Friday Symposium: American Independence 250th--End The U.S.-British Special Relationship!
By Diane SareImmediately following the death of President Franklin Roosevelt, Britain's imperial elite moved swiftly to re-assert their "Great Game" geopolitical control of the planet through perpetual war by usurping the "brawn" of their lost colony, the United States, to enforce their murderous agenda. Since then, every rotten American policy, from the dropping of two atomic bombs to the Vietnam War and post 9/11 "forever wars," has been the result of the subservience of a corrupt faction of the US intelligence community to this imperial "special relationship," so named by Winston Churchill in 1946. Accordingly, all major opponents to this servile role of the United States to the empire she defeated in revolution, have been persecuted, marginalized, or assassinated.
Now, on the eve of the 250th anniversary of the U.S. Declaration of Independence, it is past time to end this insanity which has brought to world to the brink of nuclear war, and return the United States to her anti-colonial heritage. Toward this end, The LaRouche Organization has released a 4-page dossier 'For America’s 250th Birthday: Celebrate American Independence! End The U.S.-British Special Relationship!' which can be downloaded, printed and circulated.
This week Diane will be joined by Manhattan Project coordinator Dennis Speed to spell out our strategy for victory in this historic campaign.