The sudden appearance in Moscow of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, the European Union’s acting chairman, immediately after his meetings with Volodomyr Zelensky in Ukraine, was a shock to the system of the “international war party.” It was met with denunciations, objections, howls, cackles, and a general “weeping and gnashing of teeth” in NATO-land.
Simultaneously, the “Declaration of Independence From Imminent Nuclear War: Begin Negotiations For Peace Now !”was published July 4 by the International Peace Coalition, initiated by veteran members of the intelligence, military, and diplomatic community in the United States and Europe, in defiance of NATO-land. It was a fitting day for its issuance.
The “secret government” oligarchy that now rules Western nations, including the United States, exposed by the Trump Biden debate debacle, is illegal. There is supposed to exist a functioning elected United States Presidency that is accountable to the American people. Who is now running the country? Some smugly assert, “Don’t you know? The President doesn’t run the country anyway.” But that doesn’t answer the question as to who is.
Ask another, even more troubling question: are the persons “actually” running the country, actually driving it headlong into thermonuclear war? China, Russia, the BRICS-Plus nations, the 54 nations of the African continent, and the sane “resistance factions’ in NATO-land, have another aspiration: “But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security.” How can a new international security and development architecture be declared, that will throw off the tyranny of oligarchical democratic rule, before the present-day “rule of lawlessness” results in thermonuclear World War Three?
Speakers: Mike Robinson, Bill Jones Time: 2 PM