No net economic progress in the Trans-Atlantic region has actually occurred since the assassination of President John F. Kennedy which effectively put the United States presidency under the thumb of the Anglo-Dutch oligarchy. Led by the satanic British Monarchy, this force is hell bent on reducing the world population down to 1 billion people or less, even if it means plunging the planet into thermonuclear war to do so.
In this brief presentation made to supporters on the occasion of his 91st birthday in 2013, Lyndon LaRouche issued a clarion call for the American people to "no longer consent to the power of that force of evil," and instead rally around a program of restoring Glass-Steagall and launching the beginning of a Fusion-based economy in the United States financed by a renewed federal credit system. Clearly, with the British now egging on the EU to continue a nuclear confrontation with Russia, it's well past time to again heed the wise words of Lyndon LaRouche.
For further reading, see The LaRouche Organization's 2022 pamphlet "Stop Global Britain's Green War Drive"