Schiller Institute’s Bob Baker Addresses Huge Demo of Dutch Farmers at The Hague
By Marcia Merry Baker
Feb. 11—A huge rally of some 25,000 farmers, fishermen and the general public took place today at The Hague organized by the Dutch Farmers Defense Force (FDF) and Together for the Netherlands (SvNL).The focus was to stop the government’s shutdown of farming and food production, and denounce the fraud of the green lies that agriculture is killing the planet with nitrogen emissions and human activity.
The mayor forbade farmers to stage their protest with machinery, restricting them to just two tractors, after they spoke of bringing out 5,000. He threatened military intervention if they disobeyed. The spirited event went on for nearly five hours in a beautiful park, with two tractors rolling around the dense crowd, waving flags and banners of all kinds and places, listening to speakers and music.
The only two foreign speakers and supporters who spoke were Canadian truckers and Bob Baker, point man for U.S. farm belt organizing for the international Schiller Institute. They addressed the crowd back-to-back, and after the truckers stressed “freedom”—leading a chant repeating “freedom,” Baker’s presentation raised the point that people are starving internationally, and we must defeat the green fraud and stop the evil networks deliberately causing “energy poverty, food poverty and life poverty.” He said this is genocide. He denounced the “financial nexus of the City of London, Wall Street and Amsterdam” (a European center for speculative markets), which got a burst of applause. He denounced the way we are told to blame Russia and China.
Baker gave greetings from U.S. farm groups, and called for linking up with farmers everywhere—from India, to Africa, the Americas and Asia. He gave a short report on the green insanity in the U.S., where wolf packs have been reintroduced in the West, killing livestock; and land is being banned from agriculture, to meet the goal of 30% of U.S. land out of economic use by 2030. Expressing being honored to speak to the crowd, he said that Dutch farmers are on the front lines for humanity. There are millions now on the streets in Europe. Baker reported being at the Washington rally last month. He told the huge gathering, “We stand with you, side by side…We’ll get the tractors rolling in the U.S.”
Over the past six months there has been aggressive Schiller Institute Facebook organizing, reaching thousands of Dutch and Flemish farmers with truth vs. the lies of the WEF/NATO/EU/Green (Raw) Deal jackals.
There is a modern day “revolt of the Netherlands” underway, explicitly against the inhuman policies of the current Hague/Brussels government and the EU/NATO, which will inexorably lead, unless aggressively opposed, to the total destruction of Dutch agriculture, the most productive in the world.
In brief, the governments of the EU use the alleged harm coming from the release of nitrogen compounds from animal manure and fertilizer, and the excuse of actually non-significant climate change, to concoct the poisonous litany you hear everywhere in the West: turn off your AC for climate, sell your farm animals for climate, choose euthanasia for climate, freeze for climate, don’t use fertilizers and pesticides for climate, take group showers for climate (but don’t look at what’s coming out of the shower-head), hold your breath for climate, eat crickets for climate.
The size of the crowd—with thousands of non-farmers—shows that people are seeing through the transparent lies, with the help of prominent, outspoken scientists, like the chemist/toxicologist Jaap Hanekamp.