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Now that the International Peace Coalition has conducted its successful international mass intervention, called Humanity for Peace, on the occasion of the August 6, 78th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, the transatlantic sector is poised to positively respond to what will transpire at the upcoming August 22 to 24th meeting of the BRICS countries – Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. This year’s meeting will be visited by scores of Nations in Africa, and the matter of a new, just, international economic order to finally ending the pernicious legacy of colonialism once and for all, will be front and center.
How will the United States and Europe choose to respond? Clearly the unipolar, Project Democracy practices of the past 40+ years have become obsolete. No military adventure, no matter how well financed, can, in fact, restore, the “mantle of heaven lost by the transatlantic sector because of its Malthusian anti-population, economic, cultural, and social policies.
It is time for the new security and development architecture designed by Helga Zepp LaRouche, to become the central topic of discussion in every nation of the transatlantic world. This is our immediate task.
Today, speakers, including Cliff Kiracofe will address this matter.
Join us to discuss what YOU can do to mobilize.