Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche in her Live Dialogue, Feb 12, 11.00 am EDT / 5pm CET. Send your questions to
In her concluding remarks after a discussion with international collaborators Monday Feb. 10th Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder of the Schiller Institute, emphasized that her late husband Lyndon LaRouche had the capacity to bring in a new idea which brought order to a seemingly very messy unfolding situation.
This relates to a very specific way of thinking, where a situation is approached from the top, not bottom up. This scientific way of thinking gives one the ability to look at the principles at play, not particular events that interact in so-called empty space.
In a speech at the Central Connecticut State University in May 2009, Lyndon LaRouche elaborated this point in regard to the Israel-Palestine crisis, the crisis can only be solved by looking at Israel and Palestine as part of world-historic dynamics over centuries. The implantation of the LaRouche Oasis Plan would and will change the whole geometry of Southwest Asia by uniting all involved for a common mission. The idea of mutual economic development can be applied to all crises spots that are victims of British geopolitics and those places that have been deindustrialized in the name of British Free Trade and saving the speculative bubble economy.
She concluded, “So I think we should proceed from the assumption we know how the world should look like, we need a new international security and development architecture, because nothing less will do, in order to avoid World War III. I think we should really go with great optimism into this next period, because a lot of people realize that things are no more going to be as they were, but they are absent of any positive conception of how the future should look, so I think we have a tremendous vacuum.”
Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche in her Live Dialogue, Feb 12, 11.00 am EDT / 5pm CET. Send your questions to