Aug. 27—Rapid, decisive international action is required to force the closure of the Center for Countering Disinformation (CCD), which operates under and answers to Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council. A blacklist issued by the CCD July 14, 2022, naming more than 70 leading journalists, academics, politicians, military, and other professionals from 22 countries, as “Kremlin propagandists,” is a hitlist, posing a grave threat to the personal security of those named therein.

A photo from the Myrotvorets hitlist of Russian journalist Darya Dugina, overprinted with the word “Liquidated.” She was blown up Aug. 21 by a car bomb near Moscow, reportedly placed by a Ukrainian assassin.
Executive Intelligence Review has now confirmed that at least four of those fingered by the CCD are included in the list of “criminals to be eliminated” published by the avowedly fascist “Myrotvorets” gang in Ukraine: Schiller Institute founder and leader Helga Zepp-LaRouche; Schiller Institute spokesman Harley Schlanger; former CIA officer and active anti-war activist Ray McGovern, the co-founder of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS), who has participated in many Schiller Institute conferences; and former U.S. Congresswoman and Democratic presidential pre-candidate Tulsi Gabbard. The Myrotvorets list is reported to have accumulated nearly 200,000 names since it was started in 2014 and, given the difficulties in using its search engine, others from the CCD blacklist may also be on the Myrotvorets hitlist.
Myrotvorets (“Peacemaker”)—whose bloody assassination record is well-known internationally (see EIR’s exposé and the accompanying article in this issue of EIR)—cites the CCD fingering of three of the four (Zepp-LaRouche, Schlanger, and Gabbard) as the justification for putting out the hit order on them. In short, they make it clear that the CCD is one of the “sources” that does the fingering, and Myrotvorets then orders the hit. Many of the 70-plus people on the CCD’s July 14 compendium had already been individually listed, i.e., fingered, months earlier by the CCD. Each of the four named above (Zepp-LaRouche, Schlanger, McGovern, and Gabbard) then appeared on the Myrotvorets list no later than June 1, 2022.
Russian journalist Darya Dugina—the daughter of controversial Eurasianist philosopher and political figure Aleksandr Dugin—who was assassinated Aug. 20, was on Myrotvorets’ hitlist. Russia’s Ambassador to the United Nations, Vasily Nebenzia, told the UN Security Council on Aug. 23 that Russia’s “competent authorities” have identified the “perpetrator affiliated with the nationalist battalion ‘Azov’,” and held up a picture of Dugina “from the infamous Peacemaker website” (Myrotvorets), which, he said, “openly flaunts her murder—as you can see, Darya’s photo is overprinted with the inscription ‘liquidated’.”