Nov. 27—As the British encourage Ukrainian President Zelenskyy to continue sending soldiers to their deaths in order to achieve some sort of pressure against Russia, the physical and strategic reality of the bankruptcy of the U.S.-U.K.-NATO “rules-based order” asserts itself in new ways.
The Trilateral Commission was created in 1973 as a U.S.-Europe-Japan institution, but participants at its Nov. 19-20 Tokyo meeting expressed frustration with the anti-China policies of the U.S. and European nations. They even allowed some members of the press to attend the entire event, in order to make sure the message was heard. If Southeast Asian countries are forced to choose between the U.S. and China, they will overwhelmingly choose China, explained one participant. But the best success is to prevent forcing the choice in the first place!
In Taiwan, current President Tsai Ing-wen has resigned as head of the Democratic Progressive Party after her party suffered major losses in local elections. The opposition KMT won 13 of the 21 major seats up for election, against the DPP’s 5. The DPP has pushed for Taiwan independence, including through invitations to U.S. House Speaker Pelosi and many other U.S. officials, drawing an angry response from the mainland. Although local elections do not reflect national priorities as strongly as in the U.S. (the DPP similarly lost big in 2018, before Tsai’s re-election with a huge DPP win in 2020), the strengthened position of the KMT may help calm the situation somewhat. For example, the Mayor-elect of Taiwan’s capital Taipei, Chiang Wan-an, a great-grandson of Chiang Kai-shek, is much more reunification-minded.
An opportunity for Americans to better understand the enduring pernicious influence of the British Empire arose in the registration by Nina “Scary Poppins” Jankowicz as an agent of a foreign power, to wit, the United Kingdom, and its Centre for Information Resilience. America’s would-be disinformation czar is revealed as a direct servant for a cutout for the British Foreign Office!
As Ukrainian First Lady Olena Zelenska insists that Ukrainians are ready to freeze and starve in order to achieve the lofty goal of becoming part of that great boon to humanity known as the EU, NATO countries are running out of weapons to send!
Former Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Fein has called for the U.S. to withdraw from NATO. Several returning and incoming GOP House members have stated their opposition to further funding of the war. And soaring inflation continues to drive normal people in NATO nations to want to prioritize development over anti-Russian warfare.
Will a new paradigm be established on this planet? Or will the British succeed in sparking a deadly nuclear game of chicken? The answer lies not in our stars, but in ourselves.