As humanity has been put on the brink of a civilization-ending nuclear war, largely through the machinations of the British and their fellow travelers in the USA, any sensible person would be asking the question: How did we get here, and how do we turn instead toward durable survival? This report from The LaRouche Organization will attempt to answer those two critical questions. As we go to press, the Global NATO apparatus has brought the world to the brink of thermonuclear war. On January 20, the Ukraine Defense Contact Group met at Ramstein Air Base in Germany, to discuss how to advance their plans for waging a two-front war against Russia and China. Following a visit to Ukraine by none other than former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Germany has announced it will move in lockstep with the USA and Britain to send tanks to Ukraine, thus further escalating the potential of nuclear war. When was the last time German tanks were in Ukraine? How did that work out? Further, in a reversal of policy since its defeat in World War II as a fascist nation, Japan will now effectively join NATO. Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio told an audience at Johns Hopkins University that Japan’s SelfDefense Forces will be converted from a shield into a spear, to help NATO contain both Russia and China. One would think that the “West” has gone collectively insane. How has a global elite so entirely uprooted the American tradition of peaceful cooperation with other nations on the planet? In an interview with weekly newspaper Argumenty i Fakty on January 10, Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolay Patrushev charged that, at this point, the American state is only a “cover for a conglomerate of huge corporations that rule the country and try to dominate the world,” and that “all four assassinations of American leaders are tied to a corporate trail.” He added that these transnational corporations treat even U.S. Presidents as “mere figureheads that can be silenced, as it happened with [Donald] Trump.” How does humanity avert impending doom? It is striking, to anyone who dares think about it, that any world figure, including emphatically, any American president, who intends to pursue a policy of peace and development, comes under immediate attack in various ways. Media attacks and slanders, coups and color revolutions, legal assaults and assassinations are the tools of the trade of an international assassination bureau, that seeks to strike terror into populations and demoralize them into accepting the dictates of an unelected body of AngloAmerican oligarchs who make and brutally impose their “rules-based order” on the globe. We must focus our efforts to expose and destroy this apparatus now, thus freeing the United States and the world from its grip.