Green “Hunger Games” Mean Famine
World food production is projected to decline significantly in 2022. The wheat harvest alone is predicted to drop by 10 million metric tons from last year, and other grains and staples are likewise expected to fall. At the same time, a record 45 million people are at the brink of starvation, and 800 million lack reliable daily food.
An agriculture mobilization is in order, with major nations collaborating on what to do. Instead, farmers in the world’s leading farm belts—India, Europe, the U.S., and elsewhere—are forced to protest simply for the right to be able to produce food. Farmers are blocking the streets with their tractors in Germany for the third year in a row.
This crisis is the result of the green agenda, coming on top of the breakdown of the decades-old casino monetarist system, which has depended on balloons of debt accompanied by bail-outs for favored mega-financial entities—all the while blocking productive investment, especially in water, power and other infrastructure essential to agriculture. In fact, the financial and “green” networks perpetrating the world food crisis are one and the same. They have built up mega food control cartels.
Their names are now infamous: Cargill, Walmart, Danone, McDonald’s. But the world’s food supply is also controlled by Goldman Sachs, hedge funds, the billionaire and royalist class, and their long-standing front groups—World Wildlife Fund, the International Union for Nature Conservancy, and others, whose provenance dates back to the eugenics movement. They put forward “nature-based agriculture,” “carbon farming,” “climate resilient non-meat diets” and other Malthusian campaigns, as part of their maneuvers to shunt any remaining money flows into their own green finance swindles, while farmers and ranchers are ruined, and people starve by the millions.
We have the power to stop this. We can act through the sovereignty of national governments to intervene and restore nation-serving banking and credit to promote independent farming and food production, along with industry and infrastructure, for the good of nations, not the Wall Street–City of London green globalists. That means restoring science, independent production, and ending fraud and fear.
Green Fraud, Cartel Control

Imperial finance won a series of victories against production and humanity in the 1990s, seizing greater power for themselves at the expense of the common good. The 1992 Rio Earth Summit was a marker event for institutional green fraud. It served as an inflection point in the City of London–Wall Street push for globalization, overriding national sovereignty. It was followed in 1994 by the North American Free Trade Agreement; in 1995, by the World Trade Organization; and in 1999, by the U.S. repeal of the 1933 Glass–Steagall Act, which for decades had separated commercial and investment banks, protecting the real economy from the Wall Street casino. These actions furthered worldwide control by the financial and commodity cartels.
At Rio de Janeiro in June 1992, the Earth Summit (United Nations Conference on Environment and Development) launched two ongoing “conventions” of nations: the “global warming” track—later called “climate change”—and the “biological diversity” track. The premise and message conveyed by both tracks is that humanity is too numerous and destructive. A new world eco-order must restrict human activity from emitting too much greenhouse gas, or the Earth will melt down; and must restrict the area occupied by humans, or wild species will go extinct. Nations joined what was termed a “Conference of the Parties” (COP) for each track, which held summits over the years, so that by November 2021, the 26th climate summit (COP26) took place in Scotland, and in October 2021, the 15th biodiversity summit (COP15) was held in Kunming, China. Both tracks have been based on fraudulent premises.
At the climate COP21, held in Paris in 2015, dozens of nations took the unprecedented step of agreeing to provide NDC plans (Nationally Determined Contributions) on how to reduce their output of what they considered to be greenhouse gas emissions, and accelerate their own self-destruction, for the Chicken-Little goal of holding down the Earth’s temperature.
The predictable results are now to be seen in the worsening electricity and fuel crisis in the trans-Atlantic, due to the takedown of coal and nuclear power generating stations, the build-up of unreliable wind and solar, and the deregulation of energy prices. This has created an inevitable food emergency. Another Texas Freeze like that of January 2021 is expected at any time. Two U.S. leading grain states—Iowa for corn and Kansas for wheat, depend on unreliable wind and solar for half their electricity.
European agriculture has also been hit hard. Farmers can’t afford or get reliable fuel for machinery, or for drying crops and other functions. With the rising price of fuel, the large concentration of high-yield Dutch greenhouses can’t afford electricity. In what is becoming a world-scale disaster, rising fuel prices have also hit nitrogen fertilizer production. Its feedstock is natural gas, whose price has soared, and whose supply is uncertain, so that the fertilizer cartel manufacturers have cut back. Farmers can neither afford nor obtain the fertilizer they need, essential for good yields of corn and wheat.
But even more devastating than the impact of the energy crisis, is the green agenda for farming. It is an attack on modern technology, and a move to ruin farmers and ranchers outright. In September 2021, the U.N. hosted the World Food Systems Summit, instigated by the World Economic Forum, to promote aligning with “nature.” Neither this confab, nor COP 15, nor COP26 even addressed today’s starvation or the ruination of farmers and ranchers.
Food Scarcity Laws
The European Union is actually decreasing food output. In May 2020, the EU “Farm to Fork” Green Deal was enacted. It calls for drastic reductions in farm inputs. Land use for agriculture must be cut by 10%; fertilizer use must fall by 20%; pesticide use and microbial use for livestock are to be slashed by 50%. These cuts guarantee less food and more hunger. The U.S. Department of Agriculture cranked through the numbers, and conservatively figured that food would be eliminated for 185 million people over and above the current number in hunger, if these EU policies were implemented in Europe and internationally.
In September 2020, the UK enacted its new “Agriculture Law” which has the unprecedented green demand that farmers’ main function now will be enhancing the environment. Producing food will be secondary. And the government will reward or penalize them accordingly.
The “30 by 30” concept, is a leading example of such government action. In January 2021, the newly inaugurated Joe Biden issued his Executive Order 14008, including the now-infamous Section 216, stating that by 2030, 30 percent of U.S. land and waters must be removed from any human economic use. Already, an estimated 13% of U.S. land and water are currently under some form of government park or other special use. Section 216 of the EO, called “30 by 30” demands new set-asides, threatening agriculture and other productive activity. New Mexico has set this as a state target. Some 60 nations have “30 by 30” plans.
In line with this, prior initiatives have been cranked up, to cut back on U.S. farming and ranching, to “save” biodiversity and non-human ecosystems. In Montana, there is a billionaire attempt to create the “American Serengeti.” The project, named the American Prairie Reserve, would bring back bison and ban cattle and sheep grazing, in an area the size of Lebanon.

The USDA concludes: under the EU Green Deal “farm to fork” strategy you’re on the menu!
Cartel, Green Schemes for Famine
Though not one of the big three 2021 green summits—the September UN World Food Systems, the October COP15, and the November COP26 was a success for their backers, the green financial and depopulation networks are in high gear, with new operations against farmers. They charge that because agriculture accounts for 12% of all greenhouse gas emissions, farming must be curbed. The U.S. and European governments are in collusion, refusing to use antitrust laws against the globalist cartels, who are now green enforcers.
For example, in the U.S. meat sector, the government condones the situation where 85% of all meatpacking is controlled by just a few transnational corporations—Cargill, Tysons, Smithfield, Marfrig, JBS. These companies’ net profits soared 300% during the pandemic so far. Livestock producers have no alternative companies to get their meat animals processed for consumers. In the northern plains states, Cargill, McDonalds, and the Walmart Foundation have a pilot program to dictate how cattlemen should operate, to reduce carbon emissions, called Ranch Systems and Viability Planning (RSVP). Meanwhile, the same monopoly processors and green networks are in the lead for “green” plant-based non-meat products. Bill Gates said in February 2021, “I do think all rich countries should move to 100% synthetic beef.” He said that would cut back on methane emissions, and “you can sort of change the [behavior of] people, or use regulation to totally shift the demand…”
Carbon “credit” trading, underway for years in the EU with the ETS (Emissions Trading System) is now under expansion in more sectors in Europe, and pushed on U.S. farmers, including through the U.S. Department of Agriculture, as well as through the cartels. Agriculture Secretary Vilsack wants trading to start soon, and even proposes funding the exchange by diverting money from the Commodity Credit Corporation, created by FDR in the 1930s to stabilize the price and availability of food. Cargill has its “Regenerative Agriculture” program in six start-up states, to “quantify carbon outcomes” of how farmers operate to capture carbon in their soils, to then pay them a pittance, and generate carbon certificates Cargill will market through its RegenConnect program. Farmers are surveilled for compliance through Regrow, a partner remote sensing firm of Cargill. This is one of the cartels’ many green initiatives.
Biofuels are a longstanding swindle, under the “sustainable” and “green” banner against the public and farmers alike, first pushed by ADM and Cargill in the U.S. under the G.W. Bush Presidency, and promoted by every president since. Farmers, most of whom know better, saw no alternative for their corn and soybean crops; many started their own biofuel companies. Now 40% of the U.S. corn crop—which itself amounts to a third of the world’s harvest, goes to ethanol production. Even counting the distilling by-product going into the animal feed chain, it is still a diversion of capacity. So much U.S. soy oil is going for biodiesel, that bakers and food processors are appealing for government intervention because of the shortage of vegetable oils and soaring prices. Internationally, edible oils prices are up over 60 percent in one year.
<h2>British Crown Goal: Depopulation</h2>
The British Crown think tank, Her Majesty’s Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), also known as Chatham House, bluntly states that depopulation is the goal, to save the planet. On Feb. 3, 2021, Chatham House issued a paper titled, “Food System Impacts on Biodiversity Loss: Three Levers for Food System Transformation in Support of Nature.” In it they assert that production of food is harmful for “degrading or destroying natural habitat and contributing to species extinction.” Their three levers to change today’s paradigm: 1) “Change dietary patterns to reduce demand.” For example, cut out meat. If the U.S. switched from beef to beans, this would free up “42% of U.S. cropland, for other uses such as ecosystem restoration…” 2) take land out of farming and use it for wildlife; and 3) reduce inputs to farming.

Food Supply Metric—Double World Grains
Look at what the food supply should be: near double what it is now. The world is approaching 8 billion people, and by the metric of how much food should be produced, total global production of grains, or cereals of all kinds, should be in the range of 4 billion metric tons (BMT), at least. However, for 2021, as in recent years, the total world grain harvest is below 3 BMT. And without intervention, the harvests are headed down, as the green policy intends.
The reasoning for the goal of 4+ BMT is the conventional policy-planning assumption, that a well-fed population requires approximately half a ton of grain produced per person. This has been the rough standard for a number of basic reasons. First, the dietary preferences of most cultures in the world relate to one or another of the top grains, e.g., corn in the form of tortillas; wheat in the form of bread, or pasta; rice in the bowl, or noodles, and so on. Scotland still favors oats. The majority of people’s daily calories come from grains. Secondarily, grains are consumed as animal protein as well.
However, instead of a per capita output of 0.5 tons or more, today’s level of annual grain output per capita is 0.39 at best. Add to this the well-known fact that, apart from China, India, and Russia, there is essentially no attempt to guarantee adequate food for all: instead, the “market”—meaning the transnational food cartels—decide who can afford to eat, or not. The entire continent of Africa has been forced to depend on imports for 40% of grain consumption. In 2022, will sufficient food be available at any price?
It is possible to provide an abundance of food for all, by working through the huge backlog of physical infrastructure investment, providing education in agricultural skills, and developing science and culture. There is also an immediate necessity to get emergency food to places of need.
These tasks can be solved. The crisis comes from allowing the continuation of the cartel control system and the green fraud.