Today is the anniversary of an event which proves the unexpected can happen:
on 3 October 1990, the "Unification Treaty" dissolved the German Democratic Republic (East Germany), reunifying Germany, peacefully bringing down the East German dictatorship. Though it has been imperfectly implemented, it shows that the will of the people, when motivated by a higher idea, can overcome dictatorship. The oligarchy, which divided Germany after World War II, intervened against the LaRouche plan, using wars, assassination and the jailing of LaRouche to stop it. Today, they are using war to keep nations divided, under the rule of a bankrupt empire. Learn from this example of the potential of 1989-90 -- mobilize with us to achieve peace based on an economic development architecture for mutual benefit.
Video of SI Conference, Oct. 2:
Weekly Dialogue with Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Oct. 3, 11 AM eastern time.
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Friday, Oct. 4: BRICS conference, Lima, Peru