Oct. 7—EIR News Service and the Schiller Institute hosted a powerful media availability yesterday, titled, “We Will Not Be Silenced! Speaking Truth in Times of War,” circulating on many platforms, where individuals on the Ukraine hit list, and others, spoke out against the Global NATO networks behind it. At one point, Col. Richard Black (ret.) stated, “The one thing that all of humanity has in common is the need to have a voice.”
That imperative was answered resoundingly today by participants in a second Schiller Institute international online seminar, “Stop the War Before It Is Too Late; Eliminate the Causes of the War Danger.” The spirit of the presentations, centered on those who have served in national legislatures in Latin America and the Caribbean, is that we will act immediately to sound the call worldwide for a new paradigm for humanity.
Speakers from six nations participated: Mexico, Colombia, Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago, along with Diane Sare, Independent candidate for U.S. Senate from New York, and Helga-Zepp LaRouche from Germany, founder of the Schiller Institute.
Zepp-LaRouche emphasized two points at the beginning and end of the dialogue: 1) geopolitics must be ended; 2) we must discuss and implement a new security and development architecture based on a shared future for all humanity. “We must become a chorus of voices.”
Each speaker, offering unique observations, addressed the question of what action to take to make this happen. One posed the idea of furthering “strategic associations.” Another spoke in terms of a “new diplomacy mechanism.”
Panel Moderator Dennis Small, EIR Ibero-American Editor, identified the consensus that developed for what to do next: There will be the issuance of an international statement, and another conference within a few weeks, with representatives from many other countries and continents. Thus today’s forum is an initiating event for very definite, expanding action.
This momentum should be seen in the context of related, rapid shifts in opposition to geopolitics, and in convergence with other initiatives for the good of mankind. Of special note in that regard, is that today, when President Vladimir Putin celebrated his 70th birthday, he met in person in St. Petersburg with heads of state of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), from Kazakhstan, through Uzbekistan to both Armenia and Azerbaijan, and Belarus, for informal talks, before their formal CIS summit in Nur-Sultan on Oct. 12-14. At that time also, there will be a conference of the Central Asia-Russia group, and Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA). These networks are involved in cooperation and initiatives to benefit all Eurasia.
At the same time, the geopolitical hold on nations and institutions is breaking down, partly of its own evil nature. In Geneva yesterday, at the meeting of the UN Human Rights Council, the intended Global NATO scenario flopped, to have a resolution passed against China, which called for a “debate” over fraudulent charges of human rights violations in Xinjiang. The resolution to that effect was defeated by 19 to 17. Among 11 countries abstaining—refusing to participate in the vote—was India.
Likewise, the Global NATO scenario fizzled at the Organization of American States (OAS) Summit in Lima, Peru this week. When the vote was taken on a resolution against Russia over Ukraine, it passed, but glaringly without the approval of the major nations of Mexico, Brazil and Argentina, and a half-dozen others. This happened despite U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken being on the scene to goad everyone about “democracy.” A pre-recorded video-message from Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy was shown, implying that if nations didn’t support Ukraine “democracy” by opposing Russia, they deserved to be sanctioned. He specifically threatened that nations must denounce Russia in the upcoming vote in the UN General Assembly, which starts an emergency session on Monday Oct. 10.
But the biggest challenge we have, stressed by both Helga Zepp-LaRouche and candidate Diane Sare, is so little time. “We have to move fast … the window of opportunity is not yet closed,” Zepp-LaRouche said today.
The extreme danger of demented personalities in power, and failed institutions in the nuclear age couldn’t be more acute. Yesterday there were three dramatic instances of the deranged mindset of discussing how to anticipate or accommodate to a nuclear war danger, and do nothing at all to stop it. Or even act to trigger it. Zelenskyy addressed (by video) an Australian audience, calling for “preventive” action against Russia’s likelihood of nuclear attack. President Biden, speaking at a Democratic Party event in New York, held forth about the danger of “Armageddon,” with no indication how to avert it. The European Parliament voted up a resolution, which asserted that, since Russia may conduct a nuclear attack on Ukraine, Europe should make “decisive” disposition to be “in readiness.”
In opposition to this madness, even an editor of mainstream Newsweek today came out with some sense. Opinion Editor Josh Hammer wrote, under the headline, “The U.S. Needs To Change Course Right Now in Ukraine,” that the U.S. “ruling class” is “out of touch,” “sordid” and “war-hungry.” What should happen is that, “The Biden administration, if it had any common sense, would use any and all leverage to get Zelenskyy and Putin to the negotiating table as soon as possible, thus unequivocally taking the threat of nuclear catastrophe off the table….”
The initiative coming out of today’s latest Schiller Institute event, and the Oct. 6 event, signifies the way out of danger and the way forward for humanity. This is the time to enlist and spread the mobilization.
The next major Schiller Institute (online) international conference:
International Conference, October 15, 2022: Build the New Paradigm; Defeat Green Fascism