Aug. 21, 2024 (EIRNS)—Lyndon LaRouche identified the British Empire as not only still alive—in an expanded Anglo-American form—but also the most potent force for evil on the planet.
Consider three examples of Anglo-American suicidal-homicidal insanity: one, a British push for ignoring Russia’s red lines on the theory that Russia would never use its nuclear arsenal, and the second, a call for Taiwan to “learn the lesson’s of Ukraine” by announcing that it is planning how to strike major Chinese infrastructure, causing 10 million deaths or more, and third, the revelation that the U.S. has pursued a nuclear policy based on taking on Russia, China, and North Korea simultaneously.
“British officials and experts think their European allies are too concerned about provoking Russian escalation. Despite increases in the military kit [equipment] supplied to Ukraine, security officials say there has been no sign of Russia even threatening to use tactical nuclear weapons—the nightmare scenario which would make the third world war threats credible,” reads a commentary in The Times of London.
“The Russians always spit fire and brimstone,” a defense source told the newspaper. “I can promise you they haven’t moved a muscle in the direction of nuclear use since the war began.”
The implication? Ignore Russia’s red lines, launch attacks directly upon its territory, destroy the nation.
Are the British really so mad as to think Russia would allow its dissolution as a country rather than deploy its nuclear deterrent? Are they hoping to provoke such a response in the hopes that it would unify the world (if any of it remains following a nuclear exchange) against Russia?
Leave it to another Anglo-American creep to suggest that Taiwan draw up plans to kill tens of millions of Chinese people. “Scholar Gordon Chang suggested that Taiwan could kill tens of millions of people by destroying Chinese dams,” American Enterprise Institute maniac Michael Rubin cheerfully writes. “Even voicing that scenario enhances Taiwan’s deterrence.”
But that’s not the only opportunity to kill Chinese people. “If China invades, the key to Taiwan’s defense will be a strong offense. Just as the Biden administration should never have sought to constrain the Ukraine fight to Ukraine itself, Taiwan should not artificially limit its retaliation geographically…. Taiwanese barrages from its island of Quemoy [Kinmen] to the Chinese city of Xiamen, just a couple kilometers away, could kill tens of thousands.”
Rubin cares as much for Taiwan as NATO cares about Ukraine—they are tools for attacking China and Russia.
The need “to deter Russia, the P.R.C. and North Korea simultaneously” is cited as the justification for the March 2024 adoption by the U.S. of a nuclear strategic plan that envisions potential conflicts with all three nations. (China has always adopted an absolute “no first use” policy of nuclear weapons.)
While there is much talk of the need for “defense” against nations foolishly considered enemies, who is defending the economy? Where is the defense of progress? The most recent figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics show that the rosy U.S. jobs reports of the last year were lies.
It is perhaps the terrifying future that these policies and outlooks presage, that is drawing forward more voices of sanity and new flanks toward the establishment of a new security and development paradigm. Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger have asked the UN Security Council to address Ukraine’s avowed support for terrorism in the Sahel region. An Italian military expert is the latest figure to publicly note the parallels between the Ukrainian attack on Kursk, and the Ardennes Offensive by the Nazis. Afghanistan, which has been deprived of recognition and its central bank assets, is making inroads on the world stage, with diplomatic successes with the U.A.E. and Uzbekistan.
But something much bigger is needed for the world—a sudden outbreak of newly created sanity among the countries of Anglo-American NATO. The Schiller Institute, LaRouche movement, and the International Peace Coalition are working to marshal the creative forces of leaders around the world devoted to ending the untenable system of attempted Anglo-American hegemony, to usher in a new renaissance of active peace, of profound economic development, and of cultural improvement.
Join the International Peace Coalition this Friday to be part of that force.