This is the first part of the LaRouche movement's "The Lost Chance of 1989" two-part documentary produced in 2008.
After JFK's assassination, the U.S. fell into increasing economic chaos. Lyndon LaRouche's historic interventions and policy proposals in the 1970s and 80s, including his forecast of the collapse of the Bretton Woods System, his proposals for an International Development Bank and a Strategic Defense Initiative (which led to the collapse of the Soviet Union), all created the opportunity for a world-wide economic and cultural renaissance following the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989.
The vicious persecution of LaRouche and his movement by a corrupt U.S. establishment around Henry A. Kissinger attempted to thwart that opportunity and, instead, maintain their policy of "post-industrialism" and looting of the Third World, all under the umbrella of Kissinger's insane nuclear weapons policy known as the MAD doctrine (Mutually Assured Destruction).