recovery. “In other words, what would happen, immediately: Remember, most of this bailout debt, the Wall Street debt, the London debt, the other bailout debt, is absolutely worthless! It can never be repaid! It never could be repaid: And the only solution, of course, for this thing, was to have this war. And if the British Empire came out as the victor in such a war, with the support of the United States, then they would cancel their debts, and they would go about their business. But, the population of the world would be reduced, greatly, through hunger, starvation, and so forth, which is about to occur anyway.”