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Livestream at 2pm EST/11am PST
Speakers: Ray McGovern and EIR's Richard Black
“Palestine's Jordan and the vast arid plains which in ancient times were watered by the Tigris and the Euphrates-the challenge of these new frontiers should stimulate us for many years to come."
— So said Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s vice president, Henry Wallace in 1945.
The creation of a Tennessee Valley Authority-like economic miracle in Palestine has yet to be carried out. in 1993, in the aftermath of the signing of the Oslo accords by Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat, Lyndon LaRouche, the economist and statesman, insisted that “you have to put shovels in the ground immediately “for trust to be established in that future for Southwest Asia. This was not done. Instead, Rabin was assassinated November 4, 1995. Now today, before the eyes of the world, in Gaza, the opposite– ethnic, cleansing, and total destruction– is being done.
The Beast-Man Cometh
Perhaps only Tony Blinken was surprised at Benjamin Netanyahu’s rapid and defiant response to Blinken’s Thursday evening televised speech in Israel, in which Blinken “urged immediate steps to hold settler extremists accountable for violence against Palestinians in the West Bank" and “made clear the imperative before any operations go forward in southern Gaza (that) there'll be a clear plan in place that puts a premium on protecting civilians,” in his own words. Twelve hours later, Netanyahu made clear exactly what he thought of Blinken’s words, with his resumption of the bombing and mass murder of Palestinian civilians, including in areas in the south, to which they had been directed to flee to seek safety by the Israeli Defense Forces.
The LaRouche “Oasis Plan” for the economic development of Southwest Asia must be immediately put in place to provide a way ahead for both Israelis and the Palestinians, and an economic framework to engage the world in both immediate and long-term reconstruction, in the spirit of Henry Wallace and FDR.