June 23, 2024 (EIRNS)—At the conclusion of the weekly International Peace Coalition meeting No. 55 on Friday, June 21, Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche spoke about the importance of the Executive Intelligence Review and its Daily Alert. The publication EIR, founded just over 50 years ago, devoted to a method of inquiry and investigation practiced and promulgated by its founder, Schiller Institute co-founder, and economist and statesman Lyndon LaRouche LaRouche (1922-2019). Using his approach has enabled LaRouche and his associates to not only propose solutions, such as the LaRouche Oasis Plan, to problems others deem insoluble, but it has also provided a means to know and discover underlying processes which actually determine “what’s really going on,” and which others, including “pedigreed” professionals, “just can’t see.”