Feb. 4—The February 4 international Schiller Institute conference (online)—“the Age of Reason or the Annihilation of Humanity?”—opened with moderator Dennis Speed making brief remarks in which he noted that February 2nd was the 80th anniversary of Russia’s victory over Nazism at Stalingrad, which was the largest battle in world history. His introduction was followed by a video presentation of a 1997 speech by Lyndon LaRouche in which he presented the reasoning behind his proposal for a new doctrine to be jointly shared by the U.S. and Soviet Union for Mutually Assured Survival based on new physical principles, which was initially adopted by U.S. President Ronald Reagan. Because LaRouche’s proposal was rejected in 1983 by the Soviet leadership, and undermined by the Anglophile faction in the U.S., the danger of nuclear war persists, and as one speaker at the February 4th conference noted, is now at an all-time high. Numerous speakers reminded the viewers that the Doomsday Clock of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists now reads 90 seconds to midnight.