January 10, 2025--There can be no real economic recovery in the United States as long as the private Federal Reserve system continues to function as an open spigot to bail out trillions upon trillions of dollars of worthless speculative paper. Since the 2007 crash, Federal Reserve policy has not only supported a decade of economic stagnation and runaway inflation but, since late-2019, has also supported the U.S. Treasury in the greatest flood of debt, deficit and general government subsidy in the history of any nation.
Congress and the President must now act together to end this insanity. The Federal Reserve Bank should be nationalized and given a new, radically different charter, mandating it to cease functioning as a reserve bank for big banks, and, instead, become a credit institution for the nation’s capital budget which would stimulate capital goods exports for economic development.
This week's symposium features Executive Intelligence Review economics experts Paul Gallagher and Richard Freeman who will lay out precisely how this can be done, and how an actual economic renaissance can be created in the United States.