During the Sunday, Jan. 8 Policy Discussion hosted by Independent United States candidate Diane Sare, and featuring Helga Zepp-LaRouche, weapons analyst Scott Ritter, Col. Richard Black (ret.) and nuclear weapons expert Steve Starr, the necessary dialogue about whether the “idea” of the Ten Principles for a new international Security and Development Architecture proposed by LaRouche could in fact change the “reality” of the geopolitical (i.e., Malthusian) situation came sharply into focus. Importantly, Scott Ritter, after his presentation/report on the state of the conflict, seemed to refute the idea that the Vatican initiative for a “pre-conditions-free” conference to stop the war in Ukraine could ever possibly work, strongly pleaded, and even insisted, to be “proven wrong.” Zepp-LaRouche heartily agreed that she would do everything in her power to oblige.