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Saturday’s discussion is the second part of the two-part symposium, “Truth Or War,” which began with the Thursday night LaRouche Organization Fireside Chat. Today’s discussion will feature presentations by Harley Schlanger and former CIA official Ray Mcgovern, who look forward to engaging with you in a discussion on the historic tasks before us.
In a wide-ranging May 13 interview conducted by Russell Brand, Robert F Kennedy Jr. said,
“I was here in 1962 when the Russians put nuclear missile sites in Cuba, and we were ready to invade, even though we didn't even know that they were armed at that point. And if Mexico did that, we’d be there in a second!…. The Russians have been invaded three times through Ukraine. The last time they were invaded during World War II, they were invaded through Ukraine. One out of every seven Russians was killed–13% of the population. Russia was leveled. My uncle, in 1963, gave his most important speech: the American University speech. In that speech, he tried to do what I'm doing right now.
“It was a speech to the American people, and he said, ‘You gotta put yourself in the shoes of the Russians and understand how they have a worldview. You have to put yourself in the shoes of your adversary,” and he went through this history of the suffering that Russia had endured during World War II, explaining why they would want to have a legitimate claim to protect its borders."
Much organizing needs to be done in the three weeks leading up to commemorations of Kennedy’s June 10 American University Speech, as well as the Televised Address to the nation on Civil right given the next day. There was a time in which the American presidential system actually functioned. Returning to that time doesn’t require nostalgia, but an appeal to citizens all over the world to take back their governments. Doing so requires a commitment to truth rather than to war.
What mindset must a population acquire to conduct a peaceful, yet effective revolution in a nation’s behavior? Join us to discuss this, with speakers Harley Schlanger and Ray McGovern.