In the Spirit of the Non-Aligned Movement
The spirit of the Non-Aligned Movement, now energized and oriented around the self-conscious strategic designs of a modern Gottfried Leibniz such as Lyndon LaRouche, is the actual “game-changer.” As Sergey Glazyev, of the Eurasian Economic Union, alluded to it, in his commemoration of the 100th birthday of Lyndon LaRouche, LaRouche’s genius, and unrelenting courage, looked the actual problems in the eye, summoned up the intellectual strength and vision to fashion solutions appropriate to the depth of the problem—and an outbreak of thinkers and leaders, having studied such solutions, are emboldened to fight for them. A real new world economic design—if not now, then when?
Join Harley Schlanger, Mike Robinson and Kirk Wiebe today at 2pm EDT, 11am PT to discuss!