Feb. 18—The Washington, D.C. demonstration Sunday, Feb. 19—“Rage Against the War Machine”—organized by many co-sponsors from all points on the spectrum, has gathered momentum, which is evident not simply in the expected multi-state attendance, but in the attention across the U.S. and internationally, to act to stop the Global NATO confrontationist push, now at the point of threatening nuclear conflagration. From the speakers, to the crowds, people are responding, based on a common understanding of the threat and urgency. There are extreme differences among those mobilizing, but all share the view that stopping nuclear war is incontestably the priority.
In the United States today, there was a sister rally in Los Angeles. On the sidewalks of S. Figueroa Street, demonstrators held up banners, including “Stop This Proxy War Now; Stop Pumping Money to Corrupt Ukraine,” and “Stop Syria Sanctions.”
Also on Sunday, Feb. 19, there will be a sister rally in Mexico City to the Washington, D.C. event. A symbol of their unity of purpose is that the Washington rally (at 12:30 p.m. EST) starts at the Abraham Lincoln Memorial. The Mexico City rally (at 1 p.m. EST) is at the statue of Benito Juarez, the great Mexican President (1858-1872), and friend of Lincoln and the United States against oligarchy and colonialism. The notice of this rally was posted nationally on the website of the Journalists’ Club of Mexico, that on Dec. 7, 2022 gave its “Freedom of Expression” international award to Helga Zepp-LaRouche and the Schiller Institute.
Among the other Sunday rallies in the U.S., are those in Tucson, Arizona; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Bath, Maine; Omaha, Nebraska; San Francisco, Fresno and Santa Cruz, California; Denver, Colorado; Seattle and Tacoma, Washington; Minneapolis, Minnesota; Montpelier, Vermont; and Hilo, Hawaii.
The rally in Munich, Germany today, under the banner of “The Peace Movement Is Back!” is a singular event. It was initially called and timed for a special focus to protest the annual meeting of the Munich Security Conference (Feb. 17-19) which, whatever the conference may have been in the past, over its 60 year history, this year it was used as a war-hawk platform, not a security dialogue. U.S. representatives Vice President Kamala Harris and Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced to the world that Russia must be prosecuted for crimes against humanity; the conference premises featured an exhibit of ghoulish photos of these purported crimes.
The “Peace Movement” organizers expected some 2,000 people to conduct a march around Munich city today, denouncing the Munich Security Conference war drive, and demanding that negotiations start for peace, and arms to Ukraine stop. Instead, a preliminary tally shows that over 10,000 demonstrators showed up, with many cities represented from all around Germany. The speakers’ platform had at least one strong presentation on economic conditions that must come into being, as part of stopping the war madness. Karl Krökel, leader of the Master Craftsmen for Peace, based in Dessau, called for the end of sanctions, restoration of energy relations with Russia, and other economic policies.
It is noteworthy that China’s representative, State Councillor Wang Yi, Director of the Office of Foreign Affairs of the CPC, said in his speech today to the Munich Security Conference that China will soon release specifics of its proposed outline for negotiations over Ukraine. His address stands in complete distinction and opposition to the war cries from Washington, London and Brussels.
The crossfire effect of the anti-war rallies, dialogue and special initiatives is spreading courage and power. The moderator at the Munich rally at one point, reported to everyone—in both English and German—about the Feb. 19 Washington demonstration, and sent greetings from Bavaria. Despite the intense news control by the MICIMATT (military-industrial congressional intelligence media academia think tank complex) the blackout is not holding in the trans-Atlantic. On Fox News on Feb. 17, host Tucker Carlson, had a guest interview with writer Tara Reade, and they both plugged the Feb. 19 Washington rally, giving the time, place and names of some of the speakers. Reade, author of the book, Left Out, said that there must be “no more endless war.” The U.S. has pivoted “from Afghanistan to Ukraine.” Calling for abolishing NATO, she warned we are “closer to the brink of World War III” than ever before, but “If lies can start a war, then truth can bring peace.”
Next weekend, there are at least 100 rallies in Germany, and another 100 in France, the U.K., and elsewhere. In the U.S., upcoming public events include a rally in Austin, Texas Feb. 23.
The Schiller Institute is providing the critical element in this ferment, which is ideas for solutions for a new economic and security architecture. This is addressed by the statement released by the Schiller Institute Feb. 16, by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, for international action, and not just rallies, but also the widest circulation among all layers in every nation, for study, teaching, government policy action, etc. It is titled, “The Age of Reason or the Annihilation of Humanity?”
On Feb. 21, there will be an international Schiller Institute online conference, “Syrian Sanctions Must Be Lifted!”
On Feb. 23 will be another Schiller Institute online conference titled, “Investigate Nord Stream Revelations: Stop Nuclear World War III!”
Yesterday at the UN in New York City, the Russian delegation announced it has a draft text for the UN to establish an independent investigation to determine who is responsible for the Nord Stream pipeline explosions. It will be raised for a vote this coming week.
Join the rally “process.” Give thought to the dialogue document issued in November 2022 by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, “Ten Principles of a New International Security and Development Architecture.” Take action.