Manhattan Project July 20, 2024
Did NATO’s International Assassination Bureau just unsuccessfully attempt to assassinate a former President of the United States? What about other assassination attempts, such as occurred in Slovakia in May? But more: Are we on the verge—or, indeed, in the midst—of the economic self-destruction, not only of this country, but the “NATO” trans-Atlantic system itself? If so, thermonuclear war will be the inevitable, even short-term result, if the citizens of the trans-Atlantic nations do not act now, not only through independent candidates, but through our own independent actions and initiatives, to change our nations’ directions well before the November elections.
Clearly, the International Assassination Bureau employed by the City of London and Wall Street is not operating on the American election cycle. A Council of Reason must now initiate a worldwide public discussion, and immediate actions to join together the world’s nations, including Russia and China, in the creation of a new security and development architecture that frees the world, not only war, but from bankers’ dictatorships and colonialism forever.
Speaker: Harley Schlanger