At the beginning of Donald Trump's first term as president, the LaRouche movement's Jason Ross released this video identifying the unique pathway for an actual economic recovery for the United States based on Lyndon LaRouche's 2014 document "The Four New Laws to Save the USA Now! Not an Option: An Immediate Necessity." At the time, LaRouche had correctly identified the 2016 election of President Trump as part of a global repudiation of the Trans-Atlantic/NATO paradigm of perpetual war in favor of a new paradigm of peace and win-win cooperation among nations, typified by the BRICS process and China's Belt and Road Initiative. The desperate, non-stop harassment of that first presidential term combined with the unexpected COVID crisis, and then the questionable 2020 election of the feeble Joe Biden, all served to derail Trump's initial impulse to work directly with President Putin and China's Xi Jinping toward the new paradigm.
Then, in November 2024, the American people yet again rejected the dangerously failing NATO paradigm by electing Donald Trump for a second term, putting a revolutionary change of policy on the table. But that change will only succeed by the United States completely breaking with Wall Street's and the City of London's insane monetarist "bail out" economy and instead launching an overhaul of the American economy, exactly along the lines that LaRouche had laid out in 2014.