April 8—The British-American gambit to use NATO’s advance through Ukraine to demolish Russia and overthrow the Putin government, has been a monumental failure, as even the blind can see. A half-million Ukrainian lives later, what does the London-Washington axis propose to do? Double down on strategic stupidity, and now send NATO troops directly to Ukraine, and dance right up to the brink of thermonuclear war with Russia.
The Netanyahu government—with Washington and London’s full complicity—has engaged in genocide in Gaza with such chutzpah that it has earned them all a well-deserved place in the docket of a new Nuremberg Tribunal. Are they at last looking for a way to settle matters through negotiations? Don’t hold your breath.
Rather, the NATO war machine is aggressively expanding into the Pacific theater, a policy which will be pushed hard at this week’s summit meeting of President Biden with Japan’s Kishida and the Philippines’ Marcos—with some think-tankers even proposing that the U.S. go to war with China over the Second Thomas Shoal in the South China Sea! And NATO is also rapidly spreading its reach into the South Atlantic as well, with last week’s visit to Argentina by the head of the U.S. Southern Command, General Laura Richardson.
Why is this happening? Can we not learn from our mistakes?
“I think that the larger problem, larger than the specifics of Ukraine, NATO against Russia, danger of widening of the Middle East war, the larger issue is geopolitics,” Helga Zepp-LaRouche argued in a discussion with associates today. “Because even if one would find a solution to the Ukraine war and the Middle East war, as long as the West—meaning NATO, the U.S., EU, U.K.—as long as they are determined to keep the neoliberal unipolar dominance of the world, and regard emerging countries as enemies, and all the more so when they are allied with China, Russia and the BRICS in building a new system; as long as they regard that as the enemy, they will keep finding war scenarios.”
Zepp-LaRouche continued: “That is why only our approach (will work): first to demonstrate the concept of peace through development with the Oasis Plan, but then in a larger way to establish a new security and development architecture, where the principle of peace through development is applied to the whole world. Unless we accomplish that, I don’t think this present escalation to World War III will cease, simply because the scenarios and theaters may shift and change, but the overall oligarchical imperial control as a motivation will remain.”
Zepp-LaRouche then pointed to the importance of this week’s filing by Nicaragua before the International Court of Justice in The Hague, charging Germany with violating the Genocide Convention by sending large amounts of weapons to Israel—which itself has been ordered by the ICJ to cease its actions in Gaza which constitute a plausible case of genocide. “The fact that this took place is absolutely important,” Zepp-LaRouche stated. “No matter what the ruling elites may think, that they can just ignore it and reject it, you can be sure that the eyes of the Global South and the whole world will be on that situation.”
“It is the case of humanity which is on trial, and not just the plight of the Palestinians,” she concluded. “So let’s organize up a storm for the Oasis Plan conference on April 13, and let’s keep in mind that we need to get to a new paradigm altogether.”