November 22, 2024-Today is the 61st anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. It is therefore appropriate to consider on this day what we will do for our nation, and what our nation will do for mankind, as Kennedy demanded of us in his first inaugural address.
We are lucky that President Donald Trump won the election by a wide margin, so that we are not embroiled in the contentious uncertainty of who will be leading the nation after January 20th. However, it is very unclear who is leading the nation now -- and the events of recent days, with more and more advanced missiles flying between Russia and Ukraine, it is hard to pretend that we are not in the midst of World War III, with the horrifying potential which that implies.
It would be immoral and also foolish to leave the battlefield at this moment, when so much is at stake, so I am pleased to announce that I am writing to you now as the incoming President of The LaRouche Organization.
As you know, or should know, I was privilged to work with Lyndon LaRouche for over 32 years, until he passed away in 2019, and I have continued my collaboration with his widow, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, who is a world leader in her own right.
Lyndon LaRouche was the greatest American patriot and statesman our nation has yet produced, and was the subject of a spectacular witch hunt which prevented him from becoming President of the United States as he should have been. That witch hunt was possible because "We the People" never demanded the truth about who killed President Kennedy.
This British-directed coup against the United States of America must end. It is my intention to build the LaRouche Organization into a powerful force on the American political scene. With your participation and support, we can not only avert thermonuclear war, but we can create demand for the policies which must be adopted by the United States, and particularly this incoming administration. Like any American citizen should, I want President-elect Donald Trump to succeed at making the world peaceful and prosperous, and restoring dignity and unity to our nation. This means taking on the toxic remnants of the British imperial system, which include the neocon swamp creatures, and the Zionist moneybags which fund them.
From now on, you will be hearing from me through "The LaRouche Organization." If you open that email, you will remain on my email list, so please look for it, and check your spam! (This will happen in the next couple days) If you no longer wish to be in contact, you don't need to do anything, or as always, there is an unsubscribe option at the bottom of the email. I am keeping my Facebook, X, Tiktok and Instagram accounts, but I will now also be appearing on TLO (The LaRouche Organization) social media platforms and I would like to invite and encourage you to follow me there. Finally, tonight's Symposium at 8:00 will be dedicated to this purpose. I will be joined by long-time LaRouche associate Paul Gallagher who is on the editorial board of Executive Intelligence Review, and who, like LaRouche was a political prisoner, targeted by the ADL, and sentenced, together with his wife, to over 30 years in prison of which they served seven years in separate prisons, before finally being released in the summer of 2000.
Paul, a poet and economics expert, will outline LaRouche's "Four Laws" economic program, which must urgently be adopted by the new administration if the United States is going to free itself from the economic depression/collapse it is now suffering. Join us at 8:00 pm.