The fighting in Gaza today is a living legacy of colonialism, going back to the 1916 Sykes-Picot secret treaty. It will not end with a local military "victory."
We have been in "endless wars" since the assassination of JFK, organized by those who benefit from permanent war. Is this the natural condition of man?
Those in control of western governments find war to be a simple solution to problems they have created. The key to success: use lies and censorship to control the people.
There is no "local solution" to the outbreak of war in SW Asia. What is required is a shift from the Unipolar Order to a new Strategic/Development Architecture.
Cutting funds for the war, the impetus for dumping Speaker McCarthy, was a right decision. But neither party has an answer for the coming economic chaos.
One has to question the sanity of NATO regimes, whose parties are collapsing in popularity, but are trying to escalate their costly proxy war against Russia.