We are at a point of great danger as the warnings by Russian Pres. Vladimir Putin’s in his Sept. 21 call-up of expanded troops, are going unheeded by the NATO bloc. Meantime, the economic breakdown is proceeding rapidly, as shown in millions thrown into poverty and hunger internationally, while in Europe, a mass wave of strikes and protests gathers force.
We discussed the latest in these situations and what we must do during this week’s Fireside Chat, with Moderator Lynne Speed. Guests included a Farmbelt team, reporting on the agriculture crisis, and the green insanity of the proposed multi-state CO2 pipeline.
Participants were Ron Wieczorek (South Dakota,) Andy Olsen (Minnesota,) and Tom Holthaus (Kansas), as well as Bob Baker, The LaRouche Organization; and EIR Editorial Board member Marcia Merry Baker.