June 3—Even as the threat of war increases, as seen in NATO’s scramble to offer Ukraine membership in all but name at its July summit in Vilnius, future-oriented leadership holds the key to creating a new path, and avoiding what were otherwise inevitable.
Secretary of State Blinken was in Helsinki, Finland on Friday to celebrate that nation’s abandonment of neutrality in favor of NATO membership. In his nasty and delusional speech “Russia’s Strategic Failure and Ukraine’s Secure Future,” the delusional Blinken declared that Putin’s “war of aggression” has been “a strategic failure, greatly diminishing Russia’s power, its interests, and its influence for years to come.” (What would submitting to a unipolar Anglo-American world have done to Russia’s interests, Mr. Blinken?) "And our support for Ukraine hasn’t weakened our capabilities to meet potential threats from China or anywhere else — it’s strengthened them.
President Macron, who had shown some independence, said this week that Europe has to be prepared for years of warfare, for a prolonged fight. The language of “long war” is growing.
President Zelensky demands full NATO membership, with the protection of Article 5, and threatens not to attend the Vilnius summit without concrete guarantees.
Scott Ritter put forward a more detailed understanding of the dynamics driving the conflict, when he responded to an interview question about whether the U.S. supported the drone attacks on Russian civilians. “My belief is that the U.S government did not consent to this attack,” the former Marine responded. “The British government may have, however. The British are far more nefarious in terms of the scope and scale of their support to the Ukrainian intelligence services. It’s widely believed with good reason that British intelligence was behind the terrorist attack on the Kerch Bridge—the bomb that collapsed a span—that they were behind various attacks on Russian shipping, and that they have played a role in facilitating Ukrainian drone attacks against Russian targets including targets in Moscow.”
The LaRouche movement’s leadership to chart a new course was demonstrated on Saturday through the powerful event organized by U.S. Senate candidate Diane Sare. Her event, “Time to End the Corporate Dictatorship” brought together dozens of supporters, activists, and community leaders.
See the event on Sare’s rumble page, and build for the June 10 Schiller Institute event “The World Needs JFK’s Vision of Peace!”