Even as they heap self-congratulatory praise on the U.S., the U.K. and NATO for their staunch defense of "liberal democracy", spokesmen for the City of London think tanks acknowledge profound concern that the Global South is not submitting to their global order. The European CFR, Chatham House and the {Economist} magazine all express fear that the revival of "liberal" imperialism will be short-lived. Help us win the battle against the oligarchical hypocrites: Join our event today on the destruction of the North Sea Pipelines; watch our event yesterday on lifting the killer sanctions against Syria; and laugh with us about the bumbling adventures of Super-Hero Joe, as told in the singing of a new classic:
Zoom event on Nord Sea Pipelines, Feb. 23
Zoom Event on Lifting Syrian Sanctions, Feb. 21 (archive)
"Heard it through the Grapevine"