Aug. 19, 2024 (EIRNS)—The wheels are coming off the wagon of deception that is Global NATO’s failing “World War Three for Democracy” roadshow. With the Ukraine adventure having failed, in its intention to provoke the disintegration of Russia; with the failure of the very real and very purposeful assassination of Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump; with the now-unfolding failure of the Chicago “Democratic” Convention, which is selecting a candidate, Kamala Harris, who not only did not win a single delegate in 2024, but also did not win a single delegate in her 2020 Presidential race either; with the new multiple cover-stories, each more embarrassing than the next, appearing in various publications in Europe and the U.S. regarding the revisited Nord Stream 2 terrorist action all contradicting one other, but all clearly implicating “Ukraine” and “Zaluzhnyi/Zelenskyy”—wouldn’t you think that the “Grand Design” geniuses at the helm of this cluster-flop would wise up, and change direction?
The warning that “Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad,” is, unfortunately, not only true; it is also never heeded by those to whom it most aptly applies. The mini-intellects of the 21st century’s NATO-based trans-Atlantic oligarchy are victims of the “Scarface Syndrome”—“Never start consuming your own product.” When you think you are steering the Titanic, you don’t even register the need to change direction, until it’s too late, at best. What must be done, as Global NATO racks up failure after failure, is to assemble all good people within “the belly of the beast” of the trans-Atlantic failed states, to take back their governments. An Intercontinental Council of Reason, whether formal or improvised, must come into existence, that becomes, and provides, what the late U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark once called “a fertile engine of ideas”—a term he used to describe those various organizational ventures associated with Lyndon LaRouche.
The hopeful signs registered in the recent meetings of the International Peace Coalition, which have attracted representatives from 50 nations, and in the increasing support and initiative of either independent candidates for office, or new institutions emerging in the “Global South,” indicate the existence of a world outside of the “Flatland” of geopolitics. There is a tangible, if not material, complex domain of action, from within which apparent “miracles” can be accomplished by those who realize that it is their commitment to that higher domain’s “narrow path,”—just their individual talents or capabilities—that makes these miracles possible. The physical-economic solutions, including the successful development of thermonuclear fusion power, that were characteristic of the proposals of economist Lyndon LaRouche, including his 1975 Oasis Plan for the Middle East (which referenced “controlled thermonuclear reactions” as a central component), flow from that higher domain of new physical principles.
To avoid the impending thermonuclear war, we must think differently. There is a difference between thinking and acting poetically, and thinking and acting prosaically. On a call held last night by Independent U.S. Senate candidate for New York Diane Sare and Bronx Congressional candidate Jose Vega, Professor Norm Finkelstein pointed out that what is missing from all of the protest movements he has seen arise in the past decade is that “none of them have songs.” He contrasted this to Martin Luther King’s Southern Civil Rights movement, and the constant presence of singing, especially the Spirituals. He asked, “Name me what song there is that everyone associates with Black Lives Matter, or with Palestine, or with any other recent action. You can’t! I know, because I’ve been to out there for these gatherings.”
In the case of the 1989 movement that broke through the Berlin Wall, however, everyone “instinctively” knew what the musical/poetic inspiration—not the “theme song,” but the inspiration—that embodied that great moment was: Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony. Friedrich Schiller’s Ode To Joy poem, and the moral domain from which it proceeds, which Beethoven studied and thought about for thirty years before he set it to music in his great symphony, provides the aesthetic basis for a new Constitution for all of humanity. The Schiller Institute, and Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s “Ten Principles for a New International Strategic and Development Architecture,” both proceed from the same domain, and the realization that it takes only a few people, organized as a Council of Reason, to make the realm of the Beautiful, become the realm of the True. That is the secret of victory over the folly of our time.