Defend the Right to Deliberate! Speak Out Against Blacklists & the Suppression of the Search for Truth
Speakers include: 00:00 Harley Schlanger — Introduction
05:41 Diane Sare (U.S.), Candidate for United States Senate, 2022 (N.Y.), LaRouche Party
21:33 Gretchen Small (U.S.), Executive Intelligence Review
34:48 Col. Richard H. Black (ret.) (U.S.), former head of the U.S. Army’s Criminal Law Division at the Pentagon, former Virginia State Senator
46:59 George Koo, Retired Business Consultant; Chairman, Burlingame Foundation
50:13 James Jatras (U.S.), former diplomat, former Advisor, U.S. Senate Republican Leadership
54:17 David T. Pyne (U.S.), Deputy Director of National Operations for the EMP Task Force on National and Homeland Security
1:05:01 Igor Lopatonok (U.S.), Director and Author of documentary Ukraine on Fire
1:16:14 Bradley Blankenship (U.S.), Journalist
1:22:19 Discussion / Q&A